Ticket | Summary | Owner | Type | Component |
#1640 | Wiki page for Trusting | clevy | Request | env |
#2057 | ROBUST-03_cethe_TOP_doc | cetlod | Task | TOP |
Closed tickets
- #1
- Introduce THE documentation
- #282
- add steven correction for the Appendix
- #283
- Add steven corrections + gm for the Chapters
- #284
- phase the namelist with NEMO v3 + update the references & figures
- #458
- Compute vertical viscosity/diffusion coefficients due to internal tidal mixing: paper documentation
- #459
- add light penetration following 3 wavebands model (RGB) and the use of ocean color (chlorophyll): paper documentation
- #1334
- Reference manual missing Figures/Fig_time_split.pdf file
- #1494
- SI3 documentation
- #1629
- Documentation of v3.6 STABLE
- #1673
- Documentation of NEMO 3.6
- #1793
- Bibliography style enhancement
- #2032
- ROBUST-02_LIM3-doc
- #2058
- ROBUST-04_SFlavoni_usrdef_doc
- #2121
- Improvment of doc generation script
- #2190
- #2204
- XIOS restart read/write: update documentation
- #2216
- Update reference manual for 4.0 release
- #2306
- Review of documentation chapter 2 and associated annexes
- #2444
- Update NEMO doc for last year dev on closea and ISF
- #2534
- Extra halo rows in GYRE
Series of various improvements that either have not been introduced in the schedule or postponed for timetable reasons
Closed tickets
- #201
- simplified definition of the model time step
- #521
- style review of opa.F90
- #522
- remove trcini and trcstp from OPA_SRC
- #579
- make sure !CDIR commands are always on the first column
- #589
- suppress nobis and nbiss
- #612
- Problem with ORCA2 coordinates at NEMO vn2+
- #613
- Problem with ORCA2 coordinates at NEMO vn2+
- #637
- big bugs on ORCA025 and ORCA12 grid on the north pole
- #645
- Pb in lib_mpp for nbondj = 2
- #671
- mbathy(:,:) field is not initialised when going through the zgr_bat_ctl subroutine in partial cells
- #729
- New branch for Visbeck scheme for calculating eddy induced velocity coefficient
- #807
- ASSIM: bug in sshwzv.F90 wrong place for ssha update in vvl case
- #828
- inverted comments in OPA namelists for the vorticity schemes options
- #837
- wrong name of some output files
- #871
- Add faster rebuild to NEMO/TOOLS respository
- #893
- Is it possible to run ORCA05 with KPP closure scheme and MPI?
- #901
- diaharm
- #938
- annoying perl warning when building configurations
- #939
- opa fails to execute in ubuntu architecture
- #943
- output files are not netcdf4 as expected
- #945
- bash completion for makenemo
- #946
- syncing the netcdf file before the end of the model run
- #980
- Bugs in Pressure Jacobian Horizontal Pressure Gradient (HPG)
- #984
- bug in lib_mpp/closea due to key_mpp_rep
- #1033
- bug in diahth.F90
- #1062
- issue with GRIDGEN tool
- #1072
- Calculation of griffies triads in ML gives NaNs where ML hits bottom
- #1074
- New branch for CNRS 2013 : Configuration setting
- #1084
- Zonal mean salinity not calculated in diaptr code
- #1092
- non-penetrative convection option does not work
- #1103
- mask send to IOM is wrong (ln_mskland=TRUE)
- #1130
- bug in PISCES - new iron chemistry
- #1149
- New branch for CNRS development on 2013 : On-line coarsening of ocean outputs
- #1189
- remove OBC module
- #1217
- #1250
- Array bound warnings in prt_ctl_init when jpnij /= jpni*jpnj
- #1315
- bugs in sbcice_cice.F90 at NEMO 3.6 alpha
- #1316
- Add 0.2K temperature mixed layer depthdiagnostic
- #1323
- New development branch for surface wave components
- #1327
- Generalised vertical interpolation in OBS for s-coordinates.
- #1328
- Bias correcting SST observations in OBS
- #1329
- Variuous changes from NEMOVAR consortium members.
- #1342
- Surge modelling with NEMO
- #1357
- Enhancement to allow the bdytmask to be read before optimisation of the mpp layout occurs
- #1371
- Uninitalised variables in diaobs.F90
- #1378
- Fix bug in return code handling in cpl_oasis3.F90
- #1379
- lines length over 132
- #1386
- bug in ENE and ENS vorticity schemes with partial steps?
- #1390
- Unable to open initiales files in p4z_sed_init.
