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Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
2016WP/INGV_2016 – NEMO

INGV-NEMO - 2016 actions

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Additionnal members of System team working on Specific Actions

Name Institution % Position

Summary: List here the actions NOT listed in SHARED ACTIONS

Action Brief description Status Branch name Trac ticket n° Wiki page name Reviewer(s) Review status

Summary of SHARED ACTIONS (listed here for continuity)

Action Brief description Status Branch name Trac ticket n° Wiki page name Reviewer(s) Review status Shared Action Stream
INGV-1 Improvements in wave-current interaction processes implementation done, to be improved in 2017 /2015/dev_r5936_INGV1_WAVE Rachid Benshila WAVE coupling
INGV-2 Definition of wave-current interaction processes at small (coastal) scale Postponed Benshila WAVE coupling
INGV-3 Participate in the Test case working group Postponed Rachid Benshila NEMO robustness

INGV-1 Improvements in wave-current interaction processes implementation (SHARED ACTION)

Motivation: INGV is responsible for the WAVE-WG and will continue improving the wave-current interaction processes implementation according to the WG needs (see Wave-coupling WG wiki page
Status : Implementation of some of the identified processes has been started in 2014 and 2015 within the Wave coupling WG:

  1. New Vertical Stokes Drift computation according to Breivik et al., 2014: “Approximate Stokes Drift Profiles in Deep Water”
  2. Vertical Turbulence: implement the Qiao (2010) formulation (works with all the vertical closure schemes)
  3. Modification of the surface vertical velocity accounting for the Stokes Drift
  4. Computation of the Stokes-Coriolis Force
  5. Inclusion of the Stokes drift components in the tracer advection term
  6. Generalization of the surface boundary condition for momentum accounting for the wave effects

This work is included in the /2015/dev_r5936_INGV1_WAVE development branch
Main tasks :

  • Finalize the review and testing phase of /2015/dev_r5936_INGV1_WAVE by January 2016
  • Merge the development branch into the trunk by January 2016
  • Continue tests on the wave-current processes implemented
  • Continue implementation of already defined wave-current processes:

o Vertical mixing enhancement due to wave-current interaction;
o Contribute to the discussion on development of Langmuir circulation;
o others if agreed by the WAVE-WG.

  • Meeting organization with the WAVE-WG to discuss further issues to be investigated and implemented

Science Pre-viewer: Nadia Pinardi
System Pre-viewer: Rachid Benshila
Priority: high
Depends on:
Principal Investigator: Emanuela Clementi (emanuela.clementi@…)

INGV-2 Definition of wave-current interaction processes at small (coastal) scale (SHARED ACTION)

Motivation: According to the WAVE-WG, in order to achieve a full wave-current coupling, the small (coastal) scale processes need to be investigated and integrated. This development is part of a second phase wave coupling development depending on the first one: INGV-1 dealing with processes acting at large to meso-scale.
Status : To be continued in 2016
Main tasks : Contribute, within the WAVE-WG, in the analysis of this issue in order to finalize the discussions started in 2014 before proceeding with any new implementation. In particular main tasks are:

  • sink of wave momentum due to breaking and wave-turbulence interaction
  • sink of wave momentum due to bottom friction
  • wave-induced mean pressure

Science Pre-viewer: Nadia Pinardi
System Pre-viewer: Rachid Benshila
Depends on: INGV-1
Principal Investigator: Emanuela Clementi (emanuela.clementi@…)

INGV-3 Participate in the Test case working group (SHARED ACTION)

Motivation: Work on a test-case to test wave-current interactions since a proper configuration is needed in order to test the wave-current developments as agreed by the WAVE-WG
Status : To be continued in 2016
Main tasks : Contribute, within the WAVE-WG, in the definition and implementation of a test case to test the wave-current processes implemented
Science Pre-viewer: Nadia Pinardi
System Pre-viewer: Rachid Benshila
Depends on: INGV-1
Principal Investigator: Emanuela Clementi (emanuela.clementi@…)

Last modified 8 years ago Last modified on 2016-12-02T15:05:52+01:00