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Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
#1459 (Code lines above 132 characters (source & after pre-processing)) – NEMO

Opened 9 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#1459 closed Enhancement (wontfix)

Code lines above 132 characters (source & after pre-processing)

Reported by: nicolasmartin Owned by: nemo
Priority: lowest Milestone:
Component: OCE Version: trunk
Severity: Keywords:


Usually you have no inconvenience with the right option of compiler to ignore it, nevertheless I found few routines with the following command after compilation error:

find -iname '*.f90' -exec awk '{if (length($0)>132 && $0 !~ /!/) {printf ("%s:%s:%s\n",FILENAME,NR,$0)}}' '{}' \;
  • On the source code:
LIM_SRC_3/limcons.F90:198:         zvi  = ( glob_sum( SUM(   v_i(:,:,:)*rhoic + v_s(:,:,:)*rhosn, dim=3 ) * area(:,:) * tms(:,:) ) - zvi_b ) * r1_rdtice - zfw 
LIM_SRC_3/limcons.F90:200:         zei  =   glob_sum( SUM( e_i(:,:,1:nlay_i,:), dim=3 ) + SUM( e_s(:,:,1:nlay_s,:), dim=3 ) ) * r1_rdtice - zei_b * r1_rdtice + zft
OPA_SRC/BDY/bdyini.F90:1591:               IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ==========  does not start on land or on a corner'                                                  
OPA_SRC/BDY/bdyini.F90:1605:               IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ==========  does not end on land or on a corner'                                                  
OPA_SRC/BDY/bdyini.F90:1635:               IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ==========  does not start on land or on a corner'                                                  
OPA_SRC/BDY/bdyini.F90:1649:               IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ==========  does not end on land or on a corner'                                                  
OPA_SRC/BDY/bdyini.F90:1678:            IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ==========  does not start on land or on a corner'                                                  
OPA_SRC/BDY/bdyini.F90:1685:            IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ==========  does not end on land or on a corner'                                                  
OPA_SRC/BDY/bdytra.F90:105:            tsa(ii,ij,ik,jp_tem) = ( tsa(ii,ij,ik,jp_tem) + zwgt * ( dta%tem(ib,ik) - tsa(ii,ij,ik,jp_tem) ) ) * tmask(ii,ij,ik)         
OPA_SRC/FLO/flowri.F90:241:               CALL fliodefv( numflo, 'traj_lon'    , (/1,2/), v_t=flio_r8, long_name="Longitude"           , units="degrees_east"  )
OPA_SRC/FLO/flowri.F90:242:               CALL fliodefv( numflo, 'traj_lat'    , (/1,2/), v_t=flio_r8, long_name="Latitude"            , units="degrees_north" )
OPA_SRC/SBC/cyclone.F90:102:         sn_tc = FLD_N( 'tc_track',     6     ,  'tc'     ,  .true.    , .false. ,   'yearly'  , ''       , ''         , ''            )
OPA_SRC/SBC/sbcice_cice.F90:785:         sn_snow = FLD_N( 'snowfall_1m'  ,    -1.    ,  'snowfall'  ,  .true.    , .true.  ,  ' yearly'  , ''       , ''         ,  ''    ) 
OPA_SRC/SBC/sbcice_cice.F90:786:         sn_rain = FLD_N( 'rainfall_1m'  ,    -1.    ,  'rainfall'  ,  .true.    , .true.  ,  ' yearly'  , ''       , ''         ,  ''    ) 
OPA_SRC/SBC/sbcice_cice.F90:787:         sn_sblm = FLD_N( 'sublim_1m'    ,    -1.    ,  'sublim'    ,  .true.    , .true.  ,  ' yearly'  , ''       , ''         ,  ''    )
