
Version 1 (modified by luyssaert, 12 years ago) (diff)





The functional allocation introduced in OCN is being moved into ORCHIDEE v1.9.5.2. Functional allocation respects allometric relationships between foliage, wood and root C allocation


  • stomate_alloc.f90
  • stomate_npp.f90
  • stomate_resp.f90
  • stomate.f90
  • stomate_io.f90
  • stomate_constants.f90
  • stomate_data.f90
  • sechiba.f90
  • diffuco.f90
  • intersurf.f90


  • Check 'use_reserve' sometimes it is a value, sometimes it looks like a flag (its value is set to 1) in stomate_alloc.f90
  • Check the difference between the labile and reserve pool
  • Change calling arguments in stomate_lpj
  • Calculate rue_longterm in stomate_season.f90
  • Define fcn_root(j) and fcn_wood(j) in a constantes files, define for all plant parts (needed to calculate resp and in npp), define as fcn(j,k) where j = nvm and k = ipart. This is ok for stomate_resp. check whether this would be OK for stomate_npp
  • In Sonke's code ! fraction of GPP which is lost as growth respiration is defined as REAL(r_std), SAVE :: frac_growthresp in it is defined as a PARAMETER.
  • Check whether the code works for all PFT's
  • Check NPP dip in first year
  • Add labile Carbon pool to history file
  • Check whether a spin-up works
  • Check where lab_fac comes from in stomate_resp.f90
  • Check the values of limit_cn
  • Check the values of GPP and NPP (much lower with the new scheme)
  • Add the calculated height to the history files


  • OK_Check whether the code works for several years (MYSIM1 and MYSIM3)


  • Lai is optimised for mean annual radiation use efficiency and the C costs for producing the canopy. The cost-benefit ratio is optimised when the marginal gain / marginal cost = 1 Investing 1gC in the canopy comes at a total cost that is composed by the C required for the canopy in addition to the roots and the sapwood to support the canopy. The total cost (C) is thus calculated as C: LAI * ( (1/tau_leaf)/sla + (one_year/tau_root)*LF/sla + (one_year/tau_sap)*height/(sla*KF)) The marginal cost for one unit of LAI is then dC/dLAI : (1/tau_leaf)/sla + (1/tau_root)*LF/sla + (1/tau_sap)*height/(sla*KF) Where, tau_leaf is given by ::leaflife_tab in years, tau-root by ::tau_root_d in days and tau_sap by ::tau_sap in days. LF is unitless, KF is expressed in meters and sla in m2.gC-1. The unit of dC/dLAI is thus gC.m-2 but all turnover times need to be expressed on an annual scale. Investing 1gC in the canopy enables the plant to assimilate more carbon The gain (G) can be approximated by using the 'radiation use efficiency' as follows: RUE * one_year ( 1. - exp (-0.5 * LAI )) Where, 0.5 is the extinction factor that accounts for the fact the lower parts of the canopy receive less light. Note that RUE has a particular definition and is calculated as the ratio of GPP over the fraction of radiation absorbed by the canopy. Hence the unit of RUE is The marginal gain of one unit of LAI is dG/dLAI: 0.5 * one_year * RUE exp (-0.5 * LAI). Subsequently, the optimal LAI is estimated as LAI_opt = -2. * log(2*(dC/dt)/RUE*one_year) ??Why was it not considered a cost when the leaves life longer than one year i.e. MIN(1.,leaflife_tab) in the original code - THINK ABOUT THIS!!
  • Check what will happen if Cl_target is reached? Seems that the current routines keeps allocating C to the canopy.


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