MICT Versions
- Known issues
- Next release
- V8.9.1 version 11/10/2019 - rev 6244 (trunk 5363)
- V8.9.0 version 25/04/2019 - rev 5936 (trunk 5363)
- V8.8.0 version 09/10/2018 - rev 5478 (trunk 5363)
- V8.7.1 version 27/06/2018 - rev 5308 (trunk 4695)
- V8.7.0 version 12/06/2018 - rev 5285 (trunk 4695)
- V8.6.2 version 30/05/2018 - rev 5267 (trunk 4695)
- V8.6.1 version 19/04/2018 - rev 5209 (trunk 4695)
- V8.6.0 version 19/12/2017 - rev 4851 (trunk 4695)
- V8.5.1 version 10/10/2017 - rev 4668 (trunk 4491)
- V8.5.0 version 08/09/2017 - rev 4597 (trunk 4491)
- V8.4.4 version 04/07/2017 - rev 4483 (trunk 4365)
- V8.4.3 version 31/05/2017 - rev 4385 (trunk 4365)
- V8.4.2 version 12/04/2017 - rev 4237 (trunk 4220)
- V8.4.1 version 28/02/2017 - rev 4126 (trunk 3976)
- V8.4.0 version 25/01/2017 - rev 4057 (trunk 3976)
- V8.3 version 05/12/2016 - rev 3952 (trunk 3946)
- V8.2 version 13/11/2016 - rev 3802 (trunk 3643)
- V8.1 version 16/10/2016 - rev 3771 (trunk 3643)
- V8 version 27/09/2016 - rev 3751 (trunk 3643)
- V7.4 version 29/07/2016 - rev 3668 (trunk 3643)
V7.3 version 25/07/2016 - DO NOT USE -
V7.2 version 28/06/2016 - DO NOT USE - V7.1 version 15/06/2016 - rev 3540
- V7 version 07/04/2016 = V6 + GLUC - rev 3344
- V6.5 version 17/03/2016 - rev 3273
- V6.4.1 version 07/03/2016 - rev 3247
- V6.4 version 22/02/2016 - rev 3232
- V6.3 version 22/02/2016 - rev 3226
- V6.2 version 03/02/2016 - rev 3185
- V6.1.2 version 29/01/2016 - rev 3161
- V6.1.1 version 14/01/2016 - rev 3120
- V6.1 version = V6 + bugfixes + merge trunk - rev 3026
- V6 version = V5 + SPITFIRE - rev 2655
- V5 version = V4bis + GM (Grasslands Management) - rev 2618
- V4bis version = V4 + DGVM - rev 2590
- V4 version = V3 + wetlands + TOP model - rev 2521
- V3 version = V2 + permafrost carbon dynamics - rev 2268
- Former versions
MICT Versions
In this page you will find all releases done. Each one explains its major changes, its date and the last revision version that comprises. In case there is a new merge from the trunk, it is also noted.
It is not recommended to download the latest development revision -located in the main MICT branch-. It could include ongoing modifications. For this purpose, you should stick to releases.
Since release 8.4.0 you can find them available at https://forge.ipsl.fr/orchidee/browser/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT/tags
Known issues
- Nobio vegetation files do not work on Orchidee
Next release
- Small bugfixes
V8.9.1 version 11/10/2019 - rev 6244 (trunk 5363)
- Small bugfixes
- Add Jean-Zay arch files
Get more details here: [5936:6244/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT]
V8.9.0 version 25/04/2019 - rev 5936 (trunk 5363)
- Minor refactoring
- Small bugfixes
- Add some unit tests
- Enabled site simulations for grassland managaments
- Performance report
Get more details here: [5478:5936/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT]
V8.8.0 version 09/10/2018 - rev 5478 (trunk 5363)
- Merge from trunk [5363]
- Minor fixes
- Performance improvements
Get more details here: [5307:5363/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT]
V8.7.1 version 27/06/2018 - rev 5308 (trunk 4695)
- Fix: GLUC nbp now properly works
- New: add support for new Irene HPC's
- Small bugfixes
Get more details here: [5283:5307/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT]
V8.7.0 version 12/06/2018 - rev 5285 (trunk 4695)
- Final version of GLUC module. Done by Chao
- Some memory improvements (also from IOISPL-MICT)
- Small cleaning
Get more details here: [5267:5283/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT]
V8.6.2 version 30/05/2018 - rev 5267 (trunk 4695)
- Performance improvement in thermosoil
- Enable new orchidee driver
- Small bugfixes
- Output netcdf files have no unlimited dimension (better performance)
Get more details here: [5215:5267/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT]
V8.6.1 version 19/04/2018 - rev 5209 (trunk 4695)
- Fix: the soil heat capacity did not account for latent heat consumption/release during soil thawing/freezing (Dan) [5057/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT]
- Fix: the soil thermal conductivity pkappa is not calculated using the same amount of frozen water compared to the soil heat capacity pcapa (Dan) [5057/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT]
- Small fugfixes
Get more details here: [4851:5209/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT]
V8.6.0 version 19/12/2017 - rev 4851 (trunk 4695)
- Small bugfixes
- Merge from trunk [4491:4695/trunk/ORCHIDEE]
- DO_WOOD_HARVEST is EXCLUDED from the merge. Chao has more details on this.
