This version of ORCHIDEE has been used in a paper entitled : Simulating Bark Beetle Outbreak Dynamics and their Influence on Carbon Balance Estimates with ORCHIDEE r8627, Guillaume Marie, Jina Jeong, Hervé Jactel, Gunnar Petter, Maxime Cailleret, Matthew MacGrath?, Vladislav Bastrikov, Josefine Ghattas, Bertrand Guenet, Anne-Sofie Lansø, Kim Naudts, Aude Valade, Chao Yue, Sebastiaan Luyssaert. It include a new module that simulation abrupt mortality event from pest outbreak and its interaction with the windthrow mortality module.
New (a)biotic conditions, resulting from climate change, are expected to change disturbance dynamics, e.g., wind throw, forest fires and insect outbreaks, and their interactions. Unprecedented natural disturbance dynamics might alter the capability of forest ecosystems to buffer atmospheric CO2 increases in the atmosphere, even leading to the risk that forests transform from sinks into sources of CO2. This study aims to enhance the capability of the ORCHIDEE land surface model to study the impacts of climate change on bark beetle dynamics and subsequent effects on forest functioning. The bark beetle outbreak model is based on previous work by Temperli et al. 2013 for the LandClim? landscape model. The new implementation of this model in ORCHIDEE r8627 accounts for the following differences between ORCHIDEE and LandClim?: (1) the coarser spatial resolution of ORCHIDEE, (2) the higher temporal resolution of ORCHIDEE, and (3) the pre-existing process representation of wind throw, drought, and forest structure in ORCHIDEE. Qualitative evaluation demonstrated the model’s ability to simulate a wide range of observed post-disturbance forest dynamics: (1) resistance to bark beetle infestation even in the presence of windthrow events; (2) slow transition (3-7 years) from an endemic into an epidemic bark beetle population following medium intensity window events at cold locations; and (3) fast transition (1-3 years) from endemic to epidemic triggered by strong windthrow events. Although all simulated sites eventually recovered from disturbances, the time needed to recover varied from 5 to 10 years depending on the disturbance dynamics. In addition to enhancing the functionality of the ORCHIDEE model, the new bark beetle model represents a fundamental change in the way mortality is simulated as it replaces a framework in which mortality is conceived as a continuous process by one in which mortality is represented by abrupt events. Changing the mortality framework provided new insights into carbon balance estimates, showing the risk of overestimating the short-term sequestration potential under the commonly used continuous mortality framework.
Code access
- See the version on the webinterface here : https://forge.ipsl.fr/orchidee/browser/branches/publications/ORCHIDEE_Bark_beetles_outbreak_gmd_2024
- Extract it on a terminal as follow, type anonymous as password:
svn co --username anonymous svn://forge.ipsl.fr/orchidee/branches/publications/ORCHIDEE_Bark_beetles_outbreak_gmd_2024
DOI | [under request] |
Creator | Guillaume MARIE |
Affiliation | LSCE, CEA |
Title | Simulating Bark Beetle Outbreak Dynamics and their Influence on Carbon Balance Estimates with ORCHIDEE r7791 |
Publisher | Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL) |
PublicationYear | 2023 |
ResourceType | Software |
Rights | This software is distributed under the CeCILL license |
rightsURI | http://www.cecill.info/ |
Subject | Land surface model, gross primary production, carbon-nitrogen interactions |
DataManager | Karim Ramage (IPSL) |
DataCurator | Josefine Ghattas (IPSL) |
ContactPerson | Philippe Peylin (LSCE/CEA) |
FundingReference | CLIMPRO, DIPROG |