MICT Reference Simulations
Configuration for the MICT paper
Here is the script to run the whole simulation (including spinup and transient) on obelix with CRUNCEP climate : /home/orchidee04/dzhu/MICT_REF/RefSim_for_MICTpaper/script.NH.CRUNCEP
If you write your own script or use libIGCM, and only need the run.def, here it is: /home/orchidee04/dzhu/MICT_REF/RefSim_for_MICTpaper/run.def
In the same directory, there is also used_run.def (generated after the first year of this simulation). This file gives all the flags that the model REALLY reads and uses. It is useful as a "safety check": if some flags in your model version has changed their default values while you don't specify them in your run.def, you will notice them if you compare your used_run.def
MICT MIP simulations
Main features of the run.def
To add after revision [3952/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT/ORCHIDEE]
- Curie: /ccc/work/cont003/dsm/p529jorn/inputsMICTv8/refSOC_NCSCD_linear_05deg_v4.nc
- Obelix: /home/orchidee04/ajornet/inputsMICTv8/refSOC_NCSCD_linear_05deg_v4.nc
To add between revisions [3751/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT/ORCHIDEE] to 4057:
### Flags needed to keep using Orchidee MICT with 13 PFTs after the introduction of the CROPS module ### NVM = 13 PFT_TO_MTC = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 # SECHIBA_VEGMAX = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 1.0 OK_LAIDEV=n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n NSTM = 3 PREF_SOIL_VEG = 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3
These options belong to revision [2916/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT/ORCHIDEE]:
### General flags ### ### added by Ye ### # Activate STOMATE? # Def = n STOMATE_OK_STOMATE=y # Activate CO2? # set to TRUE if photosynthesis is to be activated # Def = n STOMATE_OK_CO2=y ### end Ye ### # Activate the DGVM? STOMATE_OK_DGVM = n # Activate grassland management? ENABLE_GRAZING = n # Activate Spitfire? FIRE_DISABLE = y ALLOW_DEFOREST_FIRE = n # Hydrology scheme HYDROL_CWRR = y # Activate the soil freezing scheme? OK_FREEZE = y # Activate permafrost carbon? OK_PC = y # Activate the explicit snow scheme? OK_EXPLICITSNOW = y # Activate computation of flux densities of CH4 from wetlands? CH4_CALCUL = n # Activate Topmodel? TOPM_CALCUL = n # Activate CO2 downregulation? DOWNREGULATION_CO2 = n ### Options related to soil carbon ### #Activating this option allows the soil carbon to go below 0.5 m everywhere. new_carbinput_intdepzlit=y #Model for the temperature dependence of the respiration related to microbial activity frozen_respiration_func=1 (default value is 1) #No insolation effect of the organic top soil layer USE_SOILC_TEMPDIFF=n ### Vertical discretization scheme ### # recommended values to get ndeep=32 (default values) # old name #DEPTH_TMAX=38. # new name since revision MICT 3270 DEPTH_MAX_T=38. RATIO_GEOM_BELOW=1.05 ### Options related to the routing scheme ### RIVER_ROUTING = TRUE DO_FLOODPLAINS = y DO_FLOODINFILT = TRUE DO_SWAMPS = TRUE ### Added by Dan ### # These are all current default values # cryoturbate = y cryoturbation_diff_k = 0.001 bioturbation_diff_k = 0.0001 bioturbation_depth = 2. adjust_method_new = y # Non-default values added by Fabienne as advised by Ye (2016/10/20) use_new_cryoturbation = y cryoturbation_method = 4 ### End Dan ### # Use age class and activate gross land use change? GLUC_USE_AGE_CLASS = n [default n]
Main options for Spitfire module when it is active
#Chao add ## IF FIRE_DISABLE = n # Read population density? [always set yes, otherwise the model may break] READ_POPDENS = y [always yes] POPDENS_FILE = /home/orchidee01/ychao/FIRE_INPUT_DATA/HYDE/05deg/popd_1700.nc # Read human ignition parameter? [always yes] READ_HUMIGN = y HUMIGN_FILE = /home/orchidee01/ychao/FIRE_INPUT_DATA/humign.nc # Lightning flashes input file LIGHTNING_FILE = /home/orchidee01/ychao/FIRE_INPUT_DATA/LISOTD_HRMC_V2.3.2011.lightn.nc # Read the ratio flag? [always yes] READ_RATIO_FLAG = y # When the flag is greater than 1, BA and CF are forced, otherwise # they are prognositcally determined. RATIO_FLAG_FILE = /home/orchidee01/ychao/FIRE_INPUT_DATA/FORCE_BA/flag_minus_ones.nc # Read the ratio? [always y] READ_RATIO = y # Default ratio file with all ratios as 1, i.e., the BA is prognostically # determined. Current GFED3 ratio file is derived by calibrating with GFED BA. RATIO_FILE = /home/orchidee01/ychao/FIRE_INPUT_DATA/FORCE_BA/ratio_GFED3_BvmaxT9_Opt3.nc # Force the combustion fraction for the coarse fuel [default: n] READ_CF_COARSE = n CF_COARSE_FILE = /home/orchidee01/ychao/FIRE_DATA/GFED3/CF_coarse.nc # Force the combustion fraction for the fine fuel [default: n] READ_CF_FINE = n CF_FINE_FILE = /home/orchidee01/ychao/FIRE_DATA/GFED3/CF_fine.nc
Gross land use change with age classes
Input for gross land use change when it is activated
#Chao add ##IF GLUC_USE_AGE_CLASS = y GLUC_NAGEC_TREE = 6 # number of age class for forest GLUC_NAGEC_HERB = 4 # number of age class for crop, pasture and grassland #Total number of metaclasses GLUC_NVMAP = 15 GLUC_AGEC_GROUP__xx: look-up table to link MTC to PFTs GLUC_AGE_CLASS_BOUND__xx: boundaries used to distinguish age class # allow forestry harvest ? [default n] GLUC_ALLOW_FORESTRY_HARVEST = n # Assume there is a single age class in each MTC? [default n] GLUC_SINGLE_AGE_CLASS = n # Use a spital file for input as the boundaries of age class? [default n] GLUC_USE_BOUND_SPA = n # If yes, file name of the spatial boundary input file: GLUC_AGE_THRESHOLD_FILE # File containing matrix for Net land cover change GLUC_NET_LCC_FILE # File containing matrix for shifting-cultivation land cover change (from primary and secondary land, and forestry harvest) GLUC_SHIFT_PRI_FILE GLUC_SHIFT_SEC_FILE # File containing matrix for forestry wood harvest GLUC_FORESTRY_HARVEST_FILE
new GRM
Inputs for run.def when the new GRassland Management is active:
NVM = 17 PFT_TO_MTC = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 10, 10, 11, 11 # GRM (grassland management) global simulation settings # (all settings corresponding to the set used in Chang et al., 2016 Biogeosciences) # active GRM GRM_ENABLE_GRAZING = TRUE # PFT 10 and 11 are natural C3 and C4 grassland respectively # PFT 14 and 15 are cut (mown) and grazed C3 grassland respectively # PFT 16 and 17 are cut (mown) and grazed C4 grassland respectively GRM_IS_GRASSLAND_MANAG__14 = y GRM_IS_GRASSLAND_MANAG__15 = y GRM_IS_GRASSLAND_MANAG__16 = y GRM_IS_GRASSLAND_MANAG__17 = y GRM_IS_GRASSLAND_CUT__14 = y GRM_IS_GRASSLAND_CUT__16 = y GRM_IS_GRASSLAND_GRAZED__15 = y GRM_IS_GRASSLAND_GRAZED__17 = y # flag setting for nitrogen addition (modification is not recommended) GRM_F_SATURANT = 0 GRM_F_NONLIMITANT = 0 GRM_F_COMPLEMENTATION = 0 GRM_F_FERTILIZATION = 1 GRM_N_LIMITATION = y GRM_N_EFFECT = 0.6 # flag setting for management strategy (see wiki for explanation for each flag) GRM_F_AUTOGESTION = 0 GRM_F_POSTAUTO = 5 # flag setting for grazing strategy GRM_AVOID_WETGRAZING = FALSE GRM_AVOID_SNOWGRAZING = TRUE # flag setting for management parameter and input file GRM_FILE_PARAM_INIT = /ccc/work/cont003/dsm/p529chan/input_gm/laq-int.init_cond.par GRM_F_MANAGEMENT_MAP = 1 GRM_F_DEPOSITION_MAP = 1 GRM_F_GRAZING_MAP = 1 GRM_MANAGEMENT_MAP = GRM_input.nc GRM_DEPOSITION_MAP = GRM_input.nc GRM_GRAZING_MAP = GRM_input.nc # management intensity for global run GRM_MANAGE_INTENSITY__14 = 4 GRM_MANAGE_INTENSITY__15 = 4 GRM_MANAGE_INTENSITY__16 = 4 GRM_MANAGE_INTENSITY__17 = 4 # set calibrated Vcmax25 and SLA_MAX SLA_MIN (Chang et al., 2015, 2016) VCMAX25__10=55 VCMAX25__11=25 VCMAX25__14=55 VCMAX25__15=55 VCMAX25__16=25 VCMAX25__17=25 SLA_MAX__10=4.5E-2 SLA_MIN__10=3.6E-2 SLA_MAX__11=4.3E-2 SLA_MIN__11=3.44E-2 SLA_MAX__14=4.5E-2 SLA_MIN__14=3.6E-2 SLA_MAX__15=4.5E-2 SLA_MIN__15=3.6E-2 SLA_MAX__16=4.3E-2 SLA_MIN__16=3.44E-2 SLA_MAX__17=4.3E-2 SLA_MIN__17=3.44E-2
[BoundaryFiles] # file containing global management maps including fertilisation, N deposition, grazing stocking rate etc. List= (/ccc/work/cont003/dsm/p529chan/input_gm/grm_input/grm_input_halfdeg_${year}.nc, GRM_input.nc) ListNonDel= ()
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added by mguimberteau 9 years ago.
Spinup protocol for MICT
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