New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
WorkingGroups/Tides – NEMO

Tides WG

Last edition: Wikinfo(changed_ts)? by Wikinfo(changed_by)?


Working group leader (and responsible for wiki pages): Frédéric Dupont

Members of the working group:

  • Susan Allen (UBC, Canada)
  • Mike Bell (UKmet)
  • Natacha Bernier (Environnement Canada)
  • David M. Byrne (NOC)
  • Loren Carrere (CLS)
  • Jérôme Chanut (Mercator Océan)
  • Andrew C. Coward (NOC)
  • Frédéric Dupont (Environnement Canada)
  • Ariane Koch-Larrouy (LEGOS)
  • Julien Le Sommer (Grenoble)
  • Youyu Lu (DFO, Canada)
  • Florent Lyard (LEGOS)
  • Yves Morel (LEGOS)
  • Jean-Philippe Paquin (Environnement Canada)
  • Jeffrey Polton (NOC)
  • Chris Wilson (NOC)
  • Simon Mueller (NOC)
  • Enda Odea (UKmet)
  • Pengcheng Wang (Environnement Canada)


Sustain and improve Tides implementation in NEMO. Provide support to users.

WG internal meetings:

TOC(noheading,WorkingGroups/Tides/*, depth=2)?

    • 2020-11-19: introductory meeting and quick round table. Examples of issues that were discussed: data assimilation (or correction methods), wet-and-drying, diagnostic tools, new tidal astronomical potential, numerical issues, OBC. A conclusion was to organize next a special meeting about data assimilation (or correction methods) and afterwards another about common tools and numerics. introductory material
    • 2021-01-12: presentation of two methods for assmilating/correcting the tides.
    • 2021-02-16:
      • Presentation of the incoming improvement to tides in NEMO by Simon Mueller slides, discussion if some tidal parameters should be variable across all constituents.
      • Energy diagnostics
      • Discussion on boundary conditions, limitation of Flather OBC close to the resonant latitude, need for a 'clamped' SSH boundary.
      • Discussion on normal modes and the difficulty of adding an eigenvalue library into NEMO.
      • Discussion on internal wave drag parameterization.
      • Discussion around a newly proposed astronomical potential based solely on astronomical arguments. pros: it does not require the development for different constituents; cons: difficulty of separating constituents.
    • 2021-03-30:
      • Due to the small attendance (Easter Holiday was starting in some areas), we decided to postpone discussions to 2021-04-15
    • 2021-04-15: paper review
    • 2021-04-27: general discussion
      • advection of turbulence fields (not planned in NEMO)
      • internal wave and bottom layer dissipation: we do not have a good parameterization for those. Wave drag only addresses the barotropic to barotropic energy conversion which is then locally dissipated.
      • Ariane and Jérôme reviewed some COMMODO test cases: impact of time filter and implicit/explicit numerical diffusion due to the advection scheme.
      • Youyu Lu commented on his 2001 paper which compared model and semi-analytical results
      • the self-advection of the depth-averaged velocity used in the time-splitting scheme seems to be in the plan
      • Jérôme discussed a recent development: use of penalizing method (porosity/permeability) for representation of the water intersecting the bottom.
    • 2021-05-27: discussion about tools for tides, two schools of thoughts, not necessarily exclude:
      • offline scripts for quick diagnostics, some presumably existing (harmonic analyses, vertical mode separation, quick energy flux calculation).
      • inline calculations for rigorous diagnostics
      • offline internal mode decomposition requires a pressure output that is not coded in XIOS/NEMO at the moment, inline would require a link to a eigenvalue library
      • existing scripts in UK for creating configurations (including extraction of tidal components from a tidal atlas?)
      • identifying existing tools could provide a pragmatic contribution of this group to the NEMO community.
    Last modified 3 years ago Last modified on 2021-12-01T20:55:46+01:00

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