
Setting up a coupled climate run for future climate conditions

Author: S. Luyssaert and M. McGrath
Last major revision: S. Luyssaert (2016/11/26)
Last minor revision: S. Luyssaert (2020/02/28)


Background of this set-up: The aim is to run a 20 year long equilibrium simulation for the year 2100. Orchidee off-line line was used to simulate the land surface in 2100 and now we want to know how the climate would look like for such a surface. The coupled run is zoomed over Europe, nudged at the edges of Europe, uses the CWRR (a.k.a. 11-layer) hydrology, and all the DOFOCO features. A set of coupled pre-industrial runs demonstrated that the net-radiation at the top of the atmosphere was close to zero (0.2 Wm2 over 15 years with a monthly std 5.4 Wm2 for a pmagic = 0.000).

Before setting up a future simulation, a pre-industrial run will be required to check the radiation balance at the top of the atmosphere. You can find some extra information on the topic at The basic idea is that for a pre-industrial run the net radiation at the top of the atmosphere should be close to zero. If this is not the case then the albedo of the oceans can be adjusted to mimic several atmospheric processes which are not accounted for. The setting of the variable pmagic that was required to produce a pre-industrial run with zero net-radiation at the top of the atmosphere is also the value for pmagic that needs to used in the present day and future simulation (because it partly depends on your specific settings for the land surface). Even if your study does not require the present day climate, it is still a good idea to run a present day climate simulation and check whether the simulated land surface results in an acceptable present day climate. LibIGCM has several tools for this validation task. See

The boundary conditions

Obviously, observations are not yet available for 2100 so we will use simulations. We will use AR5 simulations from the Earth System model of the IPSL called IPSL-CM. Archives of these simulations can be found at the IPSL Simulations with a higher version number typically denote simulations for which previous problems were fixed. We used v3.rcp45.4, for which the simulations between 2006 and 2100 can be found at ccc/store/cont003/dsm/p86denv/dmf_import/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A/PROD/rcp45/v3.rcp45.4/ATM/Analyse/TS_MO. These are post-processed time series for the period 2006 to 2100. There is one time series per variable and the time series has a monthly time step. The time series required to set the boundary conditions are those for sea surface temperature and the sea ice extent:

The scripts to create the boundary conditions require annual files, with a monthly resolution for both sea surface temperature and the sea ice extent. We can use cdo to split them into yearly files

cdo splityear  /ccc/work/cont003/dofoco/dofoco/MAPS/FUTURE_CLIM/IPSL_CM_45/v3.rcp45.4_tsol_oce_
cdo splityear  /ccc/work/cont003/dofoco/dofoco/MAPS/FUTURE_CLIM/IPSL_CM_45/v3.rcp45.4_pourc_sic_

We want a 30-year equilibrium run but if we really use the boundary conditions from 2071 to 2100 we won't get anything near equilibrium given that under the rcp 4.5 scenario there is climate change. We tried to limit the variation by copying the boundary conditions from 2091 to 2100 and cycling over these files to obtain a pseudo-chronology for 2101 to 2130. This approach enables us to get closer to equilibrium while accounting for inter-annual variability around 2100 which makes the coupled simulation more realistic. The pseudo-chronologies were aligned for 2010 (2101->2100, 2102->2099, 2103->2098, ..., 2110->2091, 2111->2092, 2112->2093, etc). The original source files are stored at /ccc/work/cont003/dofoco/dofoco/INPUT_FILES/OCEAN_COMP/IPSL_CM_RCP45/ORIGINAL/, the cyclic boundary conditions for ocean surface temperature and sea ice extent are stored at /ccc/work/cont003/dofoco/dofoco/INPUT_FILES/OCEAN_COMP/IPSL_CM_RCP45/CYCLIC/. The same adjustments were made for the boundary condition files for ozone. The original source files are stored at /ccc/work/cont003/dsm/p86ipsl/IGCM/INIT/ATM/LMDZOR/Ozone/HYBRIDE/v2.clim/* The cyclic files to be used in this set-up can be found at /ccc/work/cont003/dofoco/dofoco/INPUT_FILES/ATM_COMP/OZON/IPSL_CM_RCP45/CYCLIC/.

LMDZOR was installed once more to avoid any conflicts between the boundary files of the pre-industrial, present day, and future simulations. Hence, one installation will be used for the pre-industrial runs (and will thus use the pre-industrial boundary conditions), the other installation is to be used for present day simulations and the third installation is used for the future simulations (both RCP 4.5 and 8.5). For all simulations an AMIP set-up was chosen.

