

This version of ORCHIDEE has been used in the publication "Solar Radiation Triggers the Bimodal Leaf Phenology of Central African Evergreen Broadleaved Forests" by Liu et al. (2024).


Central African evergreen broadleaved forests around the equator exhibit a double annual cycle for canopy phenology and carbon uptake seasonality. The underlying drivers of this behavior are poorly understood and the double seasonality is not captured by land surface models (LSM). In this study, we developed a new leaf phenology module into the ORCHIDEE LSM (hereafter ORCHIDEE-AFP), which utilizes short-wave incoming radiation (SWd) as the main driver of leaf shedding and partial rejuvenation of the canopy, to simulate the double seasonality of central African forests. The ORCHIDEE-AFP model has been evaluated by using field data from two forest sites and satellite observations of the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), which is a proxy of young leaf area index (LAIYoung) with leafage less than 6 months, as well as six products of GPP or GPP proxies. Results demonstrate that ORCHIDEE-AFP successfully reproduces observed leaf turnover (R=0.4) and young leaf abundance (R=0.7), and greatly improves the representation of the bimodal leaf phenology. The proportion of grid cells with a significant positive correlation between the seasonality of modeled LAIYoung and observed EVI increased from 0.2% in the standard model to 27% in the new model. For photosynthesis, the proportions of grid cells with significant positive correlations between modeled and observed seasonality range from 27% to 65% across the six GPP evaluation products. The improved performance of the ORCHIDEE-AFP model in simulating leaf phenology and photosynthesis of central African forests will allow a more accurate assessment of the impacts of climate change in tropical forests.


DOI [under request]
Creator Fabienne Maignan
Affiliation LSCE
Publisher Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL)
PublicationYear 2024
ResourceType Software
Rights This software is distributed under the CeCILL license.
Subject Carbon Uptake, Central African evergreen broadleaved forests
DataManager Vincent Douet (IPSL)
Custodian Fabienne Maignan (LSCE)
ContactPerson Liyang Liu (LSCE)
FundingReference National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant numbers 31971458, 41971275),
Innovation Group Project of Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Zhuhai) (No.311021009),
Belgian Science Policy Office (Belspo) Research Program for Earth Observation, STEREO III, Contract SR/00/334 (ECOPROPHET project),
the Special high-level plan project of Guangdong Province (grant number 2016TQ03Z354), IDRC grant “Climate change and increasing human-wildlife conflict”,
the China Scholarship Council (CSC No. 201904910317)
Last modified 4 months ago Last modified on 2024-10-15T14:36:02+02:00