ORCHIDEE-MEB has been implemented on the version 4369 of the trunk. It consists in doing multi energy, hydrology budgets. The implementation has been developed by Karine Petrus on the period 01/01/2017-31/08/2017. The scheme (i.e. loop over each subroutine and transfer of variable to mc variable) that James Ryder has implemented in the version ORCHIDEE-DOFOCCO-MULTICOLUMN was taken in the same way.
General idea
It consists in creating a supplementary dimension to each variable. This supplementary dimension correspond to one energy, hydrology budget refering to one PFT. In order to do a multi budget over each variables, a loop over each subroutine has been chosen. The scheme is implemented such as for each subroutine (i.e. enerbil, diffuco, slowproc etc .. ) in the sechiba file for the global variables.
DO nmc=1,ncol_enerbil pre_subroutine_mc(nmc) subroutine(..) post_subroutine_mc(nmc) END DO #The subroutines: ''pre_subroutine_mc'', ''post_subroutine_mc'' are created to pass variables (variable) computed in the subroutine #to the multi-column variables (variable_mc) pre_subroutine_mc(nmc) variable=variable_mc end pre_subroutine_mc post_subroutine_mc(nmc) variable_mc=variable end post_subroutine_mc and in each module file (i.e.: enerbil.f90, diffuco.f90 ..etc) for the local variables.
Some tricky points
Some variables such as the wind velocity computed thanks to the roughness or the swnet (which were computed in the driver.f90) have been moved to the file sechiba.f90 in order to take into account the multi-column aspect. The albedo _out was created (the same way as for the z0m_out..(internal fields to outputs)) in order to be able to create an albedo_mc
Validation of the code
The validation has been done by running the model with 2, 3, 4 tiles with different PFT and compare each output (surface temperature, sensible flux ..) for each tile to the corresponding tile of the trunk.
Run of the version
In order to run the version, in the run.def, the parameters to define are:
#(number of energy budget columns) ncol_enerbil = 4 #(specification of PFT per column - '1' is bare soil) PFT_COLUMN_1 = 4 PFT_COLUMN_2 = 1 PFT_COLUMN_3 = 5 PFT_COLUMN_4 = 12
Outputs of the version
This code gives as outputs all the multicolumns variables.