Copy the amip config.card to define the job that will create the BC

cd config/LMDZOR_v5.2/
cp EXPERIMENTS/LMDZ/CREATE_amip/config.card ./

The following changes were made to the config.card:

(1) Add a suffix, i.e., -2100-RCP45 (but keep the grid dimensions 128x118x39) to the job name so that the pre-industrial, present day and future boundary files will not interfere with each other on the store directory

JobName= ELI-128x118x39-2100-RCP45

(2) Set the begin date to the earliest year available. We are planning 20 year long equilibrium simulations but we are not sure whether it will take 20 or 30 years so we simulate the BC for 30 years to be on the safe side.


(3) There is no need to manually create a directory for this experiment. When you use ./../../util/ins_job the script will create a directory with a copy of the config.card as well as the COMP, DRIVER and PARAM folder.

The following, further, changes were made to the COMP/lmdz.card:

(1) Specify in the list of parameter files that the BC should be based on the future settings (need to be compiled from rcp45 simulations/settings). These settings contain the TOA solar incoming radiation, atmospheric CO2, CH4 and N2O among other settings. Have a look in PARAM/config.def_preind to get a better idea of these settings.

(${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/config.def_rcp45     ,  config.def),    \

(2) In the DRIVER/lmdz.driver it is specified that in the absence of the Oasis coupler, which is the case for LMDZOR, the ocean is forced. Hence the need of SST and sea ice files for all years in the experiment. These cyclic files created above have now to be used in COMP/lmdz.card. Therefore, change the boundary files as follows and note that the tsol and pourc_sic files should be renamed as and (for more options see

List=   (/ccc/work/cont003/dofoco/dofoco/INPUT_FILES/OCEAN_COMP/IPSL_CM_RCP45/CYCLIC/v3.rcp45.4_tsol_oce_${year}.nc,, \
	(/ccc/work/cont003/dofoco/dofoco/INPUT_FILES/OCEAN_COMP/IPSL_CM_RCP45/CYCLIC/v3.rcp45.4_pourc_sic_${year}.nc,, \

Most likely this is redundant at this stage but better safe than sorry so in PARAM/run.def set


Open PARAM/config.def_rcp45 and change pmagic to its pre-industrial value (0.000 in this experiment)

pmagic = 0.000

Keep the default setting for solaire (1366.0896 Wm-2). Change the settings for co2_pmm = 0.5384E+03, ch4_ppb = 0.1576E+04, N2O_ppb = 0.372E+03, CFC11_ppt = 3.2E+01, CFC12_ppt = 0.185E+03.

Now the ELI-128x118x39-2100 can be launched. It takes about 70 seconds per year so in this example it will take over 30 minutes to complete this 30-year job

ccc_msub Job_ELI-128x118x39-2100-RCP45

The future experiment

Where for the BC run, an LMD experiment was copied, we now have to copy a LMDZOR experiment. We haven't tried whether LMDZ/clim BC files can be combined with LMDZOR/amip experiments but to keep it simple we propose to be consistent and thus combine LMDZ/amip BC files with an LMDZOR/amip experiment

cp ./EXPERIMENTS/LMDZOR/amip/config.card .

Edit the config card by changing the JOBNAME and setting the dates so that all dates of the experiment fall within the dates for which the BC were made.


This will create a new directory with the JOBNAME and copies the COMP, DRIVER and PARAM into that folder. Following the settings can be adjusted to the needs of the experiments



Make sure to use a begin and an end date that falls within the ELI experiment. Given we want to simulate the equilibrium climate with the surface we should provide an initial condition of the vegetation. As an initial condition we use the restarts of an off-line simulation. Remember to use a restart for both the SRF and SBG component!

# If config_Restarts_OverRule == 'n' next 4 params are read
#-- Last day of the experience used as restart for this component if Restart=y
# Define restart simulation name for this component

COMP/orchidee.card (Part 1)

LMDZOR can use both the 2-layer and 11-layer hydrology. ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO can only use the 11-layer hydrology so there is no choice but to use the 11-layers or CWRR scheme. First open the COMP/orchidee.card and change the suffix to ensure that the correct run.def will be used.



