Version 11 (modified by peylin, 8 years ago) (diff) |
Optimization of the SOil freezing parameterization
- Soil freezing follows from the initial work of Isabelle Goutevin
- Following the modification of the TRUNK since the initial implementation, issues related to the infiltration of water in the soil appeared:
=> see the initial summary under Infiltration_solsgeles_v3.docx Soil freezing infiltration problems and suggestions
==> Several tests have been performed to accound for sub-grid variability of soil freezing in order to limit the reduction of infiltration due to soil freezing (small frost should not modify the infiltration) and to account for the soil moisture (when the soil is dry, the impact of freezing is much lower)
- Vladislav made a series of tests
- The results of these tests are:
- Forcé:
- Couplé:
- Additional diagnostics can also be found under : additional_diag_soil_freezing
- A first summary of the different tests and their evaluation is gathered under Infiltration_sols_gelés.pdf preliminary report
- FINAL SUMMARY (APRIL 2017) IS UNDER Gel_infiltration_bilan_final.pdf FINAL SUMMARY
Attachments (4)
- Infiltration_solsgeles_v3.docx (1.7 MB) - added by peylin 8 years ago.
- Infiltration_sols_gelés.pdf (1.9 MB) - added by peylin 8 years ago.
- Gel_infiltration_bilan_final.pdf (6.2 MB) - added by peylin 8 years ago.
- Gel_infiltration_bilan_final_v2.pdf (9.0 MB) - added by peylin 8 years ago.