

  • orchidee-projet@…
    To contact the core developing team, please write to
  • orchidee-help@…
    To ask specific questions (mainly technical) on the use of the model or to report for some problems/bugs, please write to Your request will be answered by the ORCHIDEE team and the reported problems will be archive for proper treatment. Please, remind to specify in your email the version you use and where you ran ORCHIDEE (machine, location). Give also read permissions to your source and outputs (chmod +r). Last, as the manpower to do this support is limited, tend first to solve the problem with your ORCHIDEE contact point or advisor.

Mailing Lists

  • orchidee-dev@…
    The objective of this list is to facilitate the exchange of information among all developers of the ORCHIDEE model; especially to circulate information on new technical improvement/development, to reports problems/bugs, to inform about training courses and more.
    Subscription form available at


Mattermost is an open source chat platform that we wish to use for communications within the ORCHIDEE group. If you wish to receive an invitation, contact orchidee-help. You can connect in the web browser or you can install the application (which I think is more convenient). It is possible for everybody in the mattermost ORCHIDEE team to create new channels and invite people. A channel can be private(only invited people can take part and see the content), or public (everybody can subscribe to the channel). For example, if a group of people are working together on a branch or a topic, they can decide to create a specific channel. It is also possible to send individual messages to one or several people.

For the moment we have some public channels which you can join depending on your interest. You can browse the channels and subscribe to the one you're interested in. An example of a channel is trunk(information/discussion on issues on ORCHIDEE trunk can be posted). We also have channels for the 4 computing centers where ORCHIDEE is maintained: obelix, meso-ipsl, idris, tgcc. Information can be shared by anybody for example when there is a shutdown or if a problem is related to a specific disk. The TownHall is a default channel where everybody has access. It can be seen as the orchidee-dev mailing list.

Other listes

Last modified 4 months ago Last modified on 2024-10-15T14:39:13+02:00