When installing LMDZOR we substituted the trunk version of ORCHIDEE by the DOFOCO-branch. The coupled set-up has some left overs of previous ORCHIDEE versions. Earlier the run.def of ORCHIDEE contained all settings. Because such an extensive file was very difficult to read and maintain all parameters now get a default value and only when the default value needs to be changed, the parameter should be mentioned in the run.def. This basically resulted in an empty run.def when running a default set-up. LMDZOR still comes with the unreadable full run.def which in the LMDZOR world is called PARAM/orchidee.def_CWRR. We propose to delete all settings from the old run.def and only keep the following settings:

# When using the new physics (NP) use the corrected potential evapotranspiration. Not needed
# for the old physics (AP)
evapot_corr= CHOOSE{y/n} for {NP/AP}

# The river routing module does not like zoomed grids 
# because a zoom affects the coastal pixels. 
# Because in a zoomed grid, the coast may have moved 
# into the sea, some rivers are too short and 
# never make it to the ocean. The model notices 
# and will crash. 

# Use stomate (all the biogeochemical and anthropogenic processes)

# To reset the time coming from SECHIBA restart file
# This option allows the model to override the time
# found in the restart file of SECHIBA with the time
# of the first call. That is the restart time of the GCM.
SECHIBA_reset_time = y

# Name of restart to READ for initial conditions
# This is the name of the file which will be opened
# to extract the initial values of all prognostic
# values of the model. This has to be a netCDF file.
# Not truly COADS compliant. NONE will mean that
# no restart file is to be expected.
SECHIBA_restart_in = _AUTO_

# Name of restart to READ for initial conditions of STOMATE
# This is the name of the file which will be opened of STOMATE
# to extract the initial values of all prognostic values of STOMATE.

# Frequency in seconds at which to WRITE output
# This variables gives the frequency the output of
# the model should be written into the netCDF file.
# It does not affect the frequency at which the
# operations such as averaging are done.

# Frequency in seconds at which to WRITE output
# This variables gives the frequency the output 2 of
# the model should be written into the netCDF file.
# It does not affect the frequency at which the
# operations such as averaging are done.
# That is IF the coding of the calls to histdef
#  are correct !

# STOMATE history time step (d)
# Time step of the STOMATE history file
# Care : this variable must be higher than DT_SLOW

# Interception reservoir coefficient.
# Transforms leaf area index into size of interception reservoir
#  for slowproc_derivvar or stomate.
# default = 0.1

# Defines how fast diffusion occurs horizontally between
#  the individual PFTs' water reservoirs. If infinite, no
#  diffusion.
# default = 86400.

IF you are using ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO to its full potential, 13 PFTs - which is the default - is low. The two tested DOFOCO set-ups have either 28 PFTs (without age classes) or 64 PFTs (with four age classes for each of the European tree species. This implies that you have to add all the PFT specific parameters as well. These parameters can be found in a table stored on /ccc/work/cont003/dofoco/dofoco/PARAMETERS/PARAMETER_VALUES/. The script at /ccc/work/cont003/dofoco/dofoco/SCRIPTS/rundef_from_table/ can be used to convert the table in run.def. The script allows a more or less flexible way of defining which PFTs need age classes. Have a look at the readme.txt file in the same folder.

Given that off-line ORCHIDEE runs were used to forward the land surface in time, the off-line runs may account for land cover change and forest management. Litter raking is no longer accounted for as it practically none-existent by the year 2010 and it was assumed that it would not revive between 2010 and 2100. To increase the chances that an equilibrium climate is reached in under 20 years it is advised to switch off as many of these changes as possible.


Make sure that stomate is on by looking in PARAM/orchidee.def_CWRR


and in config.card (if this line is missing, there will be no STOMATE)

SBG= ("", "")

COMP/orchidee.card (Part 2)

Use the minimally required output level, i.e., 2, to limit the size of the history files. Land cover change is now switched off.


Within the 20-year coupled run the land surface will stay constant to that described by the restart file that will be used, i.e., 2100. Forest management is still activated (else we will affect the C-pools). We will keep these settings constant to their values for the year 2100. We simply hard code the years for these maps as detailed below. Note that because we start from a restart file the [InitialStateFiles] are not used. We have to define the FM maps as [BoundaryFiles] which are read only once during the year. Note that 1:12: means that the file will be copied to the working directory at the first integration step and then every 12 iterations until the simulation is finished. More information on the difference between InitialStateFiles, BoundaryFilesn and SmoothFiles can be found at CAREFUL: for the optimized runs different fm_start maps need to be used. These have to be created from the history files.

