Implemented Modules and Associated Keywords/Flags
Implemented Modules and Associated Keywords/Flags
- Gross Land Use Change (GLUC) (after MICTv8.6.2, since revision 5264)
- Spitfire
- GRassland Management (since revision 3771)
- Grassland management (before revision 3771)
- Multilayer hidrology
- Land Use Change (LUC)
- Soil freezing
- Permafrost carbon
- Multilayer snow
- Routing
- Wetlands
- Topmodel
- CO2 variation
- Analytic spinup
- Spredprec
- CO2 downregulation
- New soil thermal properties
- Bioturbation
- Gross Land Use Change (GLUC)
- CROPS (incomplete)
- Notes
In the latest MICT version you can find the following modules. Each flag list of each module needs to be checked. This is an axproximation and it might have errors.
Gross Land Use Change (GLUC) (after MICTv8.6.2, since revision 5264)
Dependency | Keyword | Default value | Description |
GLUC_USE_AGE_CLASS | FALSE | Use age class and activate gross land use change? (y/n) | |
GLUC_SINGLE_AGE_CLASS | FALSE | Assume there is a single age class in each MTC? (y/n) | |
GLUC_NVMAP | 15 | Total number of metaclasses (15) | |
GLUC_NAGEC_TREE | 1 | Number of age class for forest (6) | |
GLUC_NAGEC_HERB | 1 | Number of age class for crop, pasture and grassland (4) | |
GLUC_AGEC_GROUPxx | look-up table to link MTC to PFTs | ||
GLUC_ALLOW_FORESTRY_HARVEST | TRUE | allow forestry harvest ? (y/n) | |
GLUC_ALLOW_FORESTRY_HARVEST | GLUC_FORESTRY_HARVEST_FILE | nc file | Matrix file for wood harvest from primary and secondary forests, in terms of area |
GLUC_ALLOW_FORESTRY_HARVEST | GLUC_USE_HARVEST_BIOMASS | FALSE | whether to use a harvest wood mass input file as a forcing data set |
GLUC_USE_HARVEST_BIOMASS | GLUC_HARVEST_BIOMASS_FILE | nc file | Matrix file for wood harvest biomass for industrial wood and fuel wood |
GLUC_USE_BOUND_SPA | FALSE | Use a spital file for input as the boundaries of age class? (y/n) | |
GLUC_USE_BOUND_SPA | GLUC_AGE_THRESHOLD_FILE | nc file | File name of the spatial boundary input file |
(NOT)GLUC_USE_BOUND_SPA | GLUC_AGE_CLASS_BOUNDxx | boundaries used to distinguish age class | |
GLUC_NET_LCC_FILE | nc file | Matrix file for Net land cover change | |
GLUC_SHIFT_PRI_FILE | nc file | Matrix file for shifting cultivation by clearing primary forest, normally not used | |
GLUC_SHIFT_SEC_FILE | nc file | Matrix file for shifting cultivation by clearing secondary forest | |
GLUC_NEW_VEGETFRAC_GUIDE | FALSE | Guild the allocation of newly created vegetation into different PFTs by a given input PFT map? (y/n) | |
GLUC_NEW_VEGETFRAC_GUIDE | GLUC_NewVegFrac_File | nc file | A PFT map in which relative PFT fractions will be used to guide the allocation of newly created vegetation patch during LUC |
Introduced in MICT v6. Available flags for input data files
DEPENDENCIES | Keyword | Default value | Description |
FIRE_DISABLE | FALSE | Overall control flag. Activate fire module when set as FALSE | |
LIGHTNING_FILE | nc file | ligntnings map used as ignition sources | |
READ_POPDENS | FALSE | Boolean flag to read the popdens flag, for a decent simulation of fire, set this as TRUE | |
READ_POPDENS | POPDENS_FILE | nc file | Read the population density map |
READ_HUMIGN | FALSE | Boolean flag to read the human ignition parameter flag, for a decent simulation, set as TRUE and use the default file provided | |
READ_HUMIGN | HUMIGN_FILE | nc file | Read parameter used for human ignition calculation |
READ_RATIO | TRUE | Boolean flag to read the correction ratios, please always set as TRUE | |
READ_RATIO | RATIO_FILE | Default file | Read a map of ratios used to scale simulated burned area,the default file has a uniform value as 1 |
READ_RATIO_FLAG | TRUE | Boolean flag to read ratio flag, please always set as TRUE | |
READ_RATIO_FLAG | RATIO_FLAG_FILE | Default file | Read the ratio flag map, regions with a flag bigger than 0 will use external input BA, the default file has a uniform value as -1 |
READ_OBSERVED_BA | FALSE | Boolean flag to read the observed burned_area flag | |
READ_OBSERVED_BA | BA_FILE | nc file | Read the external forced burned area, in this case the simulated burned area will be over-written, valid only for monthly BA input |
READ_OBSERVED_BA | READ_CF_COARSE | FALSE | Boolean flag to read the forced coarse fuel combustion completeness |
READ_OBSERVED_BA | READ_CF_FINE | FALSE | Boolean flag to read the forced fine fuel combustion completeness |
READ_CF_COARSE | CF_COARSE_FILE | nc file | Read the external coarse fuel combustion completeness |
READ_CF_FINE | CF_FINE_FILE | nc file | Read external fine fuel combustion completeness |
(NOT)FIRE_DISABLE | ALLOW_DEFOREST_FIRE | FALSE | Activate deforestation fire module when being TRUE |
GRassland Management (since revision 3771)
GRM module is introduce in MICT v8.1 by Jinfeng. Available flags:
DEPENDENCIES | Keyword | Default value | Description |
GRM_ENABLE_GRAZING | 0 | Enable grassland management module | |
GRM_ENABLE_GRAZING=TRUE | SLA_MAX | PFT-specific | SLA maximum Specific Leaf Area (m2/gC) |
SLA_MIN | PFT-specific SLA | minimum Specific Leaf Area (m2/gC) | |
GRM_IS_GRASSLAND_MANAGXX | 0 | Is PFT a managed grassland? | |
GRM_IS_GRASSLAND_CUTXX | 0 | Is PFT a cut/mown grassland? | |
GRM_IS_GRASSLAND_GRAZEDXX | 0 | Is PFT a grazed grassland? | |
GRM_MANAGE_INTENSITYXX | 0 | Intensity of management (4 for global management, 2 for Europe medium intensity) | |
GRM_NB_YEAR_MANAGEMENTXX | 1 | Number of years in the management input file. Please keep default value, do not set to 0. | |
GRM_MANAGEMENT_STARTXX | 0 | The start year of management in the management input file. | |
GRM_DEPOSITION_STARTXX | 0 | The start year of N deposition in the deposition input file. | |
GRM_FILE_PARAM_INIT | file in CURIE | Initial parameter file for grassland management | |
GRM_F_SATURANT | 0 | Whether active saturation N fertilization? Please keep default value. Will be used in CNP version. | |
GRM_F_NONLIMITANT | 0 | Whether active nonlimitant N fertilization? Please keep default value. Will be used in CNP version. | |
GRM_F_COMPLEMENTATION | 0 | Whether active N complementation for livestock from outside (not grass N)? Please keep default. Will be used in CNP version. | |
GRM_F_FERTILIZATION | 1 | Whether active fertilization module. Please keep default value. | |
GRM_N_LIMITATION | 0 | Whether active N fertilization effect on Vcmax25. | |
GRM_N_EFFECT | 0.6 | Maximum additive N fertilization effect on Vcmax25. | |
GRM_F_AUTOGESTION | 0 | 1 : automatically cut/mown for cut-and-carry forage (for managed but not cut not grazed grass PFT only) | |
2: automatically grazing by livestock to optimize (potential) livestock density (for managed but not cut not grazed grass PFT only) | |||
3: searching for the curve of extra-feed requirement with increasing stocking rate (cut and grazed grass PFT) | |||
4: searching for the curve of extra-feed requirement with constant stocking rate (cut and grazed grass PFT) | |||
5: automatically grazing by wild animal (grazed grass PFT only; used for LGM simulation; need update with Dan's improvement) | |||
GRM_F_POSTAUTO | 0 | 1. start from GRM_F_AUTOGESTION=2, running with variable optimized potential livestock density (cut and grazed grass PFT) | |
2. start from GRM_F_POSTAUTO=1, running with variable optimized potential livestock density (cut and grazed grass PFT) | |||
3. running with constant livestock density (cut and grazed grass PFT) | |||
4. running with constant livestock density but varied grazed fraction and stocking rate (cut and grazed grass PFT) | |||
5. global simulation with prescribed management in (all grass PFT) | |||
GRM_F_MANAGEMENT_MAP | 0 | Active prescribed grassland management | |
GRM_F_DEPOSITION_MAP | 0 | Active prescribed N deposition rate | |
GRM_F_GRAZING_MAP | 0 | Active prescribed stocking rate | |
GRM_MANAGEMENT_MAP | | map containing management information (organic and mineral N fertilization rate-kgN/ha/yr, fertilizer application time-day of year). NOTE: in COMP/stomate.card [BoundaryFiles?], [BoundaryFiles?] List=(/ccc/work/cont003/dsm/p529chan/input_gm/grm_input/grm_input_halfdeg_${year}.nc, | |
GRM_DEPOSITION_MAP | | map containing N deposition rate (kg N/ha/yr) | |
GRM_GRAZING_MAP | | map containing stocking rate (Livestock Unit/ha) | |
GRM_AVOID_WETGRAZING | 0 | active soil moisture impact on grazing (i.e., avoil grazing over too wet soil, considering lag-effect) | |
GRM_AVOID_SNOWGRAZING | 1 | active snow cover impact on grazing (i.e., avoild grazing when there is snow mass, considering lag-effect) | |
GRM_F_AUTOGESTION=2 | GRM_NB_CUT_YEAR | 10 | how many years were running under GRM_F_AUTOGESTION=1, used to calculate annual harvested grass cut-and-carry forage |
Grassland management (before revision 3771)
Introduced in MICT v5. Available flags:
Depedencies | Keyword | Description | |
ENABLE_GRAZING | Enable module for grazing (animals or not) | ||
ENABLE_GRAZING | GRAZING_MAP | Read the general animal_density map | |
IS_GRASSLAND_MANAG__XX | Is the vegetation type a managed grassland ? | ||
IS_GRASSLAND_GRAZED__XX | Is the vegetation type a managed grassland ? | ||
IS_GRASSLAND_CUT__XX | Is the vegetation type a cut grassland for management adaptation? | ||
IS_GRASSLAND_GRAZED | Is the vegetation type a grazed grassland for management adaptation? | ||
SLA_MAX | minimum gdd to allow senescence of crops. Maximum specific leaf area (m2/gC) | ||
SLA_MIN | minimum specific leaf area (m2/gC) | ||
- | - | - | |
N_EFFECT | |||
Important: This module is removed from revision 3771
Introduced in MICT v4bis TO CHECK
Keyword | Description |
STOMATE_OK_DGVM | Active module (y/n) |
Multilayer hidrology
Dependencies | Keyword | Description | Default |
HYDROL_CWRR | Enable/disable module (y/n) | N | |
HYDROL_SOIL_DEPTH | Total depth of soil reservoir | ||
OK_SECHIBA and .NOT.(HYDROL_CWRR) | HYDROL_OK_HDIFF | do horizontal diffusion? | N |
HYDROL_OK_HDIFF | HYDROL_TAU_HDIFF | time scale (s) for horizontal diffusion of water | |
HYDROL_CWRR | CHECK_CWRR | Should we check detailed CWRR water balance ? | |
HYDROL_CWRR | DO_PONDS | Should we include ponds | |
HYDROL_CWRR | CWRR_N_VANGENUCHTEN | Van genuchten coefficient n | |
HYDROL_CWRR | CWRR_A_VANGENUCHTEN | Van genuchten coefficient a | |
HYDROL_CWRR | VWC_RESIDUAL | Residual soil water content | |
HYDROL_CWRR | VWC_SAT | Saturated soil water content | |
