Retreat around Model Outputs
The ORCHIDEE retreat took place in Jussieu (Darcy room) from 19th (whole day) to 20th (morning) of November.
Objectives : Put everyone in a collective effort to facilitate the use of ORCHIDEE for the users. Clean, standardize and correct all output variables of the model and prepare the xml file to be used with XIOS (replacement of IOIPSL for the output). Also discuss scientifically the current trunk simulation and model evaluation.
Detailed objectives, Guidelines and Summarry of Actions
- Initial objectives described here: detailed objectives
- More information on XIOS are found under:
- The main objective was to create a table for all outputs containing suggested changes Array of Outputs (field id, variable name, unit, ...) to meet the GUIDELINES described in next point
- Guidelines to follow in order to standardize the ouputs XIOS Guidelines
- Working groups to prepare the work for the retreat Working Groups
- SUMMARY OF THE RETREAT: working groups and actions Retreat20151119/Summary_retreat_2015
Agenda and Presentations (technical and scientific)
Thursday 19th November
- 9h00-9h15 General introduction
- about the objectives of the retreat by P. Peylin introduction
- about XIOS by J. Ghattas xios_short, same information as in Documentation/UserGuide/XIOSinConfig and Documentation/UserGuide/XIOSaddVar
- 9h15-10h45 Collective review of the outputs
- 10h45-11h00 Coffee break
- 11h00-12h30 Collective review of the outputs
- 12h30-13h30 Lunch with meal trays in Darcy room
- 13h30-15h00 Scientific session. Focus on Energy and Water by F. Cheruy/C. Ottlé and A. Ducharne/M. Guimberteau
- F. Cheruy on the coupled LMDz-ORC results Coupled simulations
- P. Peylin on the change of the Albedo in ORC Albedo
- N. Vuichard on Bare Soil Evaporation pres_bare_soil_evaporation.pdf
- M. Guimberteau on Mississipi river flow mississippi_retraite.pdf
- M. Guimberteau on all rivers flow debits_retraite.pdf
- C. Ottle on Siberia hydrology Hydrol_Siberia.pdf
- Collective overview of the outputs of the reference global simulations of the last version of the Trunk.
- 15h00-16h00 Collective review of the outputs
- 16h00-16h15 Coffee break
- 16h15-17h15 Collective review of the outputsReferenceSimulations/3013
- 17h30-18h00 F. Maignan: Using Doxygen for the documentation + Review of current datasets available for standard model evaluation Evaluation dataset
Friday 20th November
- 9h00-11h00 Collective review of the outputs
- 11h00-11h15 Coffee break
- 11h15-12h00 Scientific session; Focus on Carbon
- P. Peylin: presentation of possible tool to view online and compare model outputs from different simulations and observations (name=transcom ; password=transcom2014)
- N. Vuichard: presentation of a tool based on the MONITORING and ATLAS to compare several simulations ReferenceSimulations/3013
- B. Guenet: Soil Carbon evaluation soil Carbon
- P. Peylin: Introduction to possible cleaning of the code and new tiling (to be further discussed):cleaning & futur tiling
- 13h00-... Lunch at the restaurant “L'Ardoise” at Jussieu
Last modified 4 months ago
Last modified on 2024-10-15T15:17:22+02:00
Attachments (11)
- retreat_cleaning_tiles.pdf (2.5 MB) - added by peylin 9 years ago.
- bilan C.pdf (460.6 KB) - added by peylin 9 years ago.
- Albedo.pdf (782.7 KB) - added by peylin 9 years ago.
- retraite_cheruy.2015.pdf (1.0 MB) - added by peylin 9 years ago.
- pres_bare_soil_evaporation.pdf (1.3 MB) - added by peylin 9 years ago.
- mississippi_retraite.pdf (5.0 MB) - added by peylin 9 years ago.
- EvaluationDatasets_151118.2.pdf (217.4 KB) - added by peylin 9 years ago.
- Hydrol_Siberia.pdf (2.0 MB) - added by peylin 9 years ago.
- intro_retraite.pdf (71.7 KB) - added by peylin 9 years ago.
- debits_retraite.pdf (910.3 KB) - added by peylin 9 years ago.
- xios_short_retrait_Ghattas_nov2015.pdf (184.5 KB) - added by jgipsl 9 years ago.