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Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
2013WP/EnlargedDevComJune2013/2013SmallGroup – NEMO

NEMO 2013 Small Group

The so called "2013 Small Group" has been created during the Enlarged Developer's Committee meeting (18 - 19 June 2013) to build the preliminary conclusions of the meeting, and beyond to follow the ongoing actions, at least till the end of the 2013 NEMO prospective work.

List of members:

  • Andrew Coward, NOC representative
  • Srdjan Dobricic, CMCC representative
  • Yann Drillet, MERCATOR representative
  • Antonio Guarnieri and/or Paolo Oddo, INGV representative
  • Julien Le Sommer, CNRS representative
  • Claire Lévy, Project Manager
  • Gurvan Madec, Scientific Leader
  • John Siddorn and/or Richard Wood, Met Office representative
  • Anne-Marie Tréguier

Second videoconference: 5 July 2013

Present: Srdjan Dobricic, Julien Le Sommer, John Siddorn, Andrew Coward, Gurvan Madec, Paolo Oddo, Yann Drillet, Claire Lévy


Detailed summary of the NEMO Consortium white paper has been discussed and approved, see below.
The final document should be about 10 to 20 pages.
The name for each paragraph is the person in charge of writing it, getting the inputs as needed (for example, Yann will require Laurent Debreu for AGRIF; Gurvan wil require canadians for sea-ice...).
The opinion(s) of the System Team should be taken in account as earlier as possible, especially on manpower, since they are the main actors of the work to be done.
The first version should be available on September 1st at the latest, in order for the final discussions within the community to take place this autumn and for the decision makers (Steering Committee) to decide in December.
Until september, drafts will be exchanged by mail (as soon as possible). Something on the cloud will be set up for the general discussion once all the paragraph are written.

The notes on the sessions of the meeting will be added on the meeting's wiki page as soon as they arrive.
Following our decisions during previous meeting, Claire will launch the HPC working group, and Yann will ask Laurent Debreu to lead a group on AGRIF.

Detailed summary of the NEMO Consortium white paper

1 - Introduction -> Claire Lévy
- Brief history
- Motivations for this prospective work
- What is this document?
- How has it been elaborated written and reviewed? How will it be used? How will it be updated?

2 - Target applications in about 10 years -> Julien Le Sommer

3 – NEMO kernel -> Julien Le Sommer
- Contours (seamless to what extent ?) and components of NEMO
- no strong case for moving toward unstructured grid yet
- AGRIF is an essential tool for NEMO, but ressources are needed.
- HPC and the question of scalability should be addressed (now and in the future). how can we keep an eye on the evolution of unstructured discretization methods?

4 – The ocean dynamics component of NEMO : NEMO-OPA ->Anne-Marie Tréguier, John Siddorn
Includes :
- Evolutions of ocean physics: what has reached consensus(toward a more physically based mixing...), wave and wave coupling, and also non-hydrostatic, non-Bousinesq
- What rationale/process for simplifying the code ? A need for simplifying the code for both maintenance and futur evolutions (fewer options)

5 – Towards locally higher effective resolution : AGRIF -> Yann Drillet
- Today and what is expected in the future (when?)

6 – The assimilation component of NEMO ->Srdjan Dobricic
Includes :
- Evolution of the component (NEMO-TAM, NEMO-OBS, NEMO-ASM)
- Shall we develop together tools for ensemble runs? (multi-NEMO, metrics)

7 – The sea-ice component of NEMO : NEMO-LIM and its interface -> Gurvan Madec
Includes :
- Evolution of the component and of its interface with NEMO-OPA considering the diversity of components in use.

8 – The biogeochemical component of NEMO: NEMO-TOP and its interface -> Gurvan Madec
Includes :
- Evolution of the component and of its interface with NEMO-OPA considering the diversity of components in use.

9 - NEMO validation and contours of user support ->Paolo Oddo, Andrew Coward
- Includes:
- NEMO : a community model or a consortium model ?
- What should be the list of reference configurations?
- System environment, tools
- Improve users experience, facilitate the first steps with NEMO (tutorial, config tools) - enabling external users to make available their configurations ?
- Diagnostic tools have not been discussed much

10 – Drivers and organisation to prioritise developments and ensure the mid-term goals ->Claire Lévy

Sections 2 to 9 should include:
Some details on what has been discussed
What makes full consensus
What remains in discussion, the list of opinions/advices, and how to proceed (including a proposed agenda, before and/or after December 2013)
What has not been discussed but could/should be in the future
A list of actions
Identification of existing manpower or of the needed one, eventually with 2 possible plans

First videoconference: 2 July 2013

Present: Srdjan Dobricic, Julien Le Sommer, John Siddorn, Andrew Coward, Gurvan Madec, Paolo Oddo, Antonio Guarnieri, Yann Drillet, Claire Lévy


  • Approval of the slides of conclusion of the meeting

Slides are ok to be added on the meeting wiki page and sent to Steering Committee as a first overview of the results of the meeting.

Action: insist to get the missing notes of session leaders (Claire)

  • Final list of members of the "small group"

List of members as defined above is approved

  • Proposed list of members of the "writing group" (to be submitted to Steering Committee)

Same list of members to be submitted to Steering Committee (action: Claire)

  • List of actions and agenda of the "small group"

The "small group" will also become the "writing group" (as soon as approved by Steering Committee).

First task: write the detailed summary of white paper, and distribute the writing work between us.

Agreement on the idea of writing a draft of the white paper for september, given the idea that some aspects may remain unanswered (but with the details on all the arguments exchanged during the meeting). Examples: NEMO seamless or not?; community versus consortium?; contours?...

Action: Claire sends a first preliminary draft to the group today, to be discussed during next videoconference Friday 5 July !2:00 pm Paris time.

What's next:

Once the writing of the white paper has started, there are some useful actions to take in account:

HPC: a working group should start now, to identify what is ongoing in the community, what is missing, who is in charge to follow the GungHo? development for NEMO...

Proposed list of names: Sébastien Masson, Italo Epicoco, Stephen Pickles, Marie-Alice Foujols, Jean-Marc Molines, Yann Meurdesoif, Mondher Chekki, Laurent Debreu.

Comments from Claire: this is "my" list: they do not know about it yet. If approved, we can ask them.

AGRIF: Work should be prepared before Developer's and Steering Committee's meetings. There is a need to clarify which part of the work could be taken by Laurent Debreu's team, and which one is devoted to the NEMO developer's. Also needed: identify which applications will be starting at least within the Consortium, soon.

Action: ask Larent Debreu to lead this preparatory work

Configuration Manager:

Same kind of preparatory work to be done, but the working group exists, cf

Wave coupling:

Same kind of preparatory work to be done, but the working group exists, lead by Nadia Pinardi

To be discussed next time:

Diagnostics, who to foster scientific developements

  • Date of next videoconference: Friday 5 July 2:00 pm Paris time
Last modified 11 years ago Last modified on 2013-07-05T16:05:40+02:00