New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
DevelopersCommittee/Agenda/2018-01-16 – NEMO

Version 8 (modified by diovino, 7 years ago) (diff)


Developer's Committee meeting Tuesday 16 January 2018

Last edition: Wikinfo(changed_ts)? by Wikinfo(changed_by)?

Proposed agenda

Chairperson: Julien Le Sommer

1:00 pm - 2:30 pm (Paris time)

Introduction 10 mn

Discussion on 2017 annual report 20 mn

See 2017 annual report coming very soon, attached to this page

Report of activities and perspectives for Working Groups

The subgroup has gathered information and discussed them, so that only the subjects to be discussed are listed in the agenda. For the others, the perspectives (e.g. the foreseen activity of WG for next year) is expected to be added by WG leader in the minutes below.

  • AGRIF 10 mn

Ideas and plan of activity on AGRIF developments in and for NEMO are now quite clear, so that WG is now more organising the work than planning it. Brief presentation (~2 slides) by Jérôme Chanut to raise issues and discussion

  • Air sea interactions 10 mn

This partly new WG is expected to include the existing Wave Coupling WG so as to take in account the otheraspects of air-sea interactions. Discussions are now going on between Emanuela Clementi (leader of Wave coupling WG) and Sébastien Masson (proposed leader of air-sea interaction WG) on how to reorganise the work. Brief presentation by Emanuela Clementi and Sébastien Masson , followed by discussion to design the activities of WG in 2018

  • Configuration Manager 20 mn

The Working Group is requiring a clear definition of NEMO Consortium’s understanding of “Configuration Manager” and strategy in order to foresee and organise the next steps between SIREN, need to have a setup tool for AGRIF and the more general configuration tool.

Discussion scheduled during Devcom meeting, after a very brief presentation (~2 slides) of the status today by WG leader S. Ciliberti.

  • Informations from subgroup on other Working groups activities and 2018 agenda 15 mn
    • HPC WG
    • Kernel (new) WG
    • Data assimilation and interface, modelling uncertainties WG
    • Top discussion group
    • Robustness and test cases

Coffee Break 20 mn

2:50 - 4:20 pm

  • Sea-ice 10 mn

WG is at work both to build the new European sea-ice model and to schedule work and find resources. Brief presentation (~2 slides) by WG leaders (Martin Vancoppennolle and Ed Blockley to open discussion on objectives of WG for 2018

NDS document final approval 15 mn

Information on important calls or projects 10 mn

Discussion on 2018 proposed Workplan 20 mn

The proposal is available here: and the NEMO System Team members will answer questions and comments from Developer's Committee members

Information on XIOS and OASIS: possible evolutions, convergences, sustainable resources for development and support 10 mn

Presentation on open development practices elsewhere : Alistair Adcroft 20 mn

Conclusions 10 mn

These conclusions will include

  • Advice of the Committee on 2017 work and 2018 proposed work plan
  • Possibly message(s) to Steering Committee

4:30 END of meeting

== Meeting Minutes ==

Coming after the meeting

2018 agenda of Working groups (to be completed by WG leader before/after the meeting)

List of questions the WG is targeting/expecting to answer:

  • Air sea interactions
  • Configuration Manager
  • Data assimilation and interface, modelling uncertainties
  • HPC
  • Kernel
  • Robustness and test cases
  • Sea-ice
  • TOP

List of participants

Name Role Connecting from
Claire Lévy Project manager Paris LOCEAN 4ème étage
Dorotea Iovino CMCC NEMO officer CMCC Bologna
Andrew Coward NEMO officerNOC Southampton

Connection information:

If possible, use a videoconference system. Otherwise, you must have a way to turn of your microphone in order to avoid echoing problems

To join the conference from your system:

Connection to the conference
Connection from a single terminal (Windows, OS X, tablet, smartphone ...)***9188&autojoin
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GDS	+33 (0)9 88 83 00 07 723550
SIP	sip:723550@
Conference number	723550 (end by #)
Access code	9188 (end by #)
Title	NEMO Developers Committe
Begin	2018-01-16 12:45 Europe/Paris
Duration	04:30
Number of estimated connections	20
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room 9999
PIN 0000
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Attachments (8)