Job_Post_FLUXNET Visualisation tool
It generates time-series of different fluxes :
- Latent Heat, Sensible Heat
For different datasets :
- The simulation that you have launched
- The in-situ observations
- A simulation of "reference" (eg. a former simulation)
For different time frequency
- Daily cycle
- Seasonal cycle
- Interannual variability
Where is Job_Post_FLUXNET located ?
Job_Post_FLUXNET is under modipsl/config/ORCHIDEE_OL/FLUXNET dir. Installation is similar to Job_FLUXNET_Validation.
How to modify the fluxnet.card ?
- The observation file is the type of file in which Fluxnet data are stored.
- The reference file is the output file of ORCHIDEE (sechiba component) of a former simulation used as reference.
- Here below is an example how observation and reference file can be set:
observation_file_path='/home/orchidee01/vuichard/Input_Fluxnet/${Site}.nc' reference_file_path='/home/orchidee01/vuichard/ORCHIDEE_1951/IGCM_OUT/OL2/Fluxnet_Tao/${Site}'
How to use it ?
my_prompt>> ksh my_prompt>> nohup ./Job_Post_FLUXNET > out_Post 2>&1 &
Some example of charts created by Job_Post_Fluxnet
- Example 1 : Sensible Heat (seasonal variations)
- Example 2 : GPP (daily cycle)
- Example 3 : Total Ecosysyem Respiration (Inter-annual variations
Last modified 13 years ago
Last modified on 2011-12-14T16:20:20+01:00