14 months |
josefine.ghattas |
Create perso for Pierre Tiengou working with Agnes and Frederique
14 months |
minna.ma |
updata ORCHIDDE3-NLAT mass balance
14 months |
josefine.ghattas |
Deactivate cross test O6d O7d
14 months |
minna.ma |
updata NLAT
14 months |
aya.bahi |
New : Add vevapwet_iso
14 months |
josefine.ghattas |
When running without XIOS, now also deactivate routing simple.
14 months |
aya.bahi |
New: add isotope comment
14 months |
josefine.ghattas |
Changes done at jz
14 months |
josefine.ghattas |
Divers update
14 months |
minna.ma |
updata for river_routing Yes debug
14 months |
aya.bahi |
New: add successful precip and qsintveg iso
14 months |
aya.bahi |
New : remove all files
15 months |
aya.bahi |
New : ?
15 months |
mojtaba.houballah |
add of stics routines
15 months |
aya.bahi |
New: prepare shorter code
15 months |
bertrand.guenet |
15 months |
xiaoni.wang |
Created a personal branch for Laura S.
15 months |
josefine.ghattas |
Add switch for version to use
15 months |
aya.bahi |
New: add isotopes for hist
15 months |
aya.bahi |
New: add isotopes in intersurf
15 months |
aya.bahi |
New: Add isotopes flags in dim2
15 months |
minna.ma |
some cleaning - code checking
15 months |
aya.bahi |
New: iso in field_def.xml
15 months |
aya.bahi |
New: add isotopes in src_xml
15 months |
minna.ma |
update - bug fixing - code compiles
15 months |
aya.bahi |
New: Add vevapwet in outputs
15 months |
aya.bahi |
New: Add isotopes in xios
15 months |
fabienne.maignan |
Version for publication
15 months |
fabienne.maignan |
Initialisation with ORCHIDEE-MICT
15 months |
fabienne.maignan |
Personal branch for Yi Xi
15 months |
aya.bahi |
New: xios isotopes
15 months |
minna.ma |
First commit for N lateral fluxes
15 months |
minna.ma |
update my personnal branch with r7971 of ORCHIDEE_3
15 months |
minna.ma |
update my personnal branch with r7971 of ORCHIDEE_3
15 months |
aya.bahi |
New: xios_orchiee
15 months |
aya.bahi |
New: correct mois in sehciba
15 months |
aya.bahi |
New : modif comments hydrol_canop
16 months |
elsa.abs |
A …
16 months |
nicolas.vuichard |
delete directory created by error
16 months |
nicolas.vuichard |
copy of ORCHIDEE_3
16 months |
nicolas.vuichard |
copy of ORCHIDEE_3
16 months |
nicolas.vuichard |
creation of a personal branch for Mojtaba Houballah
16 months |
aya.bahi |
New : add calcul_precip_canop
16 months |
aya.bahi |
New : seperate verif and gather iso+water
16 months |
aya.bahi |
New : last version hydrol
16 months |
elsa.abs |
Create a directory for new ORCHIDEE branch
16 months |
josefine.ghattas |
Create perso branch
16 months |
josefine.ghattas |
Use a new script, smaller and hard coded, to get revision numbers. This is …
16 months |
aya.bahi |
New : add tot_melt in intersurfs
16 months |
aya.bahi |
New : add constant initial values of isotopes
16 months |
aya.bahi |
New:add tot_melt_iso
16 months |
aya.bahi |
New: Add function that convert delta to R
16 months |
aya.bahi |
New: remove apres_prec and apres_evap
17 months |
aya.bahi |
New : add isotopes_traceurs with merged constantes_iso file
17 months |
aya.bahi |
last version of serc_sechiba
17 months |
aya.bahi |
New : merge constantes_ido and constantes_isotrac
17 months |
aya.bahi |
New: slight adaptation of verification without tracers
17 months |
aya.bahi |
New:leave only deltaD precip
17 months |
aya.bahi |
New: allocate precip_rain_isos
17 months |
aya.bahi |
New: compiled version of src_sechiba with isotopes
17 months |
aya.bahi |
New : add isotopes in driver
17 months |
aya.bahi |
new : change alpha to alphaa because there was a conflict
17 months |
aya.bahi |
New : add soilmoist_out declaration
17 months |
aya.bahi |
New : add soilmoist_out declaration
17 months |
aya.bahi |
New: Add isotopes to sehciba.f90
17 months |
aya.bahi |
New : sort the arguments of hydrol_canop
17 months |
nicolas.vuichard |
17 months |
nicolas.vuichard |
creation of a personal branch
17 months |
aya.bahi |
New: add isotope arguments in hydrol_main
17 months |
aya.bahi |
New : add dos and enddos
17 months |
aya.bahi |
New : add isotope initialization in hydrol.f90
17 months |
aya.bahi |
New : add isotope initialization inn hydrol.f90
17 months |
aya.bahi |
New : add allocate qsintveg_iso in sehciba.f90
17 months |
aya.bahi |
new: change in hydrol.f90
18 months |
pedro.arboleda |
Small bug estimating irrigation_net in hydrol
18 months |
aya.bahi |
New : add file
18 months |
aya.bahi |
New: add isotopes_feuille and call it in isotopes_sol
18 months |
aya.bahi |
New : Clarification of qsintveg_prec and qsintveg_apres_precip
18 months |
aya.bahi |
Remove isotopes_feuille.f90
18 months |
aya.bahi |
Do not use isotopes_feuille
18 months |
aya.bahi |
correct alphal
18 months |
aya.bahi |
correct alpha_l
18 months |
aya.bahi |
New: remove hydrol_canop
18 months |
aya.bahi |
New: add isotopes_traceurs.f90
18 months |
aya.bahi |
New: add isotopes to sehiba.90
18 months |
aya.bahi |
New: add isotopes to sehiba.90
18 months |
aya.bahi |
New : Add isotopes.f90
18 months |
aya.bahi |
New: Add the isotopic used modules
18 months |
aya.bahi |
New: Add the isotopic used modules
18 months |
aya.bahi |
New : modified hydrol.f90
18 months |
aya.bahi |
New: all isotope files are added in src_sechiba
18 months |
aya.bahi |
New: add isotopes_feuilles
18 months |
aya.bahi |
New: all isotope files are added in src_sechiba
18 months |
aya.bahi |
New: add isotopic contantes files in src_parameters
18 months |
aya.bahi |
new isotope files (.f90) added
18 months |
aya.bahi |
hydrol_canop with istopes
18 months |
aya.bahi |
Modified : hydrol_canop.f90
18 months |
aya.bahi |
New: import hydrol_canop subroutine with isotopes
18 months |
karine.laurent |
commit change c_drag + some diff with stomate
18 months |
josefine.ghattas |
Correction for option checkfolder when testing a branch