


The scientific core team consists of permanent people from several laboratories. The orchidee core team has regular meeting (every two months) to discuss major orientations of the model development: these are called orchidee-projet meetings. Reports on these meetings are available on this page Reports ORCHIDEE project (private access, login to the wiki using your login forge). To contact the core developing team, please write to


These meetings take place every 2 months; they consist in a presentation of a specific subject, followed by discussions and questions. The subjects concern the development of a recent feature in ORCHIDEE that has been implemented in the main version or a new development not yet implemented. These meetings are always at Jussieu with possibility to connect by video conference. Reports on theses meetings are available on this page Reports ORCHIDEE Developer. Note that all user's are welcome to attend.

ORCHIDEE weekly meetings

Every Tuesday, permanent and some non-permanent people involved in the development of ORCHIDEE model meet in order to report on their work, to agree on common decisions and to reply to users requests sent through the mailing list. Read here the Reports from the weekly meetings (private access, login to the wiki using your login forge).

Information regarding upcoming meetings can be found here (work in progress).

Please fill in the your presence at the meetings in advance so we can plan better the meetings: the evento is here.


See here the reports when the permanent and some non-permanent engineers gather in meetings : Meetings/Engineers.


  • May 2019: A 2 days retreat took place in Saint Remy les Chevreuse (Domaine Saint Paul): ORCHIDEE retreat May 2019.
  • September 2017: A 1-day technical meeting took place in Jussieu to advance pending tasks (tickets) and model output (to comply the Data Request of CMIP6). We acknowledge the support of the OSU Ecce-Terra.
  • November 2015: A 1 and 1/2 days meeting took place in Jussieu around model output variables : ORCHIDEE retreat November 2015.
  • May 2013: A 2-days large meeting took place in Mai 2013 around the Physics of ORCHIDEE: ORCHIDEE retreat Mai 2013.
  • January 2012: A first retreat to prepare the documentation of ORCHIDEE took place the 19-20 January 2012 near Gif Sur Yvette. During the retreat we had a general brainstorming session on the futur of the model as well as a discussion on "meetings-organisation". A summary these discussion can be found under ORCHIDEE retreat jan 2012.

Other meetings / activities

Last modified 2 months ago Last modified on 2024-10-15T14:40:54+02:00