- run.def are not limited anymore to 80 characters
- restini use_compression argument moved to the latest position
Get more details here: [4637:4851/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT]
V8.5.1 version 10/10/2017 - rev 4668 (trunk 4491)
- Small bugfixes
- Applied fix from [4637/trunk/ORCHIDEE]
- CH4 refactoring
How to download MICT 8.5.1:
svn co svn://forge.ipsl.fr/orchidee/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT/tags/ORCHIDEE_MICT_8.5.1 ORCHIDEE
Known issues:
- Missing xml for XIOS. To download use the command below and place into src_xml/:
svn export -r 4719 svn://forge.ipsl.fr/orchidee/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT/ORCHIDEE/src_xml/file_def_input_orchidee.xml file_def_input_orchidee.xml
Get more details here: [4597:4637/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT]
V8.5.0 version 08/09/2017 - rev 4597 (trunk 4491)
- Merge from trunk up to: [4491/trunk/ORCHIDEE]
- Small bugfixes
- O2_LIMIT=n by default
- OK_DYNROOT=y by default
- RIVER_ROUTING is fixed
- ...
How to download MICT 8.5.0:
svn co svn://forge.ipsl.fr/orchidee/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT/tags/ORCHIDEE_MICT_8.5.0 ORCHIDEE
Get more details here: [4483:4597/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT]
V8.4.4 version 04/07/2017 - rev 4483 (trunk 4365)
- This new release requires to update IOISPL MICT (svn up)
- New flag ENABLE_NC_RESTART_COMPRESSION (y/n) to enable restart files compression. Enable by default.
- Regional maps are now allowed (previously it was required to define a global map and set data for desired area)
- NBUFF is set to 15 by default
- Small bugfixes
How to download MICT 8.4.4:
svn co svn://forge.ipsl.fr/orchidee/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT/tags/ORCHIDEE_MICT_8.4.4 ORCHIDEE
Get more details here: [4385:4483/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT]
- Updates
- Since revision [4192/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT] RIVER_ROUTING does not work. Fixed at [4558/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT]
V8.4.3 version 31/05/2017 - rev 4385 (trunk 4365)
- Small bugfixes
- Some performance improvements
- Trunk [4365/trunk/ORCHIDEE]
- dyn_nroot_larix is changed to OK_DYNROOT (the same as in the trunk)
How to download MICT 8.4.3:
svn co svn://forge.ipsl.fr/orchidee/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT/tags/ORCHIDEE_MICT_8.4.3 ORCHIDEE
Get more details here: [4237:4385/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT]
- Updates
- Since revision [4192/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT] RIVER_ROUTING does not work. Fixed at [4558/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT]
V8.4.2 version 12/04/2017 - rev 4237 (trunk 4220)
- Small bug fixes
- Trunk [4220/trunk/ORCHIDEE]
- New output file called sechiba3. In case of an error in modIPLS/ligIGCM, update your version to this one.
