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Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
#329 (vvl and time splitting) – NEMO

Opened 15 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#329 closed Bug (fixed)

vvl and time splitting

Reported by: jchanut Owned by: cbricaud
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: OCE Version: v3.0
Severity: Keywords:


Computation of before barotropic fluxes (zub, zvb) at the beginning of the dynspg_ts routine is wrong. "Now" layer thicknesses are used instead of "before". As a matter of fact, the barotropic fluxes held by the 3d velocities do not match the filtered barotropic fluxes issued from the time splitting routine.
This has a major (in the good way) effect in our regional applications with tides.
This is not related, but one should also remove asselin time filtering on the barotropic part of the velocities in dynnxt routine. These have been enough filtered...

Commit History (0)

(No commits)

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by cbricaud

  • Owner changed from NEMO team to cbricaud

comment:2 Changed 12 years ago by cbricaud

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

solved in NEMO_3.4

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