HYDROL_CWRR | CWRR_KS | Hydraulic conductivity Saturation | |
HYDROL_CWRR | WETNESS_TRANSPIR_MAX | Soil moisture above which transpir is max | |
HYDROL_CWRR | VWC_FC | Volumetric water content field capacity | |
HYDROL_CWRR | VWC_WP | Volumetric water content Wilting pt | |
HYDROL_CWRR | VWC_MIN_FOR_WET_ALB | Vol. wat. cont. above which albedo is cst | |
HYDROL_CWRR | VWC_MAX_FOR_DRY_ALB | Vol. wat. cont. below which albedo is cst | |
HYDROL_CWRR | CWRR_NKS_N0 | fitted value for relation log((n-n0)/(n_ref-n0)) = nk_rel * log(k/k_ref) | |
HYDROL_CWRR | CWRR_NKS_POWER | fitted value for relation log((n-n0)/(n_ref-n0)) = nk_rel * log(k/k_ref) | |
HYDROL_CWRR | CWRR_AKS_A0 | fitted value for relation log((a-a0)/(a_ref-a0)) = ak_rel * log(k/k_ref) | |
HYDROL_CWRR | CWRR_AKS_POWER | fitted value for relation log((a-a0)/(a_ref-a0)) = ak_rel * log(k/k_ref) | |
HYDROL_CWRR | KFACT_DECAY_RATE | Factor for Ks decay with depth | |
HYDROL_CWRR | KFACT_STARTING_DEPTH | Depth for compacted value of Ks | |
HYDROL_CWRR | KFACT_MAX | Maximum Factor for Ks increase due to vegetation |
Land Use Change (LUC)
Keyword | Description |
MAP_PFT_FORMAT | Read a land use vegetation map on PFT format. Before LAND_USE |
COEFF_LCCHANGE_1 | fractions of biomass for each PFT as instantaneous on-site eflux |
COEFF_LCCHANGE_10 | fractions of wood mass entering 10-year turnover product pool |
COEFF_LCCHANGE_100 | fraction of wood mass entering 100-year turnover product pool |
Soil freezing
DEPENDENCIES | Keyword | Description |
OK_FREEZE | Activate the complet soil freezing scheme. This flag controls the default values for several flags controling the different soil freezing processes. | |
- | - | - |
Set default to OK_FREEZE | OK_ECORR | Energy conservation : Correction to make sure that the same latent heat is released and consumed during freezing and thawing |
Set default to OK_FREEZE | READ_REFTEMP | Initialize soil temperature using climatological temperature (y/n). Default is y when OK_FREEZE is y |
Set default to OK_FREEZE | OK_FREEZE_THERMIX | Activate thermal part of the soil freezing scheme (y/n) |
Set default to OK_FREEZE | OK_FREEZE_CWRR | CWRR freezing scheme scheme by I. Gouttevin. |
READ_PERMAFROST_MAP | Read information about ice content, overburden and permafrost type from IPA map (y/N) | |
READ_PERMAFROST_MAP | PERMAFROST_MAP_FILE | Permafrost input data file path |
PROS | Soil porosity | |
FR_DT | Freezing window | |
- | Related to soil freezing in diffuco module | - |
Set default to OK_FREEZE | OK_SNOWFACT | Activates the smoothering of landscapes by snow |
- | Related to soil freezing in hydrol module | - |
Set default to OK_FREEZE | OK_FREEZE_CWRR | CWRR freezing scheme scheme by I. Gouttevin. |
HYDROL_CWRR AND OK_FREEZE_CWRR | OK_THERMODYNAMICAL_FREEZING | Calculate frozen fraction thermodynamically |
Permafrost carbon
Dependencies | Keyword | Description |
OK_PC | Enable/disable module (y/n) | |
OK_PC | organic_layer_thickness | The thickness of organic layer (n) |
OK_PC | OK_METHANE | Is Methanogenesis and -trophy taken into account?(n) |
OK_PC | HEAT_CO2_ACT | specific heat of soil organic matter oxidation for active carbon (J/kg carbon)(40.e06) |
OK_PC | HEAT_CO2_SLO | 30.e06 |
OK_PC | HEAT_CO2_PAS | 10.e06 |
OK_PC | TAU_CH4_TROPH | 43200 |
OK_PC | O2_SEUIL_MGEN | 3.0 |
OK_PC | HEAT_CH4_GEN | 0 |
OK_PC | frozen_respiration_func | 3 |
OK_PC | O2_LIMIT | y |
OK_PC | cryoturbate | y |
OK_PC | cryoturbation_diff_k | 0.01 |