OPA_SRC/SBC/sbcice_cice.F90:788:         sn_top1 = FLD_N( 'topmeltn1_1m' ,    -1.    ,  'topmeltn1' ,  .true.    , .true.  ,  ' yearly'  , ''       , ''         ,  ''    )
OPA_SRC/SBC/sbcice_cice.F90:789:         sn_top2 = FLD_N( 'topmeltn2_1m' ,    -1.    ,  'topmeltn2' ,  .true.    , .true.  ,  ' yearly'  , ''       , ''         ,  ''    )
OPA_SRC/SBC/sbcice_cice.F90:790:         sn_top3 = FLD_N( 'topmeltn3_1m' ,    -1.    ,  'topmeltn3' ,  .true.    , .true.  ,  ' yearly'  , ''       , ''         ,  ''    )
OPA_SRC/SBC/sbcice_cice.F90:791:         sn_top4 = FLD_N( 'topmeltn4_1m' ,    -1.    ,  'topmeltn4' ,  .true.    , .true.  ,  ' yearly'  , ''       , ''         ,  ''    )
OPA_SRC/SBC/sbcice_cice.F90:792:         sn_top5 = FLD_N( 'topmeltn5_1m' ,    -1.    ,  'topmeltn5' ,  .true.    , .true.  ,  ' yearly'  , ''       , ''         ,  ''    )
OPA_SRC/SBC/sbcice_cice.F90:793:         sn_bot1 = FLD_N( 'botmeltn1_1m' ,    -1.    ,  'botmeltn1' ,  .true.    , .true.  ,  ' yearly'  , ''       , ''         ,  ''    )
OPA_SRC/SBC/sbcice_cice.F90:794:         sn_bot2 = FLD_N( 'botmeltn2_1m' ,    -1.    ,  'botmeltn2' ,  .true.    , .true.  ,  ' yearly'  , ''       , ''         ,  ''    )
OPA_SRC/SBC/sbcice_cice.F90:795:         sn_bot3 = FLD_N( 'botmeltn3_1m' ,    -1.    ,  'botmeltn3' ,  .true.    , .true.  ,  ' yearly'  , ''       , ''         ,  ''    )
OPA_SRC/SBC/sbcice_cice.F90:796:         sn_bot4 = FLD_N( 'botmeltn4_1m' ,    -1.    ,  'botmeltn4' ,  .true.    , .true.  ,  ' yearly'  , ''       , ''         ,  ''    )
OPA_SRC/SBC/sbcice_cice.F90:797:         sn_bot5 = FLD_N( 'botmeltn5_1m' ,    -1.    ,  'botmeltn5' ,  .true.    , .true.  ,  ' yearly'  , ''       , ''         ,  ''    )
OPA_SRC/timing.F90:561:            &   sl_timer_ave%tmin_clock*100.*jpnij/tot_etime,                           &                                               
TOP_SRC/TRP/trdmxl_trc.F90:1367:            CALL histdef(nidtrd(jn), trim(clvar)//"_tot"  , clmxl//" "//trim(ctrcnm(jn))//" Total trend ",                         & 
TOP_SRC/TRP/trdmxl_trc.F90:1369:            CALL histdef(nidtrd(jn), trim(clvar)//"_res"  , clmxl//" "//trim(ctrcnm(jn))//" dh/dt Entrainment (Resid.)",           & 
TOP_SRC/TRP/trdmxl_trc.F90:1373:               CALL histdef(nidtrd(jn), trim(clvar)//trim(ctrd_trc(jl,2)), clmxl//" "//clvar//ctrd_trc(jl,1),                      & 
TOP_SRC/TRP/trdmxl_trc.F90:1377:            CALL histdef(nidtrd(jn), trim(clvar)//trim(ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_radb,2)), clmxl//" "//clvar//ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_radb,1), & 
TOP_SRC/TRP/trdmxl_trc.F90:1380:            CALL histdef(nidtrd(jn), trim(clvar)//trim(ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_atf,2)), clmxl//" "//clvar//ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_atf,1),   &
  • After C pre-processing:
BLD/ppsrc/nemo/domhgr.f90:712:              zphi0 = ppgphi0 - FLOAT(  Agrif_tabvars(16) % parent_var % var% iarray0/2)* Agrif_tabvars(58) % parent_var % var% array0 / (ra * rad)

Maybe we could try to include this in some slightly more evolved basic tests based on NEMO coding conventions and other smart checkings.

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Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 7 years ago by clevy

  • Resolution set to wontfix
  • Status changed from new to closed

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