
Rapid visulalization with VTKMapper

VtkMapper is a Python script developed by Patrick Brockmann for the PRISM project. It visualizes scalar fields from NetCDF-CF files on unstructured grids. VTKMapper is free software available under the CeCILL license. As a Python script it does not need to be compiled. However it needs a few Python packages to run, see below.

Required Python packages : Linux

First, you will probably need to install the following packages :

  • numpy
  • python-dev
  • vtk-python

Then try installing the python-netCDF4 module found here. See the installation notes

Required Python packages : Mac

VTKMapper runs with MacOSX as well. The main prerequisite is again the NetCDF4 python module. This module itself needs some packages that can be installed using MacPorts.

Last modified 11 years ago Last modified on 09/20/13 00:58:54