
METAFOR questionnary

METAFOR CMIP5 web site

You can find METAFOR Questionnary as defined on page (need authentication) in the ORCHIDEE DODS with following links :

  2. Land Surface Albedo
  3. Land Surface Carbon Cycle
  4. Land Surface Energy Balance
  5. Land Surface Key Properties
  6. Land Surface Lakes
  7. Land Surface Snow
  8. Land Surface Soil
  9. Land Surface Vegetation
  10. Land Surf Soil Heat Treatment
  11. Land Surf Soil Hydrology
  12. River Routing
  13. Vegetation Carbon Cycle
  14. Files

But we can't modify them without authentication.

You can find original text export from METAFOR CMIP5 web site there :

  2. Land Surface Albedo
  3. Land Surface Carbon Cycle
  4. Land Surface Energy Balance
  5. Land Surface Key Properties
  6. Land Surface Lakes
  7. Land Surface Snow
  8. Land Surface Soil
  9. Land Surface Vegetation
  10. Land Surf Soil Heat Treatment
  11. Land Surf Soil Hydrology
  12. River Routing
  13. Vegetation Carbon Cycle

Wiki traduction

ORCHIDEE surface model

Component details

Location : /IPSL-CM5A-LR

Short Name : Land Surface

Long Name : ORCHIDEE land surface model

Description :

References [0]

Krinner, G., Viovy, N., de Noblet-Ducoudre, N., Ogee, J., Polcher, J., Friedlingstein, P., Ciais, P., Sitch, S., and Prentice, I. C.: A dynamic global vegetation model for studies of the coupled atmosphere-biosphere system, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 19, Artn Gb1015, Doi 10.1029/2003gb002199, 2005.


The version of ORCHIDEE used for the CMIP5 simulations includes a full description of the carbon cycle, compared to the version used for CMIP3 simulations without carbon cycle.

The carbon cycle is fully described in Krinner et al. 2005


Property Definition Type Options Value

Additional information

Land Surface Albedo

Component details

Location : /IPSL-CM5A-LR/Land Surface

Short Name : Land Surface Albedo

Long Name :

Description :



Property Definition Type Options Value
General Attributes:SpecificTiling Is tiling used in the surface albedo calcualtions? One value from list no, yes yes
SnowFreeAlbedo:Type Describe the treatment of snow-free land albedo One value from list N/A, other, prescribed, prognostic prognostic
SnowFreeAlbedo:[if Type is "prognostic"]FunctionOf? Describe the dependancies on snow free albedo calculations One or more values from list other, soil humidity, vegetation state, vegetation type vegetation type
SnowFreeAlbedo:[if Type is "prognostic"]Direct-Diffuse Is there a distinction between direct and diffuse albedo? One value from list distinction between direct and diffuse albedo, no distinction between direct and diffuse albedo, other no distinction between direct and diffuse albedo
SnowFreeAlbedo:[if Type is "prognostic"]NumberOfWavelenghBands? Enter the number of wavelength bands used Unrestricted (units="") (type="numeric") n/a 2
SnowAlbedo:Type Describe the treatment of snow-covered land albedo One value from list N/A, other, prescribed, prognostic prognostic
SnowAlbedo:[if Type is "prognostic"]FunctionOf? Describe dependancies on snow albedo calculations One or more values from list aerosol deposition, other, Snow age, Snow density, Snow grain type, vegetation type snow age, vegetation type

Additional information

The albedo scheme in ORCHIDEE computes the temporal and spatial changes of the land-surface albedo for the near infrared, as well as for the visible range. Each surface type within the tiling scheme has a specific snow-free albedo. Whereas the albedo of bare soil is a fixed prescribed value, the albedo of vegetation is a combination of this bare soil albedo and the vegetation albedo, using Beer's law to determine the vegetated fraction. The albedo values of all tiles are weighted by their fractional cover and summed to a gridbox average albedo.

