Classical error message: XIOS
Author: A. Jornet
Last revised: 2020/03/19, J. Lathière
Errors with XIOS
Bad declaration in field_def_orchidee.xml
1> Error [void CGrid::inputField(const CArray<double,n>& field, CArray<double,1>& stored) const] : In file '/home/orchidee01/bguenet/ORCHIDEE-TRUNK-SOM/modeles/XIOS/inc/grid.hpp', line 166 -> [ Awaiting size of the data = 52, Received data size = 572 ] The array of data has not the good size !
A variable declared in field_def_orchidee.xml doesn't have the right dimension. The error occurs when the model comes to the CALL xios_orchidee_send_field and the send does not corresponds to what is declared in field_def_orchidee.xml. Unfortunately the error message does not tell which variable is concerned. In ORCHIDEE it is possible to set PRINTLEV=4 or higher in run.def. Each call to xios_orchidee_send_field will then write out the variable name. The last printed variable is the one which needs to be corrected in field_def_orchidee.xml.
Compilation with XIOS2 but running with old iodef.xml file
1> Error [template <typename T> void CEnum<T>::_fromString(const string& str)] : In file '/ccc/scratch/cont003/dsm/p86ghatt/TRUSTING/ORCHIDEE/RUNDIR.v6/trunk_rev3525_20160612T1516/modipsl/modeles/XIOS/inc/enum_impl.hpp', line 161 -> integer cannot be converted in a valid enumeration, possibilities are: bool, int16, int, int32, int64, float, double, string
This error message was due to an incompatibility of iodef.xml file and the version of XIOS. In ORCHIDEE/src_xml or in the config/ORCHIDEE_OL/xxx/PARAM, the 2 files iodef_xios1.xml and iodef_xios2.xml exist. Depending on the version of XIOS installed, you should copy the corresponding file into iodef.xml.
To know which version of XIOS you installed, go to modipsl/modeles/XIOS and type svn info. If in the URL you have
- XIOS/branchs/xios-1.0 : this is XIOS1. Copy the file iodef_xios1.xml into iodef.xml. Note to compile this version, add -xios or -xios1 to makeorchidee_fcm.
- XIOS/trunk : this is XIOS2. Copy the file iodef_xios2.xml into iodef.xml. Note to compile this version, add -xios2 to makeorchidee_fcm.