
Version 1 (modified by mmaipsl, 14 years ago) (diff)


METAFOR questionnary

METAFOR CMIP5 web site

You can find METAFOR Questionnary as defined on page (need authentication) in the ORCHIDEE DODS with following links :

  2. Land Surface Albedo
  3. Land Surface Carbon Cycle
  4. Land Surface Energy Balance
  5. Land Surface Key Properties
  6. Land Surface Lakes
  7. Land Surface Snow
  8. Land Surface Soil
  9. Land Surface Vegetation
  10. Land Surf Soil Heat Treatment
  11. Land Surf Soil Hydrology
  12. River Routing
  13. Vegetation Carbon Cycle
  14. Files

But we can't modify them without authentication.

You can find original text export from METAFOR CMIP5 web site there :

  2. Land Surface Albedo
  3. Land Surface Carbon Cycle
  4. Land Surface Energy Balance
  5. Land Surface Key Properties
  6. Land Surface Lakes
  7. Land Surface Snow
  8. Land Surface Soil
  9. Land Surface Vegetation
  10. Land Surf Soil Heat Treatment
  11. Land Surf Soil Hydrology
  12. River Routing
  13. Vegetation Carbon Cycle

Wiki traduction

IPSL-CM5A-LR/Land Surface Albedo

====Component details====

Location : /IPSL-CM5A-LR/Land Surface

Short Name : Land Surface Albedo

Long Name :

Description :



Property Definition Type Options Value
General Attributes:SpecificTiling Is tiling used in the surface albedo calcualtions? One value from list no, yes
SnowFreeAlbedo:Type Describe the treatment of snow-free land albedo One value from list N/A, other, prescribed, prognostic
SnowFreeAlbedo:[if Type is "prognostic"]FunctionOf? Describe the dependancies on snow free albedo calculations One or more values from list other, soil humidity, vegetation state, vegetation type
SnowFreeAlbedo:[if Type is "prognostic"]Direct-Diffuse Is there a distinction between direct and diffuse albedo? One value from list distinction between direct and diffuse albedo, no distinction between direct and diffuse albedo, other
SnowFreeAlbedo:[if Type is "prognostic"]NumberOfWavelenghBands? Enter the number of wavelength bands used Unrestricted (units="") (type="numeric") n/a
SnowAlbedo:Type Describe the treatment of snow-covered land albedo One value from list N/A, other, prescribed, prognostic
SnowAlbedo:[if Type is "prognostic"]FunctionOf? Describe dependancies on snow albedo calculations One or more values from list aerosol deposition, other, Snow age, Snow density, Snow grain type, vegetation type