07/21/06 14:47:49 (18 years ago)

english and nicer header (2a)

1 edited


  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DIVERS/placedessin.pro

    r134 r142  
    5 ; NAME:placedessin 
    6 ; 
    7 ; PURPOSE: mise en place du dessin / ouverture de la fenetre ou du PS 
    8 ; 
    9 ; CATEGORY: pour alleger les programmes plt, pltz, pltt. 
    10 ; 
    11 ; CALLING SEQUENCE: placedessin, typedessin,posfenetre, posbar 
    12 ; 
    13 ; INPUTS: 
    14 ;   typedessin: une chaine de charactere specifiant quelle procedure 
    15 ;   appelle placedessin: 'plt', 'pltz', 'pltt' 
    16 ; 
    17 ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: pleins (ce de CALIBRE de WINDOW ...) 
    18 ; 
    19 ;       LCT: intier designant le numero de la palette de couleur que 
    20 ;       l''on veut utiliser pour les plot.  
     6; @file_comments  
     7; Putting into place of the drawing/ opening of the window or of the PS 
     9; @categories  
     10; Utilities 
     12; @param TYPEDESSIN 
     13; It is a chain or characteres specifying what procedure is called by PLACEDESSIN: 'plt', 'pltz' or 'pltt' 
     15; @keyword LANDSCAPE  
     16; Force the page or the window on the screen to be in lenthened position. 
     18; @keyword LCT  
     19; Is an integer designating the number of the palette of color we want to use for the plot.  
    22 ; OUTPUTS: 
    23 ; 
    24 ;       posfenetre: un vecteur de 4 elements contenant la position de 
    25 ;       cadre contenant les legendes + le graphe en coordonnes 
    26 ;       normalises. Rq: pour positionner le dessin il faut apres 
    27 ;       l''appelle de calibre faire !p.position=posfenetre 
    28 ; 
    29 ;       posbar: cf posfentre mais pour la barre de couleur. meme 
    30 ;       remarque pour positionner la barre de couleur, !p.position=posbar 
    31 ; 
    32 ; 
    33 ; COMMON BLOCKS: 
    34 ;       common.pro 
    35 ; 
    36 ; SIDE EFFECTS: 
    37 ; 
    39 ; 
    40 ; EXAMPLE: 
    41 ; 
    42 ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: Sebastien Masson (smasson@lodyc.jussieu.fr) 
     21; @keyword MAP  
     22; We use it when we want to do a projection. 
     23; This keyword can be of two types: 
     24;     MAP=[P0lat,P0lon,Rot]. For the descrption of these 3 values (see the online help of MAP_SET). 
     25;     /MAP: In this case, map is automatically caculated have the value:  
     26;          map = [0, (lon1+lon2)/2., 0] 
     27; Comment: A good way to choose the type of the projection we want to do is to have a look at IDL demo: 
     28; IDL> demo 
     29; Then choose earth sciences and  mapping. 
     30; Comment2: By default it  is a cindrical projection which is effectuated (with or without the keyword map).  
     31; If we want an other projection, MAP must be activated and we have to add the keyword: /nom_projection. 
     32; For example, for a polar projection centered on the south pole: 
     33; IDL> domdef,-180,180,-90,-45 
     34; IDL> plt, tab, /stereo,map=[-90,0,0] 
     36; @keyword NOCOLORBAR  
     37; We active it if we do not want the colorbar. 
     39;; @keyword NOFILL  
     40; We active it if we only want contours in black and white with a white background. 
     42; @keyword NOERASE  
     43; We active it to make a drawing without creating a new frame. 
     45; @keyword SMALL  
     46; Vector composed of 3 or 4 elements, applyed to make a drawing on a  
     47; small portion of a page or screen. It delimit the zone where the drawing will be done. 
     48;     If there is 4 elements: 
     49; then is constituated of coordinates (expressed in cm located from the up and  
     50; left corner of the page or the window (in portrait like in lanscape)) of the bottom  
     51; and left corner and of the up and right corner of the drawing zone. 
     52;     If there is 3 elements: 
     53; in this case, we divide the page or the screen in small[0] columns and in small[1] lines  
     54; the drawing made in the box numbered small[2]. The numerotation starting up and left by  
     55; the number 1 and then, following the writing direction. 
     56; By default, we make the largest drawing we can do, conserving the aspect rapport  
     57; (exept when REMPLI is activated). 
     59; @keyword PORTRAIT  
     60; Force the page or the window to be in standing position. 
     62; @keyword POST  
     63; Make a postscript. Only works if we made one drawing on the page. 
     64; If we make several drawing, use \@ps. 
     66; @keyword REMPLI  
     67; Force the drawing to occupy the whole space defined by small. 
     69; @keyword WINDOW 
     70; Number of the window on which we want to do the graph (Allow to open several windows).  
     71; By default, we open 'IDL0' 
     73; @keyword CB_TITLE  
     74; The colorbar's title 
     76; @keyword CONTOUR  
     77; If we want to trace contours of a different field than the one  
     78; whose we have the colored drawing (by examlpe E-P in color and QSR in contours).  
     79; It must be a field respecting same caracteristics than the argument number one of plt. 
     81; @keyword ENDPOINTS  
     82; keyword specifing that we want to make a vertical cut in diagonal. Then coorinated of extremities  
