
Version 19 (modified by jgipsl, 12 years ago) (diff)


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ORCHIDEE project meetings

The scientific core team consists of permanent people from several laboratories (see the list of person at: The orchidee core team has regular meeting (every two months) to discuss major orientations of the model development: these are called orchidee-projet meetings. Reports on these meetings are avaiable on this page ORCHIDEE project. To contact the core developing team, please write to

Next projcet meetings :

  • 11 decembre 2012 : Agenda to come...

ORCHIDEE developer's and user's meetings

These meetings contains a presentation for a specific topic followed by discussion and questions. The topics concernces the developments of a feature in ORCHIDEE already in the main version or a new development not yet standarized. Theese meetings are always at Jussieu with possibility to connecte by video conference. All user's are welcome.

Next developer's and user's meeting :

  • 12 november 2012 at Jussieu : Topic to come...

ORCHIDEE technical meetings

Every Thursday, permanent people involved in the development of ORCHIDEE model meet in order to report on their work, to agree on common decisions and to reply to users requests sent througth the mailing list. Reports on these meetings are available on page ORCHIDEE technical.


A first retreat to prepare the documentation of ORCHIDEE took place the 19-20 January 2012 near Gif Sur Yvette. During the retreat we had a general brainstorming session on the futur of the model as well as a discussion on "meetings-organisation". A summary these discussion can be found under ORCHIDEE retreat jan 2012?.