In the case of snow, each surface type has additionally an initial albedo of snow prescribed. These values vary as a function of snow age and the amount of new snowfall. Snow density is prescribed, and the effects of aerosol deposition, grain type and snow water on snow albedo are not considered.

The overall albedo is a combination of the fractional albedo of the snow coverage and the fractional albedo of vegetation.

Land Surface Carbon Cycle

Component details

Location : /IPSL-CM5A-LR/Land Surface

Short Name : Land Surface Carbon Cycle

Long Name : ORCHIDEE (version ORCHIDEE_1_9_5)

Description :

References [0]


Property Definition Type Options Value
Soil:Method Describe the methods used within the soil carbon cycle scheme One or more values from list heterotrophic respiration, N/A, other heterotrophic respiration
Soil:NumberOfCarbonPools How many soil carbon cycle pools are used? 3
Soil:ListOfCarbonPools List the names of the soil carbon pools used active, slow and passive soil carbon
Litter:NumberOfCarbonPools How many litter carbon cycle pools are used? 4
Litter:ListOfCarbonPools List the names of the soil carbon pools used structural and metabolic litter, above and below the surface
Permafrost:ListOfGases Which gases are included in permafrost? n/a n/a n/a


Additional information

Land Surface Energy Balance

Component details

Location : /IPSL-CM5A-LR/Land Surface

Short Name : Land Surface Energy Balance

Long Name :

Description :

References [0]

de Noblet-Ducoudré, N., Laval, K. & Perrier, A., 1992. SECHIBA, a new set of parameterisations of the hydrologic exchanges at the land-atmosphere interface within the LMD Atmospheric General Circulation Model. Journal of Climate, 6, pp.248-273.


Property Definition Type Options Value
General Attributes:SpecificTiling Is tiling used in the surface energy balance scheme? One value from list no, yes no
General Attributes:NumberOfSurfaceTemperatures Enter the number of surface temperatures used Unrestricted (units="") (type="numeric") n/a 1
General Attributes:[if SpecificTiling? is "yes"]SubsurfaceTiling? Is sub-surface tiling employed? One value from list no, yes no
SchemeMethod:TypeOfEvaporationFormulation Specify the formulation method for land surface evaporation One value from list alpha, beta, combined, Monteith potential evaporation, N/A, other combined
SchemeMethod:Processes Describe whih processes are included in the energy balance scheme One or more values from list N/A, other, transpiration transpiration, other

Additional information

Other for SchemeMethod:Processes: bare soil evaporation, intercepted water evaporation, snow sublimation, longwave radiation, shortwave radiation, ground heat flux

The ORCHIDEE land surface energy balance scheme calculates the fluxes of latent and sensible heat that are passed between the soil/vegetation and the atmosphere. Latent heat comprises calculations for sublimination, canopy transpiration and the evaporation of soil and water in the foliage.

Each type of vegetation, or Plant Functional Type (PFT) is treated as a single-layer canopy model. Bare soil is a further PFT. Computations are performed separately for each type of vegetation and an average is taken to determine the overall flux for the grid square in question.

Land Surface Key Properties

Component details

Location : /IPSL-CM5A-LR/Land Surface

Short Name : Land Surface Key Properties

Long Name :

Description :

References [0]


