New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
#2158 (ASINTER-03_laurent_bulk_and_wave) – NEMO

Opened 6 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#2158 new Task


Reported by: laurent Owned by: laurent
Priority: high Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: SBC Version: trunk
Severity: minor Keywords: wave, roughness, drag coefficient, bulk
Cc: laurent.brodeau@…


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Commit History (0)

(No commits)

Change History (10)

comment:1 Changed 6 years ago by laurent

  • Milestone changed from 2019 WP to IMMERSE 2019

comment:2 Changed 6 years ago by nicolasmartin

  • Type changed from Enhancement to Task

comment:3 Changed 6 years ago by laurent

  • Type changed from Task to Enhancement

comment:4 Changed 6 years ago by laurent

  • Keywords wave roughness drag coefficient bulk added
  • Type changed from Enhancement to Task

comment:5 Changed 6 years ago by nemo

  • Priority changed from low to high

comment:6 Changed 5 years ago by laurent

  • Type changed from Task to Enhancement
  • Version trunk deleted
  • wp_comment set to not started (working on ticket #2159 ASINTER-05_Brodeau_Advanced_Bulk which needs to be finished to start this one...)

comment:7 Changed 5 years ago by nicolasmartin

  • Type changed from Enhancement to Task

comment:8 Changed 5 years ago by laurent

  • branch_review changed from failed to pending
  • Cc laurent.brodeau@… added
  • Milestone changed from IMMERSE 2019 to IMMERSE 2020
  • Summary changed from ASINTER-06_Brodeau_Wave_Bulk to ASINTER-03_laurent_bulk+wave
  • Version set to trunk
  • wp_comment changed from not started (working on ticket #2159 ASINTER-05_Brodeau_Advanced_Bulk which needs to be finished to start this one...) to 0%

comment:9 Changed 5 years ago by laurent

  • Summary changed from ASINTER-03_laurent_bulk+wave to ASINTER-03_laurent_bulk_and_wave

comment:10 Changed 3 years ago by nemo

  • Milestone changed from IMMERSE 2020 to Unscheduled
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