Optimization of the albedo and Updated formulation for Bare soil fraction
New albedo scheme and parameter optimization
Main actors: Philippe Peylin, Vladislav Bastrikov
- Use observed satellite albedo to calibrate the current albedo scheme (MODIS albedo will be used first)
- First change the bare soil albedo (currently a function of soil color following a color map from FAO and fixed albedo values for each color type (13))
- Then optimize the standard coeficient for the vegetation NIR and VIS albedo to match the satellite albedo
All results are currently display under the page:
Potential new calculation of the bare soil fraction (under vegetated areas)
Main actors: Nicolas Vuichard, Philippe Peylin, Catherine Ottle, Agnes Ducharne, ...
- Current formulation is f_bs = exp(-LAI/2)
- This formulation lead to a fraction of the vegetmax that is considered (treated) as bare soil being roughly 30% for a LAI=2
- We believe it is too much and may have strong consequences (for the albedo, but also the partition transpiration / evaporation)
Proposed solutions:
- Initially after a round table and investigation of how it is done in other models, Philippe P. proposed to use the same approach but with a coefficient different than 2 (like exp(-LAI/1.))
- Nicolas Vuichard pointed that this is rather non physical and that we should seek for something more "physicaly based"
- NV proposed to use the approach in the PhD of Goudrian; Few people need to investigate the approach so that we have a concensus on this solution.
=> work in progress
Material about Radiative transfert: link between albedo and bare soil fraction for vegetetad areas
Radiative transfert course Knyazikin
Radiative transfert course Lewis part 1
Radiative transfert course Lewis part 2
Last modified 8 years ago
Last modified on 2016-12-11T21:13:07+01:00
Attachments (4)
- chap2_goudriaan_1977.pdf (1.6 MB) - added by peylin 9 years ago.
- rtTheoryPt1v0.doc (1.2 MB) - added by peylin 9 years ago.
- rtTheoryPt2v6.doc (581.0 KB) - added by peylin 9 years ago.
- chap02-nov-10-04.pdf (648.0 KB) - added by peylin 9 years ago.