Property Definition Type Options Value
General Attributes:BasicApproximations Decription of the basic approximations made in the LandSurface? model. Unrestricted (units="") (type="string") n/a Plant Functional Type Approach based on 13 PFT fractions per tile
General Attributes:Genealogy History of parent models. One value from list BATS, Bucket, Deardorff, N/A, other, SiB SECHIBA, CENTURY, LPJ
General Attributes:CouplingWithAtmosphere Specify the treatment of land surface coupling with the Atmosphere model component. One value from list explicit, implicit, N/A, other, semi-implicit implicit
General Attributes:LandCoverTypes Types of land cover defined in the land surface model. One or more values from list bare soil, ice, lake, N/A, other, urban, vegetated bare soil, ice, vegetated
General Attributes:ListOfPrognosticVariables Specify which prognostic variables are included in the land surface scheme. One or more values from list canopy heat content, canopy skin temperature, canopy snow content, canopy water content, N/A, other, river water storage, snow albedo, snow density, snow layer thickness, snow mass, snow water content, soil heat content, soil ice content, soil moisture, soil temperature, surface skin temperature canopy skin temperature, canopy snow content, canopy water content, other, river water storage, snow albedo, snow mass, soil moisture, soil temperature, surface skin temperature
General Attributes:Tiling Is land surface tiling common to all land surface subcomponents? One value from list common to all LS subcomponents, N/A, other, specific to each LS subomponents other
General Attributes:[if Tiling is "common to all LS subcomponents"]TilingMethod? Describe the method of tiling used One value from list dynamic, fixed number of types, other
ConservationOfProperties:WaterTreatment Specify the treatment of water to ocean One value from list All water sent to ocean (Instantly), All water sent to ocean (with a lag), N/A, other, Storage Storage
ConservationOfProperties:[if WaterTreatment? is "All water sent to ocean (with a lag)"]LagOfWaterDischarge? Value of the lag duration of the water discharge into ocean. Unrestricted (units="") (type="numeric") n/a
ConservationOfProperties:[if WaterTreatment? is "Storage"]WaterStorageMethod? Give further details of the water storage method One or more values from list endorheic lakes storage, other, snow as infinite reservoir endorheic lakes storage
TimeSteppingFramework:Method Is the time stepping framework used the same as that used in the atmosphere model component? One value from list N/A, other, specific time step, use Atmosphere time step use Atmosphere time step
TimeSteppingFramework:[if Method is "specific time step"]TimeStep? Enter the length of timestep in seconds Unrestricted (units="seconds") (type="numeric") n/a

Additional information

other for General Attributes:Tiling : common to all LS subcomponents except for basin description Storage for ConservationOfProperties::WaterTreatment?: There are 3 water reservoirs that store water with different residence time but all the water is sent to ocean with a lag TimeSteppingFramework:Method : There is a specific time step (1 day) for the routing process.

Land Surface Lakes

Component details

Location : /IPSL-CM5A-LR/Land Surface

Short Name : Land Surface Lakes

Long Name :

Description :

References [0]


Property Definition Type Options Value
General Attributes:CouplingWithRivers Are lakes coupled to the river routing model component? One value from list no, yes
General Attributes:[if CouplingWithRivers? is "yes"]QuantitiesExchangedWithRivers? Which quantities are exchanged between the lakes and rivers One or more values from list heat, other, tracers, water
SchemeMethod:IceTreatment Is lake ice included? One value from list no, yes
SchemeMethod:LakesAlbedo Describe the treatment of lake albedo One value from list diagnostic, N/A, other, prognostic
SchemeMethod:LakesDynamics Which dynamics of lakes are treated? horizontal, vertical, etc. One value from list horizontal, N/A, none, other, vertical, vertical + horizontal
SchemeMethod:DynamicLakesExtent Is a dynamic lake extent scheme included? One value from list no, yes
SchemeMethod:EndorheicBasins basins not flowing to ocean. One value from list no, yes yes

Additional information

Only basins are considered: No lake treatment

Land Surface Snow

Component details

Location : /IPSL-CM5A-LR/Land Surface

Short Name : Land Surface Snow

Long Name :

Description :

References [0]

Chalita, S. and H. Letreut (1994). "The Albedo of Temperate and Boreal Forest and the Northern-Hemisphere Climate - a Sensitivity Experiment Using the Lmd-Gcm." Climate Dynamics 10(4-5): 231-240.


