New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
2010WP/2010Action_institutions_Met_Office – NEMO

Met Office-NEMO team - 2010 actions

Last edited Timestamp?


Ian CulverwellMet- Office, Exeter20 NEMO System Team Officer
Christopher HarrisMet- Office, Exeter20
Richard HillMet- Office, Exeter20
Enda O’DeaMet- Office, Exeter20
Dave StorkeyMet- Office, Exeter20

total weeks :

UKMO.1 — CF compliance of all NEMO NetCDF outputs (v3.3)

Motivation: Useful for post-processing applications that assume CF-compliance
Status : Nearly done.
Main tasks : (2 wk) - v3.3
(1) Need to put CF-standard names in IOM XML file .
(2) See if we can give user control over which XML file to use.
Science Reviewer: Sebastien Masson
System Reviewer: Sebastien Masson
28 May 2010
Principal Investigator :
Ian Culverwell (ian.culverwell@…)

UKMO.2 — Providing capability to run NEMO with CICE (v3.4)

Motivation: Useful for comparing sensitivity to different sea ice models
Status : Dependent on LIM3 work (see A.5 above).
Main tasks : (4 wk)
(1) Add code to allow running of NEMO-CICE stand-alone model. (2w)
(2) Allow sbccpl interface to work with CICE (particularly multi-category fields). (2w)
Principal Investigator : Chris Harris (christopher.harris@…)
Deadline : 1st June 2011
Science Reviewer : Sebastien Masson
Potential System Reviewer : Sebastien Masson
Priority : Medium

UKMO.3 — Providing OBS and ASM functionality (v3.4)

Motivation: Allows NEMOVAR to be run as well as using the tools for validation
Status : Some work done; further developments on-going.
Main tasks : (10 wk)
(1) Make branches of NEMO so that the NEMOVAR version of OBS and ASM code are split up and made separate to any other changes.
(2) Update the OBS and ASM branches from vn3.0 to the latest Paris trunk version.
(3) Run the standard NVTK tests.
(4) Supply the OBS and ASM code to NEMO systems team.
(5) Develop test environments for OBS and ASM.
(6) Collate documentation for OBS and ASM and pass to systems team.
(7) Help coordinate developments to the IAU code so that the changes from Charles-Emmanuel Testut go into the NEMO base code.
(8) Add ability to ingest drifter data to the OBS for validation purposes
Principal Investigator : Dan Lea (daniel.lea@…)
Deadline : 30 September 2010
Potential Science Reviewer : Reviewed by NEMOVAR partners
Potential System Reviewer : Rachid Benshila
Priority : Medium

UKMO.4 — Mixed laplacian-bilaplacian diffusion (v3.3)

Motivation : Addition of a mixed laplacian/bilaplacian lateral diffusion on momentum scheme. Also allowing the choice of neither scheme for testing purposes.
Status : Code written and running at vn3.0.
Main tasks : (1 wk)
(1) Update to latest version of NEMO.
(2) Finalise testing of mixed scheme and return to trunk with testing and documentation.
Principal Investigator : Ed Blockley (ed.blockley@…)
Deadline : 1st June 2010
Potential Science Reviewer : Rachid Benshila
Potential System Reviewer : Rachid Benshila
Priority :

UKMO.6 — BDY updates (v3.3)

Motivation: Upgrade to include ice and complete documentation
Status : Boundary conditions for LIM coded. Boundary conditions for CICE to do. Documentation to do.
Main tasks : (2 w)
(1) Finalise coding and upgrade to include ice and passive tracers.
(2) Test, NVTK and submit documentation.
Principal Investigator : Dave Storkey (dave.storkey@…)
Deadline : 1st October 2010
Potential Science Reviewer : Rachid Benshila
Potential System Reviewer : Rachid Benshila

UKMO.7 — Horizontal Pressure Gradient scheme (v3.3)

Motivation: Upgrade to include pressure jacobian scheme
Status : Nearly done.
Main tasks : (4 w)
(1) Finalise testing in real-world configuration.
(2) NVTK + documentation for v3.4.
Principal Investigator : Hedong Liu (heua@…) Enda O'Dea (enda.odea@…)
Deadline : 1st October 2010
Priority: High
Science Reviewer : Gurvan Madec
System Reviewer : Rachid Benshila

UKMO.8 — GODAE metrics (v3.3)

Motivation: Test the meridional heat transport and overturning circulation diagnostic of the GODAE metrics
Status : Code working in 3.0 but still requires some tidying up and updating to 3.2.
Main tasks : (1 w)
(1) In collaboration with Mercator decide on a final version of metrics for inclusion
Principal Investigator : Catherine Guiavarc'h (catherine.guiavarch@…)
Deadline : 1st October 2010
Science Reviewer : Clement Bricaud
System Reviewer : Rachid Benshila
Priority: Low

UKMO.9 — Atlantic Margin Model standard configuration (v3.4)

Motivation: Add an s-coordinate non-linear free surface configuration as a standard config for NVTK and general use
Status : Configuration being developed
Main tasks : (4 w)
(1) Introduce the configuration in the trunk
(2) Add it to NVTK
Principal Investigator : Alex Arnold (alex.arnold@…)
Science Reviewer:
System Reviewer:
1 Oct 2011

UKMO.10 — NVTK upgrade (v3.3)

Motivation: Get NVTK working at UKMO. And with FCM for extract and build.
Status : NVTK doesn't work on IBM; FCM work not started
Main tasks : (8 w)
(1) Investigate feasibility of using FCM for extract and build (2) Get NVTK working on the Met Office IBM system
(3) If feasible, setup using FCM for extract and build - if not feasible we will advise Paris on restructuring required for it to be feasible
Principal Investigator : Richard Hill
Deadline : 1 October 2010
Priority: High
Science Reviewer : Not required
System Reviewer : Rachid Benshila (TBC)

UKMO.11 — Vertical PPM scheme (v3.3)

Motivation: The ppm is a 3rd order advection scheme with property of monotonicity. It could be superior over the existing 3 available vertical advection schemes in NEMO (cen2, muscl, and tvd), at least in the sense that it is one order higher. We will add an option to invoke the vertical PPM under the configurations of all the 6 available horizontal advection schemes in NEMO. As long as the horizontal advection doesn't exhaust a 3-d cell, the vertical ppm can even work with Courant Number > 1. This will be a good property for the s-coordinate. Also, it is good for the calculation of the advection of a discontinous field, such as thermocline, front.

Status : Scoping of work has started but implement has not
main tasks : Code design, implementation, testing and documentation (4wk)
Principal Investigator : Hedong Liu (heua@…) Enda O'Dea (enda.odea@…)
Deadline : 1 October 2010
Science Reviewer : Guillaume Reffray
System Reviewer :
Rachid Benshila (TBC)

UKMO.X1 — User Support

Provide support to users of NEMO. The Met Office will provide support for code supplied by them and will also share the support to UK users with NOCS (2 w)

UKMO.X2 — Code Reviewing

Reviewing code from NEMO partners (2 w)

UKMO.X3 — Beta Testing

Beta testing of new versions (4 w)

UKMO.X4 — Collaboration

Time spent:
- hosting visitors from partner institutes on the NEMO system team
- travelling to partner institutes for exchange visits
- attending NEMO Steering, Developers and System Team meetings
- attending “merge party”
(8 w)

Last modified 14 years ago Last modified on 2010-03-08T10:58:26+01:00