OK_PC | MG_useallCpools | y |
OK_PC | max_shum_value | 1 |
OK_PC | reset_yedoma_carbon | n |
OK_PC | yedoma_map_filename | |
OK_PC | yedoma_depth | 20 |
OK_PC | deepC_a_init | 1790.1 |
OK_PC | deepC_s_init | 14360.8 |
OK_PC | deepC_p_init | 1436 |
OK_PC | newaltcalc | n |
OK_PC | new_carbinput_intdepzlit | Not described (n) |
OK_PC | correct_carboninput_vertprof | Not described (n) |
- | - | - |
OK_PC | use_new_cryoturbation | Not described (n) |
OK_PC | cryoturbation_method | Not described (1) |
OK_PC | max_cryoturb_alt | Not described (1) |
OK_PC | reset_fixed_cryoturbation_depth | Not described (n) |
OK_PC | use_fixed_cryoturbation_depth | Not described (n) |
Multilayer snow
Keyword | Description |
OK_EXPLICITSNOW | Activate explict snow scheme (y/N) |
HYDROL_CWRR changes default values
Dependencies | Keyword | Description |
RIVER_ROUTING | Enable/disable module (y/n). Decides if we route the water or not | |
RIVER_ROUTING | DO_IRRIGATION | Should we compute an irrigation flux |
RIVER_ROUTING | DT_ROUTING | Time step of the routing scheme |
RIVER_ROUTING | DO_FLOODINFILT | Should floodplains reinfiltrate into the soil |
RIVER_ROUTING | DO_PONDS | Should we include ponds |
RIVER_ROUTING | SLOW_TCST | Time constant for the slow reservoir |
RIVER_ROUTING | FAST_TCST | Time constant for the fast reservoir |
RIVER_ROUTING | STREAM_TCST | Time constant for the flood reservoir |
RIVER_ROUTING | FLOOD_TCST | Fraction of the river that flows back to swamps |
RIVER_ROUTING | SWAMP_CST | Parameter to fix the shape of the floodplain |
RIVER_ROUTING | FLOOD_BETA | Parameter to fix the shape of the floodplain |
RIVER_ROUTING | POND_BETAP | Ratio of the basin surface intercepted by ponds and the maximum surface of ponds |
Dependencies | Keyword | Description |
RIVER_ROUTING | DO_FLOODPLAINS | Enable/disable module (y/n) |
DO_FLOODPLAINS or DO_IRRIGATION | IRRIGATION_FILE | Name of file which contains the map of irrigated areas |
DO_FLOODPLAINS or DO_PONDS | FLOOD_CRI | Potential height for which all the basin is flooded |
DO_FLOODPLAINS or DO_PONDS | POND_CRI | Potential height for which all the basin is a pond |
Dependencies | Keyword | Description |
RIVER_ROUTING | DO_SWAMPS | Enable/disable module (y/n) |
Dependencies | Keyword | Description |
CH4_CALCUL | Enable/disable module (y/n) | |
CH4_CALCUL | CH4atmo_CONC | Not described |
CH4_CALCUL | CH4_WTD1 | Not described |
CH4_CALCUL | CH4_WTD2 | Not described |
CH4_CALCUL | CH4_WTD3 | Not described |
CH4_CALCUL | CH4_WTD4 | Not described |
CH4_CALCUL | NVERT | nb of vertical layers for CH4 diffusion |
CH4_CALCUL | NS | ... |
CH4_CALCUL | NDAY | ... |
CH4_CALCUL | H | ... |
CH4_CALCUL | RK | ... |
CH4_CALCUL | POX | ... |
CH4_CALCUL | DVEG | ... |
CH4_CALCUL | RKM | ... |
CH4_CALCUL | XVMAX | ... |
CH4_CALCUL | OXQ10 | ... |
CH4_CALCUL | SCMAX | ... |
CH4_CALCUL | SR0PL | ... |
CH4_CALCUL | RPV | ... |
CH4_CALCUL | RQ10 | ... |
CH4_CALCUL | ALPHA_CH4 | ... |
Dependencies | Keyword | Description |
TOPM_CALCUL | Enable/disable module (y/n) | |
CO2 variation
Define with value
Keyword | Description |
FORCE_CO2_VEG | Flag to force the value of atmospheric CO2 for vegetation |
ATM_CO2 | Default value 280.0. You can find at /home/orchideeshare/igcmg/IGCM/BC/SRF/OL2/CO2_1860_2012_TRENDY2.txt a set of values used with modipsl |
Analytic spinup
Not working with carbon parmafrost, for the moment use the forcesoil method in order to add carbon in the soil.