List= ()

List= ()
ListNonDel= (/ccc/work/cont003/dofoco/dofoco/MAPS/FM/RGRID/,

List= ()


Go to the PARAM folder and rename config.def_actuel.

mv config.def_actuel config.def_rcp45

Renaming this file is not essential but it makes the set-up more consistent. Double check whether in PARAM/config.def_future the pmagic setting matches the setting of the future ELI experiment and in turn the setting of Pmagic of the pre-industrial run. In this set-up pmagic was 0.000 thus


and check whether the aerosol setting is as follows (keep the actuel setting):


All other settings are set to _AUTO_ and should thus be automatically taken into account.


More details on the settings of COMP/lmdz.card are given on section 5. For the new physics, set in COMP/lmdz.card


For the old physics (that is what we use here) set in COMP/lmdz.card


Adjust the name of the BC files to your ELI jobname


Use the desired config file


The aerosols that are being used are set in PARAM/config.def_rcp45 (see above). In COMP/lmdz.card we have some additional manual control but it is better not to touch it.


We can choose from 5 aerosol groups which groups we want to account for during the simulation. 6 means that all 5 groups will be used. Activating ok_ade and ok_aie implies that the model accounts for both the direct and indirect effects of aerosols. Because we run without INCA, the aerosols are coupled and aerosol_couple is set to n. For ozone it a day time climatology, a night time climatology or both (=2) can be used. cdnc stands for cloud number count. The path of the aerosol files is also specified in COMP/lmdz.card (see below). For a more detailed description of the these aerosols settings have a look at As we are not sure which information is read first, i.e., the PARAM/config.def_future or the COMP/lmdz.card we don't want to take the risk that the future day settings get overwritten and so we commented-out the setting in the COMP/lmdz.card. In case you want to regrid your own aerosol files the relevant scripts and instructions (in French) can be found at Interesting to know but NOT part of this set-up: it is also possible to deactivate aerosol forcing. To do so, remove the lines containing aerosols_ from the List section and change lmdz.card to the following : flag_aerosol=0, ok_ade=n, ok_aie=n, aerosol_couple=n, read_climoz=0, ok_cdnc=n. Note that read_climoz=0 will also deactivate the reading of ozone. Ozone is regridded by the job LMDZ/CREATE_ (as are some other boundary conditions such as SST, sea ice, ...) so this is not necessary to deactivate.

Activate nudging by setting ok_guide=y and add the path to the nudging files in Boundary Files section List in lmdz.card. (the French for 'nudging' is 'guider')


Because we want to calculate the difference in climate between 1750 and 2010 it is more important to make sure that our wind fields come from the same phase in the North Atlanic Oscillation (NOA). If not, the change in climate that will be assigned to our treatment could be just due to a change in NOA.The 1980 to 2011 wind fields are used to nudge the present day simulation. The years 1980 to 2011 have been prepared for the 128x118 zoomed grid and are stored at /ccc/work/cont003/dsm/p86ipsl/IGCM/BC/ATM/LMDZ/LMD128118/NUDGE_FILES/ERAI. If you are not using a zoomed grid that has been used previously, or you want to use the 128*118 grid for different years, you will have to prepare your own nudging files. ERAI nudging files for wind (u and v) can be interpolated to the zoomed grid using the method described here : ​ Note that you must be in the group subipsl to have the permission to access these files. Contact Anne Cozic for TGCC to be added to subipsl.

We need to tell the model which nudging files it should use. This requires a change to COMP/lmdz.card so that libIGCM knows to copy the files before the run.

List= (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${RESOL_ATM}/NUDGE_FILES/ERAI/${year}/u_${year}${month},,\

Because we don't want to get extra variation from using different nudging files (and thus possibly different phases in NAO) we use the same present day wind fields in the past, present and future experiment. This implies that we will have to tell the model that when according to its internal clock it is 2101 it should use the wind fields of 1981. For this Open .../libIGCM/libIGCM_config/libIGCM_config.ksh and search for the phrase '# BEGIN: SHOULD GO IN A FUNCTION FROM libIGCM_date.ksh'. Then add:

# First year for nudged wind fields 1981 = 2101 - 120
year_nudge=$((year - 120))

Return to COMP/lmdz.card and make sure the model uses year_nudge instead of year (only for the wind fields)

List= (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${RESOL_ATM}/NUDGE_FILES/ERAI/${year_nudge}/u_${year_nudge}${month},,\

