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This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
#1218 (Diawri and vvl outputting) – NEMO

Opened 11 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#1218 closed Bug (fixed)

Diawri and vvl outputting

Reported by: rfurner Owned by: nemo
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: OCE Version: v3.4
Severity: Keywords:



I am a little confused about the way diawri deals with the vvl case. (diawri.f90, lines 625-628). Instead of outputting merely the temperature or salinity values they are multiplied by the grid box height, which makes a lot of sense as this is also a very useful variable, however...

  1. Why is the heat and salt 'content' outputted instead of the temperature and salinity and not as an additional output? when doing runs its very useful to be able to do a quick ncview and get vague idea of what is happening where, by removing the outputting of t and s directly it is near impossible to easily tell what is happening. I really really think this needs to be an additional output and not instead of outputting t and s.
  2. The netcdf attributes have not been updated accordingly. they still state the output is the temperature or the salinity, this is misleading and rather dangerous!!
  3. I'm not sure about using the temperature in C, as it stands the output often gives large negative values for 'heat content'. I think it would be better to either properly calculate the heat and salt content, or to amend the comments so its clear what is really meant by this variable (I think the later being the most sensible)?

Commit History (0)

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Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by acc

Corrected and rationalised (on the trunk) by changes at rev5127 and XIOS_1.0 rev 572

comment:2 Changed 7 years ago by lovato

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

The correction were applied in the code by Andrew Coward (r5127) and the ticket can be closed. Plus, the work on vvl output was further consolidated with V3.6 and XIOS.

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