Inclusion of isotopes and tracers into ORCHIDEE
This page describes the work done to include into the model the isotopes for water and carbon.
Preliminary technical discussion (06/07/2012)
Presents : Camille Risi (CR), Nicolas Vuichard (Nvui), Didier Solyga (DS), Philippe Peylin (PP)
The following points were discussed :
- Add a supplementary dimension to the variables involved by the isotopes (water+carbon+nitrogen) instead of creating new variables
- If possible, the isotope will be in the last dimension.
- Need to discuss with Yann Meurdesoif about the optimization of the code. Questions asked : implicit vs explicit loop : Is the following code :
D0 j =1,nvm param(j) = param_std(index(j)) END DO
equivalent to
param(:) = param_std(index(:))
- CR provides a list for the water variables (see below) so DS can check before to start in September
- About the equations : it is possible to use a index vector to have generic equations with the isotopes (same process used for the externalization)
- This work can be coupled to the spatialization.
- Concerning the subroutines : we need to pass a contiguous section of an array to a subroutine.
See the course Fortran 95-2, (slides 80-82) (in french) for more information :
List of hydrology variables needed a isotope dimension :
#sechiba vevapwet transpir vevapsno vevapnu tot_melt runoff returnflow irrigation drainage qsintgev snow snow_nobio + variables venant d'intersurf #hydrol Choisnel bqsb gqsb mean_bqsb mean_gqsb precisol snowmelt icemelt runoff tot_water_beg tot_water_end subsnowveg subsnownobio run_off_tot + variables en commun avec sechiba # hydrol_vegupd qsintveg2 bdq, gdq, qsdq gtr, btr, qstr #routing fast_reservoir slow_reservoir stream_reservoir lake_reservoir runoff_mean drainage_mean precip_mean lakeinflow_mean returnflow_mean irrigation_mean riverflow_mean coastalflow_mean fast_diag, slow_diag, stream_diag, lake_diag fast_flow slow_flow stream_flow reinfiltration baseirrig transport floods wdelay inflow lakeinflow + variables en commun avec sechiba
Answers from Yann (17/07) :
- Yann prefers the explicit loops except for initialization because : a) the compiler knows the bounds so it can optimize the loops b) It gives more information to the developer. But we can use the vector notation
for the first index. For example :
DO k = 1,niso DO j = 1, nvm transpir(:,j,k) = END DO END DO
- Yann advises to set the dimension of the isotopes as the last dimension. The explicit loop over the last dimension will be mandatory because of Fortran optimization.
This last example is not recommended :
DO ji = 1,kjpindex param(ji,:) = alpha * param(ji,:) + (1. - alpha) END DO
The same advice if we pass a variable to a subroutine. We can pass an array to a subroutine by indicating the full dimensions as input variables (it is currently done in the model). - Concerning the equations : No specific recommendation.
Last modified 13 years ago
Last modified on 2012-08-07T17:14:12+02:00