How to download MICT 8.4.2:
svn co svn://forge.ipsl.fr/orchidee/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT/tags/ORCHIDEE_MICT_8.4.2 ORCHIDEE
Get more details here: [4126:4237/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT]
- Updates
- Since revision [4192/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT] RIVER_ROUTING does not work. Fixed at [4558/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT]
V8.4.1 version 28/02/2017 - rev 4126 (trunk 3976)
- Small bug fixes
Get more details here: [4056:4126/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT]
How to download MICT 8.4.1
svn co svn://forge.ipsl.fr/orchidee/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT/tags/ORCHIDEE_MICT_8.4.1 ORCHIDEE
V8.4.0 version 25/01/2017 - rev 4057 (trunk 3976)
- From now on all releases will be available at https://forge.ipsl.fr/orchidee/browser/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT/tags
- Merge from TRUNK revisions [3946:3976/trunk/ORCHIDEE]
- CROP is disabled by default. More info here: https://forge.ipsl.fr/orchidee/wiki/DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-MICT-IMBALANCE-P/Modules#CROPSincomplete
- IMPORTANT: IOIPSL has a new flavour for MICT (Modifications might be introduced later in the official IOIPSL). From now on, you do require to use IOIPSL located in branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT/IOIPSL. For this reason, you need to remove the IOIPSL version and download the IOIPSL-MICT. Follow the instructions:
cd .../modipsl/modeles rm -rf IOIPSL svn co svn://forge.ipsl.fr/orchidee/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT/IOIPSL IOIPSL recompile IOIPSL and ORCHIDEE
- Dan's modifications:
- The hydrological parameters mcs, mcf, mcw (as well as the _lin coefficients derived from mcs/mcf/mcw) are now SOC-dependent: "use_refSOC_hydrol=y" in run.def (for now only works for the USDA soil texture)
- nroot (the weighting factor to calculate water stress) is now dynamic for PFT9 (boreal deciduous needleleaf) in order to optimize its usage of water: "dyn_nroot_larix=y" in run.def
- Other flags. Check below a configuration example:
# new USE_SOILC_TEMPDIFF=y use_refSOC=y use_refSOC_hydrol=y SOIL_REFSOC_FILE=/path/to/refSOC_NCSCD_linear_05deg_v4.nc SOIL_REFSOC_1d_FILE=/path/to/refSOC_NCSCD_05deg_v2.nc SOILTYPE_CLASSIF = usda SOILCLASS_FILE=/path/to/soils_param_usdatop.nc
- Obelix: SOIL_REFSOC_FILE = /home/orchidee03/dzhu/INPUT/refSOC_NCSCD_linear_05deg_v5.nc
- Obelix: SOIL_REFSOC_1d_FILE = /home/orchidee03/dzhu/INPUT/refSOC_NCSCD_05deg_v3_0-0.3m.nc
- Multiple bugfixes
How to download MICT 8.4.0:
svn co svn://forge.ipsl.fr/orchidee/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT/tags/ORCHIDEE_MICT_8.4.0 ORCHIDEE
Get more details here: [3952:4056/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT]
V8.3 version 05/12/2016 - rev 3952 (trunk 3946)
- Merges from TRUNK revisions [3643:3946/trunk/ORCHIDEE]
- New input file for soil carbon. Use run.def tag SOIL_REFSOC_FILE
- Curie: /ccc/work/cont003/dsm/p529jorn/inputsMICTv8/refSOC_NCSCD_linear_05deg_v4.nc
- Obelix: /home/orchidee04/ajornet/inputsMICTv8/refSOC_NCSCD_linear_05deg_v4.nc
- Add 4D for XIOS outputs
- Several fixes
- Subroutine get_soilcorr_usda was not included in the code
- ...
Get more details here: [3802:3952/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT]
V8.2 version 13/11/2016 - rev 3802 (trunk 3643)
- Minor fixes in thermosoil and hydrol (CROP related)
- Add to file_def_orchidee.xml all entries defined in field_def_orchidee.xml. IMPORTANT: in ADA HPC there is an issue related with XIOS and a high number of outputs fields. Delete as many as possible outputs to avoid it.
V8.1 version 16/10/2016 - rev 3771 (trunk 3643)
- New GRassland Managment (GRM) module (done by Jinfeng)
- Old Grassland Management (GM) module is deleted.
