Memory issues on Ada
If you run the model on Ada (at Idris), after the compilation, you have to follow these steps to resolve memory issues with ORCHIDEE-MICT on Ada:
1. Use intel/2016.2:
module load intel/2016.2
2. In libIGCM_sys/libIGCM_sys_ada.ksh, modify:
#- HOST_MPIRUN_COMMAND if ( [ "X${LOADL_STEP_TYPE}" = "XPARALLEL" ] || [ "X${LOADL_STEP_TYPE}" = "XSERIAL" ] ) ; then typeset -r HOST_MPIRUN_COMMAND=${HOST_MPIRUN_COMMAND:="/usr/bin/time poe"} else typeset -r HOST_MPIRUN_COMMAND=${HOST_MPIRUN_COMMAND:="/usr/bin/time mpirun"} fi
#- HOST_MPIRUN_COMMAND if ( [ "X${LOADL_STEP_TYPE}" = "XPARALLEL" ] || [ "X${LOADL_STEP_TYPE}" = "XSERIAL" ] ) ; then typeset -r HOST_MPIRUN_COMMAND=${HOST_MPIRUN_COMMAND:="/usr/bin/time mpirun"} else typeset -r HOST_MPIRUN_COMMAND=${HOST_MPIRUN_COMMAND:="/usr/bin/time mpirun"} fi
3. Before creating the Job:
3.1 In libIGCM/AA_job, modify:
#-Q- ada # @ job_type = parallel
#-Q- ada # @ job_type = mpich
3.2 In config.card, modify:
OOL= (orchidee_ol, orchidee_ol, 63MPI)
OOL= (orchidee_ol, orchidee_ol, 63MPI, 4OMP)
4. Launch ins_job from libIGCM to create the Job
5. In the Job, add more memory (up to 14gb). Modify:
# @ as_limit = 3.5gb
# @ as_limit = 10gb
Last modified 7 years ago
Last modified on 2018-05-18T10:14:11+02:00