The aerosols have to be interpolated to the zoomed model grid. The years 1980-2000 for HISTORIQUE run version _v5 have been done. They are found at the standard place : /ccc/work/cont003/dsm/p86ipsl/IGCM/BC/ATM/LMDZ/LMD128118/AR5/HISTORIQUE . You need to change _v3 into _v5 in lmdz.card to use these files. Similar to the pre-industrial run in which we only used the aerosols of 1860 we will now only use the aerosols of 2000 to avoid adding more variability to the present day runs compared to the pre-industrial run. Because we want to calculate the net climate effect of both biogeochemical and biophysical effects of forest manangement and land cover change, we have to recalculate the atmospheric CO2 concentration for the different treatments. To do so we first applied the BERN2.5 box model to account for the equilibrium between the atmosphere, the land and the oceans (thus the reason why ~40% of the emissions stay in the atmosphere). Following we converted this CO2 uptake/release into a change in atmospheric CO2 concentration. Finally, this change was subtracted from the present day atmospheric CO2. Note that $$$ below should be name of the optimised scenario depending on the experiment.

List=	(${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT/LMDZ/${CREATE}/ATM/Output/Restart/${CREATE}_${year},,\

List= (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${RESOL_ATM}/NUDGE_FILES/ERAI/${year_nudge}/u_${year_nudge}${month},,\

# With AR5 ozone(tropo + strato from LMDZOR-INCA-REPROBUS simulations)
ListNonDel= (/ccc/work/cont003/dofoco/dofoco/INPUT_FILES/ATM_COMP/SOLAR_FUTURE.txt, SOLARANDVOLCANOES.txt),\
    (/ccc/work/cont003/dofoco/dofoco/INPUT_FILES/ATM_COMP/CO2_RCP45_$$$.txt, CO2.txt),\
    (/ccc/work/cont003/dofoco/dofoco/INPUT_FILES/ATM_COMP/CH4_RCP45.txt, CH4.txt),\
    (/ccc/work/cont003/dofoco/dofoco/INPUT_FILES/ATM_COMP/N2O_RCP45.txt, N2O.txt),\
    (/ccc/work/cont003/dofoco/dofoco/INPUT_FILES/ATM_COMP/CFC11_RCP45.txt, CFC11.txt),\
    (/ccc/work/cont003/dofoco/dofoco/INPUT_FILES/ATM_COMP/CFC12_RCP45.txt, CFC12.txt),\

# With AR5 ozone(tropo + strato from LMDZOR-INCA-REPROBUS simulations)
List=   (${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT/LMDZ/${CREATE}/ATM/Output/Boundary/${CREATE}_${year},,           1:12:),\
        (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${RESOL_ATM}/AR5/HISTORIQUE/, aerosols${year}.nc, 1:12:), \
        (${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT/LMDZ/${CREATE}/ATM/Output/Boundary/${CREATE}_${year},,     1:12:)

Hard code ${ConfType?} in the following line

(${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/config.def_rcp45,  config.def),    \

Beacuse we have set the radiation and atmospheric concentrations to _AUTO_ in PARAM/config.def_rcp45 it looks like the model then uses the boundary files specified in COMP/lmdz.card


Change the PARAM/guide.def to the following (not the typo in DEFFAULT -> DEFAULT which should not affect the simulations):

ok_guide=_AUTO_ : DEFFAULT = n  
guide_u= y
guide_v= y
guide_T= n
guide_P= n
guide_Q= n

This means that outside the zoom, the wind is nudged every 86400*0.0208 seconds (about 30min), which is considered fairly strong but necessary for an intense zoom. Inside the zoom, the winds are slightly nudged every 10 days.


For the new physics only. The number codes are explained in the file physiq.def_L39_NPv3.1



No specific changes are required for the old physics

Launch the experiment

For the regular grid you are done and can try to launch the job:

ccc_msub Job_JOBNAME

Setting-up factorial treatments

  • config.card: change the restart files to the appropriate off-line experiment (for SBG and SRF)
  • COMP/orchidee.card: use the matching litter and forest management maps (no need to set the species map LANDCOVER = n)
  • COMP/lmdz.card: use the CO2_ACTUAL_$$$.txt file that matches the off-line experiment
  • Job: make new job, adjust for the appropriate server and adjust the NBperiod
Last modified 4 months ago Last modified on 2024-10-15T15:34:50+02:00