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This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
#1586 (Adding warm layer and cool skin models to NEMO) – NEMO

Opened 9 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#1586 closed Bug (fixed)

Adding warm layer and cool skin models to NEMO

Reported by: jwhile Owned by: stortignauz
Priority: low Milestone: 2015 WP
Component: OCE Version: trunk
Severity: Keywords: SST cool_skin warm_layer
Cc: stortignauz


Adding the Takaya (2010) warm layer model and Artale (2002) cool skin model to NEMO.

The code is written so that it can be ran independently or alongside standard NEMO.

This code should have no impact on the results from standard NEMO, it only adds new output fields.

Commit History (0)

(No commits)

Attachments (4)

cool_skin.png (324.5 KB) - added by jwhile 9 years ago.
Cool skin from ORCA025 test
warm_layer.png (69.0 KB) - added by jwhile 9 years ago.
warm layer from ORCA025 test
cool_skin_orca2.png (189.4 KB) - added by jwhile 9 years ago.
Cool skin ORCA2
T_surf_ORCA2.png (80.8 KB) - added by jwhile 9 years ago.
Surface temperature ORCA2

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (15)

comment:1 Changed 9 years ago by jwhile

A ticket wiki has been opened at

The tests I plan to conduct are:

  1. The SETTE tests to ensure that I have not broken the standard NEMO functionality.
  2. A test of the new NEMO 3.6+ code and a run of my Vn3.4 code that I have been using in my own work. This test will ensure that the two sets of code give the same results.

comment:2 Changed 9 years ago by jwhile

the branch containing my changes is at


This branch contains changes to the code and also to the shared namelist_ref (see the wiki page).
Additionally the field_def.xml routine has also been updated to hold the new cool skin and warm layer variables.

Changed 9 years ago by jwhile

Cool skin from ORCA025 test

Changed 9 years ago by jwhile

warm layer from ORCA025 test

Changed 9 years ago by jwhile

Cool skin ORCA2

Changed 9 years ago by jwhile

Surface temperature ORCA2

comment:3 Changed 9 years ago by jwhile

As shown in the wiki the code has been passed through the SETTE tests and passed. The code has also been compared to the output from rev 5656 of the trunk and produces identical results.

Additionally the following tests have been conducted.

  1. The new code was run for a day and compared to results from the same day from the Met Offices Vn3.4 diurnal system. Both of these runs were on the ORCA025 grid in diurnal only mode (i.e ln_diurnal_only=.TRUE.) The same fluxes were used in both experiments. The results from both runs were identical, with the warm layer and cool skin results shown in the following images (units are degees C)

Cool skin from ORCA025 test
Cool skin

warm layer from ORCA025 test
Warm layer

  1. To demonstrate that the diurnal code could be ran with the rest of NEMO switched on, I reran the ORCA2_LIM_OBS SETTE test, but with ln_diurnal=.TRUE. This ran and did produced warm layer and cool skin skin values along with the NEMO outputs. Unfortunately this run only had daily averaged forcing so the cool skin and warm layers are not realistic, but do exist. Images of the cool skin and top layer model temperature for the end of the run are shown below (units are degrees C):

Cool skin ORCA2
Cool skin

Surface temperature ORCA2
Top layer temperature

comment:4 Changed 9 years ago by jwhile

  • Owner changed from NEMO team to stortignauz

Could you please look at the above and fill in the reviews wiki Please let me know if you think there are any issues.

comment:5 Changed 9 years ago by jwhile

As per the review, a new chapter has been added to the NEMO documentation. This chapter (the DIU chapter) describes the cool skin and warm layer models used.

In the review I was also asked to consider merging the namdiu namelist parameters into other pre-existing namelists. However, as DIU is a separate module from most of NEMO I feel it is important that it has its own namelist; however short. Having a separate namelist will also allow it to be extended more easily; additional options could include switching on/off the cool skin/warm layer models individualy and providing more user control over the parameters.

comment:6 Changed 8 years ago by timgraham

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

comment:7 Changed 8 years ago by nicolasmartin

  • Keywords diurnal removed

comment:8 Changed 8 years ago by nicolasmartin

  • Keywords cool_skin added; cool removed

comment:9 Changed 8 years ago by nicolasmartin

  • Keywords warm_layer added; warm removed

comment:10 Changed 8 years ago by nicolasmartin

  • Keywords skin removed

comment:11 Changed 8 years ago by nicolasmartin

  • Keywords layer removed
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