- Small bugfixes
- Code cleaning
- stomate_accu is now available for 1, 2 and 3 dimensions. Check below its new calling signature:
SUBROUTINE stomate_accu (ldmean, field_in, field_out) !! 0.1 Input variables LOGICAL,INTENT(in) :: ldmean !! Flag to calculate the mean over REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(XXX),INTENT(in) :: field_in !! Field that needs to be accumulated !! 0.2 Modified variables REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(XXX),INTENT(inout) :: field_out !! Accumulated or mean field ...
Important: make sure to increase in IOIPSL the maximum number of variables, e.g: from 500 to 1000.
V8 version 27/09/2016 - rev 3751 (trunk 3643)
- New CROP module (there are now PFT's 14 -before 13, done by Xuhui-)
- Forcesoil: removed memory bottleneck
- Small fixes
Important: include this options in your run.def file to keep using Orchidee MICT with 13 PFTs.
NVM = 13 PFT_TO_MTC = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 # SECHIBA_VEGMAX = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 1.0 OK_LAIDEV=n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n NSTM = 3 PREF_SOIL_VEG = 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3
V7.4 version 29/07/2016 - rev 3668 (trunk 3643)
- Important fix: maps (PFT, ...) were not properly loaded since the introduction of the new driver. Do not use versions 7.2 and 7.3.
- Minor fixes
V7.3 version 25/07/2016 - DO NOT USE
- Merges from TRUNK revision [3581:3643/trunk/ORCHIDEE]
- Multiples fixes
- Small Performance Improvement
V7.2 version 28/06/2016 - DO NOT USE
- Merges from TRUNK revision [3313:3581/trunk/ORCHIDEE]: Commits 3368,3374 and 3377 were not included due to a mistake. Done at revision 3890.
- New driver
- Use option -otherexec to create forcesoil.exe in makeorchidee_fcm
- Multiple fixes
- New formulation for the roughness height (z0) based on Su et al. (2001)
- New driver
- XIOS2 is enabled
V7.1 version 15/06/2016 - rev 3540
- Parallel Interpolation for PFT map
- histwrite_p now works with 3 dimension variables
- Multiples fixes
V7 version 07/04/2016 = V6 + GLUC - rev 3344
- Multiple fixes and improvements
- Gross LUC from C. Yue [3306/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT]
- Merges from TRUNK revision [2941:3313/trunk/ORCHIDEE]
V6.5 version 17/03/2016 - rev 3273
- Multiple bugfixes ( ticket:226 ) and minor improvements
- Merge from TRUNK revision [2927:2941/trunk/ORCHIDEE]
V6.4.1 version 07/03/2016 - rev 3247
Important bug correction in stomate_litter
V6.4 version 22/02/2016 - rev 3232
- New soil bioturbation from D. Zhu
- Merge from TRUNK revisions [2922:2927/trunk/ORCHIDEE]
V6.3 version 22/02/2016 - rev 3226
New soil thermal properties from the TRUNK
V6.2 version 03/02/2016 - rev 3185
New soil vertical discretisation from the TRUNK
V6.1.2 version 29/01/2016 - rev 3161
- New compilation flag STRICT_CHECK
- Multiple bugfixes
V6.1.1 version 14/01/2016 - rev 3120
- Small bugfixes
- Merges revisions from trunk
All previous revisions from TRUNK [0:2916/trunk/ORCHIDEE] are included in ORCHIDEE-MICT.
Note: fuel_1Xhr related commits are on hold as they lead to other issues.
V6.1 version = V6 + bugfixes + merge trunk - rev 3026
- multiples bugfixes
- merged revisions from trunk
V6 version = V5 + SPITFIRE - rev 2655
V5 version = V4bis + GM (Grasslands Management) - rev 2618
[2618] Compilation OK
V4bis version = V4 + DGVM - rev 2590
[2590] For recording only, do not use.
V4 version = V3 + wetlands + TOP model - rev 2521
[2521] For recording only, do not use.
V3 version = V2 + permafrost carbon dynamics - rev 2268
Former versions
V2 version = V1 + multiple-layer snow
V1 version = standard ORCHIDEE + soil freezing