The input files can be found on curie: /ccc/cont003/home/dsm/p529goll/ORC-CNP_input/
and here for deposition: /ccc/work/cont003/dsm/p529goll/NP_deposition/final/
4.0 (including soilpH and bulk soil density)
To run the N cycle you need additional information on soil pH and bulk density in the Currently, only the "zobler file" for the old hydrological scheme is in the directory sepcified above. I generated but not yet tested a file for the 11-layer hydrological scheme. (please write me an email if you want this file)
4.1 USDA soil orders
We use the USDA soil order map of Sun et al. (in revision) with the dominant soil order per pixel. The gap filling of the missing values was done like this (see script /home/users/dgoll/ORC_data/USDA_soilorders/try_2_fill/fill_deserts.ksh):
We use the soiltext class 6 for cold desert from the input file "" to fill missing values in these region with Gelisols (5). After we set cold desert, we use the level 1 of the maxvegetfrac in the input file "" to fill missing values of the remaining desert to Aridisols (2). Hereby, we use a threshold of 0.8 for identifying deserts in maxvegetfrac.
In case of the remaining missing points, mostly coast line points, ORCHIDEE will assign the value of the nearest neighbour in the routine "get_soil_orders" in src_stomate_io.f90.
Figure 1: USDA soil orders: Alfisols(1), Andisols(2), Aridisols(3), Entisols(4), Gelisols(5), Histosols(6), Inceptisols(7), Mollisols(8), Oxisols(9), Spodosols(10),Ultisols(11), Vertisols(12)
4.2 GliM lithology
We use the GliM lithology map by Hartmann & Moosdorf (2012). We account for subgrid scale heterogeneity by reading the fractional coverage of each of the 16 classes.
Figure 2: GliM lithology: the dominant type with a fractional cover of >0.51 ! alphabetical sequence of lithological classes:
! ! 0 - no dominant type
! ! 1 - evaporites
! ! 2 - ice & glaciers
! ! 3 - metamorphics
! ! 4 - no data
! ! 5 - acid plutonic rocks
! ! 6 - basic plutonic rocks
! ! 7 - intermediat plutonic rocks
! ! 8 - pyroclastics
! ! 9 - carbonate sedimentary rocks
! ! 10 - mixed sedimentary rocks
! ! 11 - siliciclastic sedimentary rocks
! ! 12 - unconsolidated sediments
! ! 13 - acid volcanic rocks
! ! 14 - basic volcanic rocks
! ! 15 - intermediate volcanic rocks
! ! 16 - water bodies
4.4 Soil shielding (Hartmann et al. (2014)
The factor corrects the weathering flux where the active zone in the soil is disconnected from the bedrock.
4.5 N & P deposition (Wang et al., 2017)
I lineraly interpolate the timeslices for 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990 plus a annual files for 1996-2010 to generate a annual forcing for 1960-2013.
There are two scenarios for 2030 and 2050 available which could be used to interplote the time 2013-2050 (beyond).
Attachments (3)
(76.0 KB) -
added by dgoll 9 years ago.
USDA soil order map
(96.2 KB) -
added by dgoll 9 years ago.
(83.9 KB) -
added by dgoll 9 years ago.
soil shielding factor
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