Property Definition Type Options Value
General Attributes:SpecificTiling Is tiling used in the land surface snow scheme? One value from list no, yes no
General Attributes:NumberOfSnowLayers How many snow layers are included in the model? Unrestricted (units="") (type="numeric") n/a 1
SchemeMethod:SnowAlbedo List of biome types of the classification used. One value from list constant, diagnostic, N/A, other, prognostic diagnostic
SchemeMethod:SnowDensity Description of the treatment of snow density One value from list constant, N/A, other, prognostic constant
SchemeMethod:SnowWaterEquivalent Description of the treatment of the 'snow water equivalent' One value from list diagnostic, N/A, other, prognostic prognostic
SchemeMethod:SnowHeatContent Description of the treatment of the heat content of snow One value from list diagnostic, N/A, other, prognostic N/A
SchemeMethod:SnowTemperature Description of the treatment of snow temperature One value from list diagnostic, N/A, other, prognostic prognostic
SchemeMethod:SnowLiquidWaterContent Description of the treatment of the snow liquid water treatment One value from list diagnostic, N/A, other, prognostic N/A
SchemeMethod:SnowCoverFractions Specify cover fractions used in the surface snow scheme One or more values from list ground snow fraction, N/A, other, vegetation snow fraction ground snow fraction
SchemeMethod:Processes Implemented snow-related processes One or more values from list blowing snow, N/A, other, snow interception, snow melting, snow refreezing snow melting

Additional information

composite snow and top soil layer, one energy budget, one composite temperature

Land Surface Soil

Component details

Location : /IPSL-CM5A-LR/Land Surface

Short Name : Land Surface Soil

Long Name :

Description :

References [0]


Property Definition Type Options Value
SoilMap:Texture Description of the relative clay, sand and silt proportions of the soil Unrestricted (units="") (type="string") n/a no
SoilMap:Structure Description of the aggregate characteristics of the soil particles Unrestricted (units="") (type="string") n/a no
SoilMap:Albedo Ratio of reflected to incoming solar radiation on a land surface Unrestricted (units="") (type="string") n/a yes
SoilMap:WaterTable Description of the level of water saturation within the soil layer Unrestricted (units="") (type="string") n/a no

Additional information

Land Surface Vegetation

Component details

Location : /IPSL-CM5A-LR/Land Surface

Short Name : Land Surface Vegetation

Long Name :

Description :

References [0]


  • Botta, A., Viovy, N., Ciais, P., Friedlingstein, P., & Monfray, P. (2000). A global prognostic scheme of leaf onset using satellite data. Global Change Biology, 6, 709-725


Property Definition Type Options Value
General Attributes:SpecificTiling Is tiling used in the surface vegetation scheme? One value from list no, yes
General Attributes:VegetationRepresentation Vegetation classification used. One value from list biome types, N/A, other, vegetation types vegetation types
General Attributes:VegetationTimeVariation How the vegetation fractions in each tile are varying with time. One value from list dynamical (varying from simulation), fixed (not varying), N/A, other, prescribed (varying from files) fixed
General Attributes:Interception Vegetation interception of rainwater represented? One value from list no, yes yes
General Attributes:[if VegetationRepresentation? is "biome types"]BiomeTypes? List of biome types in the classification. One or more values from list closed shrubland, cropland, deciduous broadleaf forest, deciduous needleleaf forest, evergreen broadleaf forest, evergreen needleleaf forest, grassland, mixed forest, open shrubland, other, wetlands, wooded grassland, woodland
General Attributes:[if VegetationRepresentation? is "vegetation types"]VegetationTypes? List of vegetation types in the classification. One or more values from list broadleaf tree, C3 grass, C4 grass, needleleaf tree, other, vegetated broadleaf tree, C3 grass, C4 grass, needleleaf tree, other
General Attributes:[if VegetationTimeVariation? is "fixed" or "prescribed"]VegetationMap? Characteristics of the vegetation map used (common name and reference, if possible). Unrestricted (units="") (type="string") n/a
SchemeMethod:Phenology Description of the treatment of vegetation phenology One value from list diagnostic (vegetation map), N/A, other, prognostic prognostic
SchemeMethod:LAI Describe the treatment of the leaf area index One value from list diagnostic, N/A, other, prescribed, prognostic prognostic
SchemeMethod:Biomass Describe the treatment of vegetation biomass One value from list diagnostic, N/A, other, prognostic prognostic
SchemeMethod:BioGeography describe the treatment of vegetation biogeography One value from list diagnostic, N/A, other, prognostic
SchemeMethod:StomatalResistanceFunctionOf Specify the dependancies on vegetation stomatal resistance One or more values from list CO2, light, N/A, O3, other, temperature, water availability CO2, light, temperature, water availability