- #1392
- control for asm or z-tilde
- #1404
- NEMO-wave coupling WG
- #1428
- 2015 Met_Office_1 - Further updates to CICE interface
- #1435
- Specific branch for Poleward heat transport diagnostics using XIOS
- #1438
- Use istate_uvg in NEMO v3.2
- #1487
- Specific branch for melt ponds in LIM3
- #1488
- Specific branch for ice-atmosphere interface with LIM3
- #1489
- Specific branch for CMIP6 outputs
- #1515
- Temporary branch for CO6 Collaboration and Rose Suite development. Allows some retro options in CO5
- #1516
- New CNRS branch for PISCES quota model
- #1536
- change fldread to allow reading of 4 dimensions files
- #1616
- Email notification from Trac
- #1642
- Generalised vertical coordinate observation operator
- #1658
- Cater for MEDUSA coupling
- #1681
- CO6 Branch of VN3.6 Stable with KD490 Light Attenuation
- #1683
- SIMPLIF-1 : 2016 simplification & improvement
- #1685
- Hard coded criterion for turbocline depth in dmp routines
- #1690
- unallocated array hit when using bdy + LIM2
- #1702
- HPC-3(2016WP) - suppression of useless communications
- #1708
- bug in
- #1709
- WP2016: Shared action AGRIF-2: AGRIF LIM3
- #1710
- Instability in results due to new compilation environment
- #1714
- bugs in icbrst.F90
- #1718
- 2016 development branch: Parametrisation of tide water glacier melting
- #1721
- Running eORCA1 at NEMO vn3.6 on a single PE
- #1736
- Correct bugs in UKMO branch dev_r5518_coupling_GSI7_GSI8_landice
- #1737
- Create GC3 package branch for coupling branches
- #1762
- makenemo with SAS or OOO
- #1763
- line over 132 in lib_mpp
- #1775
- Offline with vvl
- #1784
- CO6 Package Branch to Test Wetting and Drying
- #1788
- C1D_PAPA with TOP do not compile
- #1821
- Develop optimisations for the GO6 and NOC MEDUSA branches
- #1842
- ROBUST-02(2017WP) enhancement in TEST CASES
- #1851
- Fixes developed while debugging GO6-GSI8-MEDUSA
- #1882
- Write restart file using XIOS
- #1920
- default config in makenemo
- #1921
- lines over 132
- #1924
- exit value for makenemo
- #1971
- with new equation of state (TEOS10) input files in T and S need to be changed, according to the new equation of state (TEOS10)
- #1983
- faciltate SETTE tests by reducing number of compilations
- #2001
- OpenMP in MO eORCA012
- #2041
- ENHANCE-04_Gurvan-RK3
- #2043
- ENHANCE-06(2017WP)_Gurvan-Bulk_improvements
- #2049
- VALID-04_SFlavoni_Overflow_Lock
- #2050
- read namelists using single processor
- #2067
- Open namelists in read only mode
- #2124
- Unmasked avmu and avmv in GLS scheme for jk=jpk (with explicit bottom friction only) creates spurious mixing
- #2133
- HPC-09_Maisonnave-ATOS-ESIWACE
- #2183
- AGRIF-01_cbricaud-EWandNorthBC(2017WP)
- #2184
- VP_rheology
- #2185
- VP_rheology
- #2201
- Compilation failure (lib_mpp, iom etc)
- #2203
- Compilation compliant with MPI-2 standard
- #2206
- adjustable array in lbc_nfd_ext_generic.h90
- #2237
- no/partial/strong slip condition is actually free slip in one-point straits
- #2281
- Regroup communication report
- #2282
- Potential MPI deadlock if rimwidth>1
- #2284
- Bug in NST/agrif_top_update.F90
- #2293
- agn
- #2309
- print statements in iceberg model
- #2310
- bug in timestepping in OFF?
- #2311
- minor bug in code to do Euler timestep in dyn_nxt
- #2314
- NEMO_SI3_decoupled
- #2318
- bug in Smagorinsky formulation at 4.0
- #2331
- restructure ice_dyn_rhg_evp
- #2333
- calls to iom_put
- #2343
- minor bug to do with Euler timestepping in TOP
- #2364
- HPC-04_mcastril_Mixed_Precision_implementation
- #2368
- HPC-10_mcastril_HPDAonlineDiagGPU
- #2375
- Check useless lbc_lnk in icb code
- #2378
- numnul with Agrif
- #2384
- ORCA2_OFF_PISCES sette test
- #2389
- adventures with OFFLINE, BDY and MY_TRC
- #2458
- XIOS2.5 in coupled model
- #2460
- write restart with XIOS in AGRIF
- #2468
- Improve ice-ocean momentum coupling
- #2474
- Bug(s) in the hpg_prj code?
- #2477
- wrt_line on one CPU
- #2482
- MO GO8 for GPU
- #2489
- General routine for light vertical penetration
- #2490
- Bug(s) in the hpg_prj code?
- #2495
- trunk/OCE won't compile without MPI (1-proc "nemo.exe")
- #2502
- DOMcfg: improve reproducibility of the
- #2512
- Insufficient or incorrect information in zoom domain files to rebuild whole datasets when the zoom region spans more than one XIOS server and is written to multiple files.
- #2515
- Inconsitency in checks for ORCA cn_cfg parameter
- #2517
- Activation of option to use ice restart file for initial ice conditions when ln_rstart = .false.
- #2520
- Invalid Memory Access in tra_adv_cen
- #2527
- Add a symmetric operator for ocean viscosity
- #2529
- Incorrect length for IOM "ptr" zoom domain
- #2530
- Missing/duplicate diagnostics in ldf_eiv_dia
- #2531
- Incorrect character length declaration in diaobs
- #2532
- Several bugs in diaptr
- #2533
- avt_evd is undefined when enhanced vertical diffusion is not used
- #2560
- GLS Neumann Boundary Condition not Set and Velocity average to T point requires 0.5 factor
- #2564
- ORCA2 tracer damping hand edits in dtatsd.F90 can be cumulatively applied
- #2581
- icb speed limit and speeding ticket
- #2591
- Rogue apostrophes in namsbc_cpl in namelist_ref
- #2664
- ln_traldf_hor option crashes with zps coordinate
- #2665
- Various fixes required to run with key_qco or key_linssh
- #2721
- Failing SETTE tests with debug flags (r15199)
Note: See
TracRoadmap for help on using
the roadmap.