

This version of ORCHIDEE has been used in publication "Modeling the impacts of diffuse light fraction on photosynthesis in ORCHIDEE (v5453) land surface model" by Zhang et al to be submitted to GMD. Reference and information will be added later << Reference to be added as soon as the manuscript is available >>.


The impact of diffuse radiation on photosynthesis has been widely documented in field measurements. This impact may have evolved over time during the last century due to changes in cloudiness, increased anthropogenic aerosol loads over polluted regions, and to sporadic volcanic eruptions curtaining the stratosphere with sulfate aerosols. The effect of those changes in diffuse light on large-scale photosynthesis (GPP) are difficult to quantify, and land surface models have been designed to simulate them. Investigating how anthropogenic aerosols have impacted GPP through diffuse light in those models requires carefully designed factorial simulations and a reconstruction of background diffuse light levels during the pre-industrial period. Currently, it remains poorly understood how diffuse radiation reconstruction methods can affect GPP estimation and what fraction of GPP changes can be attributed to aerosols. In this study, we investigate different methods to reconstruct spatio-temporal distribution of the fraction of diffuse radiation (Fdf) under pre-industrial aerosol emission conditions using a land surface model with a two-stream canopy light transmission scheme that resolves diffuse light effects on photosynthesis in a multi-layered canopy, ORCHIDEE_DF. We show that using a climatologically-averaged monthly Fdf, as has been done by earlier studies, can bias the global GPP by up to 13 PgC yr-1 because this reconstruction method dampens the variability of Fdf and produces Fdf that is inconsistent with short-wave incoming surface radiation. In order to correctly simulate pre-industrial GPP modulated by diffuse light, we thus recommend that the Fdf forcing field should be calculated consistently with synoptic, monthly and inter-annual aerosol and cloud variability for pre-industrial years. In the absence of aerosol and cloud data, alternative reconstructions need to retain the full variability in Fdf. Our results highlight the importance of keeping consistent Fdf and radiation for land surface models in future experimental designs that seek to investigate the impacts of diffuse radiation on GPP and other carbon fluxes.

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DOI [under request]
Creator Yuan ZHANG
Affiliation LSCE
Title ORCHIDEE_DFv1.0_DFforc
Publisher Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL)
PublicationYear 2020
ResourceType Software
Rights This software is distributed under the CeCILL license
Subject Canopy light transmission, Land surface model, terrestrial carbon cycle
DataManager Karim Ramage (IPSL)
DataCurator Josefine Ghattas (IPSL)
ContactPerson Yuan Zhang (LSCE)
FundingReference to be added

Last modified 4 months ago Last modified on 2024-10-15T14:51:42+02:00