Additional information

Land Surf Soil Heat Treatment

Component details

Location : /IPSL-CM5A-LR/Land Surface/Land? Surface Soil

Short Name : Land Surf Soil Heat Treatment

Long Name :

Description :

References [0]


Property Definition Type Options Value
SoilHeatTreatmentAttributes:SpecificTiling Is tiling used in the treatment of soil heat? One value from list no, yes no
SoilHeatTreatmentAttributes:NumberOfGroundHeatLayers How many layers are used in ground heat treatment? Unrestricted (units="") (type="numeric") n/a 7
Method:HeatStorage Specify the method of heat storage One value from list Explicit diffusion, Force-Restore, N/A, other Explicit diffusion
Method:Processes Describe processes included in the treatment of soil heat One or more values from list N/A, other, soil moisture freeze-thaw other

Additional information

Other for Method:Processes :

Land Surf Soil Hydrology

Component details

Location : /IPSL-CM5A-LR/Land Surface/Land? Surface Soil

Short Name : Land Surf Soil Hydrology

Long Name :

Description :

References [0]


Property Definition Type Options Value
SoilHydrologyAttributes:SpecificTiling Does the model use a tiling scheme within soil hydrology? One value from list no, yes yes
SoilHydrologyAttributes:NumberOfGroundWaterLayers Enter the number of ground water levels used in the land surface scheme/model Unrestricted (units="") (type="numeric") n/a 2
SoilHydrologyAttributes:WaterStorageMethod Describe the method by which water is stored in the land surface scheme/model One value from list Bucket, Choisnel, Explicit diffusion, Force-Restore, N/A, other Choisnel
SoilMoistureFreezing:NumberOfGroundIceLayers How many ground ice layers are included in the land surface scheme Unrestricted (units="") (type="numeric") n/a 0
SoilMoistureFreezing:IceStorageMethod Describe the method of ice storage Unrestricted (units="") (type="string") n/a
SoilMoistureFreezing:Permafrost Describe the treatment of permafrost within the land surface scheme One or more values from list N/A, other, specific tiling, specific treatment
Runoff-Drainage:Method Specify the treatment of runoff One value from list bulk (undifferentiated drainage and runoff), differentiated drainage and runoff, N/A, other bulk
Runoff-Drainage:[if Method is "differentiated drainage and runoff"]Processes Specify processes treated within the runoff and drainage scheme One or more values from list deep drainage, infiltration excess runoff, other, saturated surface runoff, subgrid, subgrid drainage, water table recharge

Additional information

River Routing

Component details

Location : /IPSL-CM5A-LR/Land Surface

Short Name : River Routing

Long Name :

Description :

References [0]

Ngo-Duc, T., K. Laval, G. Ramillien, J. Polcher, and A. Cazenave (2006): Validation of the land water storage simulated by ORCHIDEE with the GRACE data, role of the routing scheme. Water Resources Research, 43(4):W04427, doi:10.1029/2006WR004941.

d'Orgeval T. and J. Polcher (2008) : Impacts of precipitation events and land-use changes on West African river discharges during the years 1951-2000. Climate Dynamics, 31:294-268


