Custom Query (24 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#48 Introduce parametric ensemble management in libigcm (2/4) sdipsl task minor libIGCM_v2.1 consolidation treatment
#59 add verification of number and size of output files produces each xx years. sdipsl enhancement minor libIGCM_v2.4 metrics PostProcessing
#86 RebuildFrequency=NONE sdipsl defect minor libIGCM_v2.0 system
#149 Stop simulation if .resol doesn't exist labetoulle enhancement minor libIGCM_v2.1 consolidation system
#161 Meaningfull post-processing JobName somebody enhancement minor libIGCM_v2.8 PostProcessing
#220 Vérification des ".def" somebody enhancement minor PostProcessing
#235 Add instrumentation for IGSCM_sys_tar and IGCM_sys_*Dods somebody enhancement minor libIGCM_v2.8.3 treatment
#254 Demigrate restart before using all CPU enhancement minor AMQP Broker
#292 recommendedPeriodNb to be sent to AMQP sdipsl enhancement minor libIGCM_v2.8.4 AMQP message
#298 create_se YE for histNMC 3D variables somebody defect minor libIGCM_v2.8.3 PostProcessing
#300 Adapt message buffering retention time sdipsl enhancement minor libIGCM_v2.8.3 Supervisor CORE
#327 create_ts for TS_MO_YE only when required somebody enhancement minor libIGCM_v2.8.3 PostProcessing
#66 On curie add a test on time counter monoticity somebody enhancement major libIGCM_v2.0 PostProcessing
#117 Simulation without any post-processing must work when translating to bash somebody task major Bash translation system
#118 Simulation with PACK and REBUILD post-processing must work when translating to bash somebody task major Bash translation PostProcessing
#119 Complete workflow must work when translating to bash somebody task major Bash translation system
#156 Handle more complexity in cards sdipsl enhancement major libIGCM_v2.1 consolidation system
#164 RunChecker behaviour once problems has been solved. somebody defect major libIGCM_v2.8 PostProcessing
#250 EnsembleChecker tool somebody enhancement major treatment
#271 typo : to be fixed or added to supplemental dictonaries somebody enhancement major Documentation
#291 clean_year and periodLength=1Y is broken somebody defect major libIGCM_v2.8.2 treatment
#304 if ncrcat itself failed try to cleanup *ncrcat.tmp somebody enhancement major libIGCM_v2.8.3 system
#283 configure XIOS2 to produce time series instead of using create_ts.job sdipsl task critical libIGCM_v3 release candidate PostProcessing
#307 ${RUN_DIR} filesystem failure before BigBrother has started resulting as an uncatch error ... somebody defect critical libIGCM_v2.8.3 system
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