
Version 9 (modified by maignan, 8 years ago) (diff)


TRENDY MICT Simulations

Simulations are run at LSCE.

General forcing files

  • Meteorological fields CRUNCEP V7 2-degree


  • CO2 yearly atmospheric concentrations


Code release and version of libraries

July 31th, 2016

Some problems are encountered with r3668:

  • in thermosoil_cond_pft
    xunfroz(:,:) = sh2o(:,:) / smc(:,:)   ! Unfrozen Fraction (From i.e., 100%Liquid, to 0. (100% Frozen))

    DO jv = 1,nvm
      DO jg = 1,ngrnd
        DO ji = 1,kjpindex
           xu(ji,jg,jv) = xunfroz(ji,jg) * porosnet(ji, jg, jv)  ! Unfrozen volume for saturation (porosity*xunfroz)
        END DO ! DO jg = 1,ngrnd
      END DO
    END DO

    first(:,:,:) = 1. - porosnet(:, :, :)
    second(:,:,:) = porosnet(:, :, :) - xu(:,:,:)

should be replaced with:

    DO jg = 1,ngrnd
       DO ji = 1,kjpindex
          IF ( smc(ji,jg) > min_sechiba ) THEN
             xunfroz(ji,jg) = sh2o(ji,jg) / smc(ji,jg)   ! Unfrozen Fraction (From i.e., 100%Liquid, to 0. (100% Frozen))

    DO jv = 1,nvm
      DO jg = 1,ngrnd
        DO ji = 1,kjpindex
           xu(ji,jg,jv) = xunfroz(ji,jg) * porosnet(ji, jg, jv)  ! Unfrozen volume for saturation (porosity*xunfroz)
        END DO ! DO jg = 1,ngrnd
      END DO
    END DO

    first(:,:,:) = 1. - porosnet(:, :, :)
    second(:,:,:) = porosnet(:, :, :) - xu(:,:,:)


similarly to what is done in thermosoil_cond because smc(ji,jg) can be equal to zero (problem seen in some points in Greenland).

  • negative soil carbon values

-> in cryoturbate: deepC_s(ip,:,iv) < 0 (iv=1 PFT bare soil)
-> in permafrost_decomp: cflux(iactive,islow) < 0, dC < 0, O2_soil(ip,iv,il) < 0
-> in soil_gasdiff_diff: O2_soil(:,1,:) < 0, O2sa(:,iv) < 0, tsurf(:) < 0
-> in stomate_main: temp_sol < 0
-> in sechiba_main: temp_sol_new < 0
-> in enerbil_surftemp: psnew(ji)= -995426.004042274, dtheta= -1258431.90959266
-> in thermosoil_coef: large negative values of soilflux, large negative values of snowflx
So the problem seems to be related to the explicit snow: check snowmelt, twbr.

July 28th, 2016

The problem with the interpolation of the PFT map was fixed by Albert, the spinup is run with:
ORCHIDEE r3668 / XIOS revision 858 / libIGCM revision 1333

July 26th, 2016

A problem was identified with the interpolation of the PFT map. While waiting for its resolution, the spinup is run with:
ORCHIDEE r3540 / IOIPSL v2.2.2 / libIGCM v2.7

July 25th, 2016

ORCHIDEE r3629 / XIOS 1.0 / libIGCM v2.8.1

Configurations with standard crops


PFT maps



Spinup follows a protocol similar to the one written for the evaluation paper, see: spinup_MICT.pdf
The CO2 atmopsheric concentration is fixed at the 1860 value (286.42 ppm).
PFT map is fixed: (VEGET_UPDATE=0Y in sechiba.card)
Climate is cycling over 1901-1910.
Fires are activated.


Launched July 28th, 2016, stopped for debugging

Configurations with improved crops

PFT maps