Dependencies | Keyword | Description |
SPINUP_ANALYTIC | Enable/disable module(y/N) | |
SPINUP_ANALYTIC | SPINUP_PERIOD | Period to calulcate equilibrium during spinup analytic |
SPINUP_ANALYTIC | EPS_CARBON | Allowed error on carbon stock |
Dependencies | Keyword | Description |
STOMATE_CFORCING_NAME | FORCESOIL_STEP_PER_YEAR | Number of time steps per year for carbon spinup (default 12) |
STOMATE_CFORCING_NAME | FORCESOIL_NB_YEAR | Number of years saved for carbon spinup. (default 1) |
Spred precipiation over a period time. Use default.
Check out:
Keyword | Description |
SPRED_PREC | Spread the precipitation (1) |
CO2 downregulation
Use default.
Keyword | Description |
DOWNREGULATION_CO2 | Enable/disable module (y/n) |
DOWNREGULATION_CO2_COEFF | coefficient for CO2 downregulation (unitless) |
New soil thermal properties
- new_carbinput_intdepzlit=y
- frozen_resp_func=1
Since revision [3226/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT/ORCHIDEE]
Keyword | Description |
bioturbation_diff_k | diffusion constant for bioturbation (0.001 or 0 ??) |
bioturbation_depth | maximum bioturbation depth (2m) |
adjust_method_new | Enable new bioturbation method(Y/n) |
Since revision [3228/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT/ORCHIDEE]
Gross Land Use Change (GLUC)
Developed By Chao
Dependency | Keyword | Description |
GLUC_USE_AGE_CLASS | Use age class and activate gross land use change? (y/N) | |
GLUC_NAGEC_TREE | Number of age class for forest (6) | |
GLUC_NAGEC_HERB | Number of age class for crop, pasture and grassland (4) | |
GLUC_NVMAP | Total number of metaclasses (15) | |
GLUC_AGEC_GROUPxx | look-up table to link MTC to PFTs | |
GLUC_AGE_CLASS_BOUNDxx | boundaries used to distinguish age class | |
GLUC_ALLOW_FORESTRY_HARVEST | allow forestry harvest ? [y/N] | |
GLUC_SINGLE_AGE_CLASS | Assume there is a single age class in each MTC? [y/N] | |
GLUC_USE_BOUND_SPA | Use a spital file for input as the boundaries of age class? [y/N] | |
GLUC_AGE_THRESHOLD_FILE | GLUC_AGE_THRESHOLD_FILE | File name of the spatial boundary input file |
GLUC_NET_LCC_FILE | Matrix file for Net land cover change | |
GLUC_SHIFT_PRI_FILE | Matrix file for shifting cultivation by clearing primary forest, normally not used | |
GLUC_SHIFT_SEC_FILE | Matrix file for shifting cultivation by clearing secondary forest | |
GLUC_FORESTRY_HARVEST_FILE | Matrix file for wood harvest from primary and secondary forests |
Since revision [3306/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT/ORCHIDEE]
CROPS (incomplete)
On-going development (by Xuhui)
Since revision 3999, CROP is disabled by default. In order to enable it add the following options into run.def:
Dependency | Keyword | Description |
ok_LAIdev=n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,y,y,y | CROP specific | |
NVM=14 | Number of PFTs | |
PFT_TO_MTC=1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 | PFT metaclasses | |
NSTM=6 | ||
PREF_SOIL_VEG=1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6 |
Before revision 3999, module is enable by default. Use the following options in run.def to disable the module:
NVM = 13 PFT_TO_MTC = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 OK_LAIDEV=n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n NSTM = 3 PREF_SOIL_VEG = 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3
Since revision [3751/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT/ORCHIDEE]
- To use on crops. First map read.
- On active le LUC, on lit la carte de vegétation seulement pour prendre en compte les crops qui évoluent alors ; le DGVM continue de gérer les PFTs naturels en fonction des conditions climatiques (enfin c'est ce que j'ai compris).
Il ne faut surtout pas mettre IMPOSE_VEG= y puisque si on impose la végétation elle ne va pas pouvoir évoluer en fonction du climat (je n'ai pas testé mais ce fonctionnement semble absurde, il faudrait arrêter avec un message d'erreur).