= Rapid visulalization with VTKMapper = [https://github.com/PBrockmann/VTK_Mapper VtkMapper] is a Python script developed by Patrick Brockmann for the PRISM project. It visualizes scalar fields from NetCDF-CF files on unstructured grids. VTKMapper is free software available under the CeCILL license. As a Python script it does not need to be compiled. However it needs a few Python packages to run, see below. == Required Python packages : Linux == First, you will probably need to install the following packages : * numpy * python-dev * vtk-python Then try installing the python-netCDF4 module found [http://code.google.com/p/netcdf4-python/downloads/list here]. See the [http://code.google.com/p/netcdf4-python/wiki/UbuntuInstall installation notes] == Required Python packages : Mac == VTKMapper runs with MacOSX as well. The main prerequisite is again the NetCDF4 python module. This module itself needs some packages that can be installed using !MacPorts.