     83; of these one are difined by the 4 elements of the vector ENDPOINTS: [x1,y1,x2,y2] which are  
     84; coordinates.  
     86; @keyword VECTEUR 
     87; It is a structure composed by 2 elements containing the 2 fields U 
     88; and V of values of the zonal and meridian component of the vector of the fields 
     89; to draw. These fields can be an array or a structure. 
     90;       For example: vecteur={matriceu:lec('unsurface'),matricev:lec('vnsurface')} 
     91;       Comment: name of elements of vectors are inconsenquential. 
     92;       vecteur={u:lec('unsurface'),v:lec('vnsurface')} is also appropriated. 
     94; @keyword DIREC 
     95; 't' 'x' 'y' 'z' 'xys' 'xz' 'yz' 'xyz' 'xt' 'yt' 'zt' 'xyt' 
     96;       'xzt' 'yzt' 'xyzt' Direction on which do averages  
     98; @keyword _EXTRA 
     99; Used to pass your keywords. 
     101; @keyword COLOR_C  
     102; To draw the contour in color instead of in black 
     103; with filling in color  
     105; @param POSFENETRE {out} 
     106; It is a vector composed by 4 elements containing the position of the frame  
     107; containing captions and the graph in normalized coorinates.  
     108; Comment: To position the drawing; we have to do !p.position=posfenetre  
     109; after the call of the caliber 
     111; @param POSBAR {out} 
     112; Like POSFENETRE but for the color bar.  
     113; Same comment to position the color bar, !p.position=posbar 
     115; @uses 
     116; common.pro 
     118; @history 
     119; Sebastien Masson (smasson@lodyc.jussieu.fr) 
    43120;                       26/4/1999 
     122; @version 
     123; $Id$ 
    65146  ENDIF 
    67 ; 1) determination de la taille des marges (unite=nbre de lignes ou colonnes) 
    68 ; a gauche, a droite, en bas, en haut 
    69 ; ATTENTION ds margebar le dernier element est le coint en haut a droite au 
    70 ; lieu de la marge en haut 
     148; 1) Determination of the size of margins (unity=number of lines or columns) 
     149; to the left, to the right, up and down. 
     150; BEWARE in margebar, the last element is the right up corner  
     151; instead of the up margin 
    72153  if n_elements(typedessin) EQ 0 then typedessin = 'autre' 
    103184  ENDELSE 
    105 ; portrair ou landscape 
     186; Portrait or landscape 
    107188  IF NOT keyword_set(noerase) THEN BEGIN  
    113194  ENDIF  
    115 ; Quel type de rapport d''aspect (sera ecrase si YXASPECT existe) 
     196; What type of aspect rapport (it will be crushed if YXASPECT exist) 
    117198  case typedessin of 
    122203  endcase 
    124 ; 2) calcul de !p.position 
    125 ; cf calibre.pro. 
     205; 2) calculation of !p.position 
     206; see calibre.pro. 
    134215  !p.position = posfenetre 
    136 ; 3) ouverture de la fenetre graphique ou du postscript 
     217; 3) opening of the graphic window or of the postscript 
    138219  case 1 of 
    139 ; cas du premier dessin sur un postcript 
     220; case of the first drawing on a postcript 
    140221    keyword_set(post) AND !d.name ne 'PS':openps, _extra = ex 
    141 ; cas du premier dessin sur un ecran 
     222; case of the first drawing on a screen 
    142223    keyword_set(post) EQ 0 AND keyword_set(noerase) EQ 0 $ 
    143224      AND !d.name ne 'PS' AND !d.name ne 'Z':BEGIN 
    144225      if not keyword_set(window) then window = 0 
    145 ; pour l''utilisation de @ps, @oups et de @vzoom 
    146       if lmgr(/demo) EQ 0 then BEGIN ; on est en mode demo?? 
    147         if !journal NE 0 then journal ; on ferme le journal s''il est ouvert 
     226; For the using of \@ps,\@oups et de \@vzoom 
     227      if lmgr(/demo) EQ 0 then BEGIN ; Are we in the demo mode?? 
     228        if !journal NE 0 then journal ; We close te journal if it is open 
    148229        homedir = isadirectory(io = homedir, title = 'Bad definition of homedir') 
    149230        def_myuniquetmpdir 
    150         journal, myuniquetmpdir+'idlsave.pro' ; on en ouvre un nouveau 
    151         help, /recall_commands, output = listecommande ; on recupere la derniere commande 
     231        journal, myuniquetmpdir+'idlsave.pro' ; We open a new one 
     232        help, /recall_commands, output = listecommande ; We recuperate the last command 
    152233        listecommande = strmid(strcompress(listecommande[1]), 2) 
    153         journal, listecommande ; on l''ecrit dans le journal 
     234        journal, listecommande ; We write it in the journal 
    154235      ENDIF 
    155236      windsize = givewindowsize() 
    156237      window, window, xsize = windsize[0], ysize = windsize[1],  retain = 2, _extra = ex 
    157 ; qd on utilise des couleurs codees sur 24 bit, je n''arrive pas a stipuler la couleur du 
    158 ; fond d''une fenetre a l'aide de !p.background, je suis oblige de faire cette bidouille!!! 
     238; When we used colors which are coded on 24bit, we can not stipulate the background color  
     239; of a window thanks to !p.background, so we have to to this: 
    159240;          if !d.n_colors gt 256 then begin 
    160241;             device, decomposed=1 
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