Property Definition Type Options Value
General Attributes:SpecificTiling Tiling of basins. One value from list no, yes yes
General Attributes:Resolution Is the resolution independant of the land surface resolution? One value from list independent, inherited from Land Surface, N/A, other no
General Attributes:NumberOfReservoirs Enter the number of reservoirs Unrestricted (units="") (type="numeric") n/a 3
General Attributes:ListOfPrognosticVariables Specify the prognostic variables within the river routing scheme One or more values from list heat, N/A, other, tracers, water water
General Attributes:WaterRe-evaporation Definition of property name WaterRe?-evaporation required One or more values from list flood plains, irrigation, N/A, other N/A
General Attributes:CouplingWithAtmosphere Is river routing coupled to the atmosphere model component? One value from list no, yes no
General Attributes:DrainageMap What type of drainage map is being used? One value from list adapted for other periods, N/A, other, present-day present day
General Attributes:[if CouplingWithAtmosphere? is "yes"]QuantitiesExchangedWithAtmosphere? Which quantities are exchanged between river routing and the atmosphere model components? One or more values from list heat, other, tracers, water
OceanicDischarge:Type Specify how rivers are discharged to the ocean One value from list diffuse, direct (large rivers), N/A, other diffuse, direct
OceanicDischarge:QuantitiesTransported Which quantities are exchanged from river-routing to the ocean model component? One or more values from list heat, N/A, other, tracers, water water

Additional information

Vegetation Carbon Cycle

Component details

Location : /IPSL-CM5A-LR/Land Surface/Land? Surface Carbon Cycle

Short Name : Vegetation Carbon Cycle

Long Name :

Description :

References [0]


  • Ball, J., T. Woodrow, and J. Berry (1987), A model predicting stomatal conductance and its contribution to the control of photosynthesis under different environmental conditions, Prog. Photosynthesis, 4, 221– 224.
  • Collatz, G., M. Ribas-Carbo, and J. Berry (1992), Coupled photosynthesisstomatal conductance model for leaves of C4 plants, Aust. J. Plant Physiol., 19, 519–538.
  • Farquhar, G., S. von Caemmener, and J. Berry (1980), A biochemical model of photosynthesis CO2 fixation in leaves of C3 species, Planta, 149, 78– 90.


Property Definition Type Options Value
General Attributes:NumberOfCarbonPools Enter the number of carbon pools used Unrestricted (units="") (type="numeric") n/a 8
General Attributes:ListOfCarbonPools List the carbon pools used within the model carbon cycle Unrestricted (units="") (type="string") n/a leaves, roots, sapwood above and below ground, heartwood above and below ground, fruits, and a plant carbohydrate reserve
Photosynthesis:Method Describe the method used for photosynthesis One value from list biochemical approach, carbon assimilation approach, light use efficiency approach (LUE), N/A, other biochemical approach
AutotrophicRespiration:Method Describe the treatment of autotrophic respiration One value from list implicit, N/A, other, parametrized parametrized
AutotrophicRespiration:[if Method is "parametrized"]MaintenanceRespiration? Definition of property name MaintenanceRespiration? required One value from list leaves + fine roots + stems and roots, leaves + stems and roots (leafy + woody), leaves + stems + roots, other, whole plant (no distinction) leaves + stems + roots
Allocation:AllocationBins Specify the allocation of vegetation carbon bins One value from list leaves + fine roots + coarse roots + stems, leaves + stems and roots (leafy + woody), leaves + stems + roots, N/A, other, whole plant (no distinction)
Allocation:AllocationFractions Describe how the fractions of allocation are calculated One value from list explicitly calculated, fixed, function of plant allometry, function of vegetation type, N/A, other explicitly calculated
Phenology:Method Describe the treatment of vegetation carbon cycle phenology One value from list implicit (seasonal evolution of LAI), implicit (spectral vegetation indices NDVI or SR), N/A, other, parametrized parametrized

Additional information

Last modified 13 years ago Last modified on 2012-07-10T09:38:11+02:00