New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
2014WP/2014Stream0 – NEMO

NEMO team Stream 0 - Shared 2014 actions

Last edited Timestamp?

WARNING page currently in progress



Configuration Manager


Wave Coupling

NEMO robustness

Action Brief description From PI Status end 2014 and suggestions for 2015 (ended, next step, not started... and why?)
AGRIF-1 Investing in AGRIF expertise CNRS-2 Sébastien Masson
AGRIF-2 AGRIF+LIM3 CNRS-3 Simona Flavoni
AGRIF-3 AGRIF + time-splitting compatibility MERCATOR-4 Jérôme Chanut This is a two step development:
First step done in 2013-2014 consisted in implementing grid coupling in the barotropic sub-stepping at baroclinic level. Changes have been merged with a new Agrif library by Rachid Benshila. Resulting branch is dev_r4765_CNRS_agrif
The second step is to implement coupling at barotropic level. The main advantage is that the coupling between grids is located at grid interfaces only (in the present implementation, coupling also takes place under the whole overlap area). Since this may imply a deep re-organisation of the whole time stepping, it may be postponed to match a future NEMO version with a new time stepping.
Config. Manager
ConfigMan?-1 Improve first version - Lead working group MERCATOR 1 Julien Paul
ConfigMan-2 Participate to Config Manager working group INGV-5 - Paolo Oddo
ConfigMan?-3 Sponge layer at open boundaries UKMO-5 Dave Storkey
ConfigMan?-4 Vertical interpolation of open boundary inputs NOC-4 James Harle Implemented in branch dev_r4621_NOC4_BDY_VERT_INTERP. Ready for merge when required.
System simplification
Simplification -1 Lead discussion on code simplification CNRS-0 Gurvan Madec
Simplification -2 unused options will be removed and the non-linear free surface as default option NOC-3 Andrew Coward Rationalisation of LDF options achieved (branch dev_CNRS0_NOC1_LDF). Further simplification awaiting agreed implementation plans
Simplification -3 Supress LIM2 once equivalent in LIM3 CNRS-3 Martin Vancoppenolle
Simplification -4 Improvements to 1d Configuration UKMO-8 Daley Calvert Time constraints mean this has not happened this year. Hopefully will be done next year
Simplification -5 Improvements and Updates to OBS and ASM UKMO-13 Multiple
Simplification -6 Masked Damping UKMO-2 Tim Graham Code reviewed and ready for merge. All configuration dependent options have been moved to a new tool (DMP_TOOLS).
Wave coupling
Wave-1 Wave-current interaction INGV-4 Emanuela Clementi in 2014 the WAVE WG met and identified, as a first step development, a set of large scale wave effects to be implemented. Some technical issues have been identified with respect to a development branch created implementing the work done by ECMWF. In 2015 the identified issues will be implemented by the WAVE WG and a proper configuration will be created to test the developments. Time will be dedicated to start discussing the second phase development identifying the coastal processes to be implemented
Wave-2 Inclusion of surface waves in NEMO Met-Office-18 Francois-Xavier Bocquet W.G. agreed Francois would make required changes to sbccpl.
This requires other actions to be completed first so this action may be carried over
NEMO robustness
Robust- 1 Testing, validation and commissioning of recent major changes NOC-2 Andrew Coward Issues with stability of global configurations using full ice embedding have been partially addressed with the introduction of sub-timestepping for the vertical advection (branch dev_r4743_NOC2_ZTS) and options for coping with land-fast ice (in progress). Problems remain at the extreme Southern boundary where the ice-shelf edges are represented by sheer cliffs. The new under-shelf facility may alleviate this problem. Solutions for known problems with the iceberg option (ICB) have been collected from the community and implemented as bug-fixes to the trunk. Additional solutions for handling icebergs correctly at the north-fold and when land-only regions are suppressed are under test and will be ready for the merge. Z-tilde has undergone extensive testing in regional configurations by Jerome Chanut leading to significant improvements. Some nursing in extreme conditions (e.g. Bay of Fundy) is still required and the use of Z-tilde in global configurations cannot, yet, be recommended.
Robust-2 Ocean global configurations for next ESMs CNRS-9 Claire Levy In 2014, the options and parameters of ORCA1_LIM3_PISCES have been chosen and tested. Continue in 2015 on ORCA1 resolution only:
- distrbution of ORCA1_LIM3_PISCES shared configuration through a specific forge/svn project at IPSL
- run the forced reference experiments (climatological and interannual)
Robust-3 NEMO model reliability INGV-2 Paolo Oddo Continuous efforts
Robust-4 Comodo tests CNRS-7 Simona Flavoni
ROBUST-5 BDY and biogeochemistry CMCC-4 Tomas Lovato it will be completed by March 2015
Robust-6 Ensure CF compliance and availability of CMIP outputs UKMO3 Daley Calvert Ongoing...
Robust-7 CFL diagnostics UKMO-11 Tim Graham Reviewed and ready to merge. Very simple code so could be added in to 3.6 release even though not critical to CMIP6?
GMD Special Issue all
GO5.0: The joint NERC-Met Office NEMO global ocean model for use in coupled and forced applications UKMO A. Megann Geosci. Model Dev., 7, 1069-1092, 2014 (not in NEMO Special Issue yet)
NEMO dynamical core CNRS G. Madec
NEMO ice component CNRS G. Madec

Last modified 10 years ago Last modified on 2014-11-21T11:37:00+01:00