Run a parallel job in the batch system
Author: J. Ghattas
Last revision: 2020/03/03
First prepare a run directory following the how to How to run a simple test case with ORCHIDEE. Link also the executable for XIOS:
ln -s ../modipsl/bin/xios_server_prod.exe .
Secondly, prepare according to the examples below, a job file corresponding to computer environment and the choice of parallelization and submit it.
irene skylake at TGCC
#!/bin/ksh #MSUB -r test # name of the job #MSUB -o Script_Output # name of output file for standard messages #MSUB -e Script_Output # name of output file for error messages #MSUB -eo #MSUB -n 32 # Request number of cores #MSUB -T 1800 # Time limit in seconds #MSUB -q skylake #MSUB -m store,work,scratch #MSUB -A gen6328 # Set your project id. Most people working with # # ORCHIDEE at LSCE belong to project gen6328 ## Go to current folder and execute the model cd ${BRIDGE_MSUB_PWD} ## Source same modules as used during compilation. See examples below depending on the configurations used. # For ORCHIDEE_3 and more recent offline versions or coupled v6.2 and more recent versions: #source ../modipsl/config/ORCHIDEE_OL/ARCH/arch-X64_IRENE.env #source ../modipsl/config/LMDZOR_v6/ARCH/arch-X64_IRENE.env # For ORCHIDEE_2_0, 2_1, 2_2 and coupled models v6.1.x: # source /ccc/cont003/home/igcmg/igcmg/MachineEnvironment/irene/env_irene ## Create a run_file to be used to lauch with XIOS in server mode # Note: 31+1 should be equal the number set in the header. For example, if you set 16 in the header, set 15 for orchidee and keep 1 for xios. # If you want to run LMDZ, change orchidee_ol_prod into the name for the lmdz executable. rm -f run_file echo "31 ./orchidee_ol_prod" > run_file echo "1 ./xios_server_prod.exe " >> run_file chmod +x run_file ## Launch the executables /usr/bin/time ccc_mprun -E-K1 -f ./run_file
Submit the job to the queue with the command
ccc_msub Myjobname
Check the status of the job by
or by
ccc_mstat -u mylogin
Read more here about job headers at irene:
Jean-Zay at IDRIS
See job examples here:
obelix at LSCE MPI
See job example here:
Ciclad and ClimServ at IPSL ESPRI-mesocenter
See job example here: