New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Developers/WorkingOnTickets (diff) – NEMO

Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Developers/WorkingOnTickets

2017-09-19T19:57:14+02:00 (7 years ago)



  • Developers/WorkingOnTickets

    v2 v3  
    44Last edition: '''[[Wikinfo(changed_ts)]]''' by '''[[Wikinfo(changed_by)]]''' 
     6== Overview 
    8 == Overview 
    9 The ticketing system for NEMO is quite active with about 160 ticket opened per year : 
     8The ticketing system for NEMO is quite active with about 160 ticket opened per year ([/stats/tickets?last=12m&author= reporting of last 12 months]). 
    1110It is quite important to keep the ticketing system up to date, and thus to work on closing the tickets (with or without an associated commit) in an acceptable delay. 
    12 This implies that all NEMO System Team members and hopefully other developers (see list of experts involved in September 2017 at bottom of this page) contribute to this work on a regular basis. 
     11This implies that all NEMO ST members and hopefully other developers (see [#list list of involved developers/contributors]) contribute to this work on a regular basis. 
    1312This page describes the associated workflow and the responsibilities of each expert in these tasks. 
    1514== Role and tasks of experts 
    17 === Following the list of tickets and accepting some assignements 
    18 The list of open tickets needing some additionnal work is available here (where type "Development branch" and "task" type have been excluded) :!Development+branch&type=!Task&group=version&max=200&col=id&col=summary&col=status&col=type&col=owner&col=priority&col=component&col=time&col=reporter&desc=1&order=time 
     16=== Following the list of tickets and accepting some assignments 
     18The list of open tickets needing some additional work is available [query:?status=assigned&status=new&status=reopened&type=!Development+branch&type=!Task&group=version&max=200&col=id&col=summary&col=status&col=type&col=owner&col=priority&col=component&col=time&col=reporter&desc=1&order=time here] (where "Development branch" and "task" types have been excluded). 
    2020Each relevant ticket should be assigned to an expert, meaning that only actually new tickets should appear with "new" status, whereas all others should appear as "assigned". 
    2222Each expert is requested to check regularly the list of open tickets in order to: 
    23 * [[span(''accept some assignments which are relevant to his expertise or good will'', style=color:lime)]] 
    25 * [[span(''propose assignments for newly created tickets'', style=color:lime)]] 
     23* [[span(''accept some assignments which are relevant to his expertise or good will'', style=color:green)]] 
     24* [[span(''propose assignments for newly created tickets'', style=color:green)]] 
    2726'''In fact, to have an up-to-date ticketing system, there should be nearly no tickets under "new" status, and each expert should have a few (more than one...) tickets assigned to him/her.''' 
    3130== Workflow for a given ticket 
    3236Once an expert has accepted the assignment, the following items should be completed: 
    3337* in the ticket, describe the chosen answer(s) 
    34 * if some changes or fixes are to be commited in the NEMO reference, those should be tested before commit, including full SETTE tests in debug mode 
     38* if some changes or fixes are to be committed in the NEMO reference, those should be tested before commit, including full SETTE tests in debug mode 
    3539* in the comments of commit, do not forget the associated ticket number 
    3640* check where commits are relevant (maybe at least 2 places: in the shared users version (3_6_STABLE for now) and in the trunk (version under development) 
    3741* when tasks are completed, close the ticket 
     44== [=#list Current list of NEMO developers/contributors] 
    40 == List of experts involved from system team mailing list, Sept. 2017 
    41 * Andrew Coward 
    42 * Alistair Sellar 
    43 * Ana Aguiar 
    44 * Andrew Yool 
    45 * Clement BRICAUD 
    46 * Christian Ethe 
    47 * Claire Levy 
    48 * Clare O''Neill 
    49 * Claudio Sanchez 
    50 * Clement Rousset 
    51 * Calvert Daley 
    52 * Damiano Delrosso 
    53 * Dan Copsey 
    54 * Dave Storkey 
    55 * David Ford 
    56 * Dorotea normal 
    57 * Emanuela Clementi 
    58 * Enda O''Dea 
    59 * Francesca Mele 
    60 * George Nurser 
    61 * Gelsomina Mattia 
    62 * Georgina Long 
    63 * Gurvan Madec 
    64 * Guillaume Reffray 
    65 * guillaume samson 
    66 * Nacho Merino 
    67 * Isabella Ascione 
    68 * james while 
    69 * Jamie Rae 
    70 * Jerome Chanut 
    71 * James Harle 
    72 * Jennifer Graham 
    73 * Jonah Roberts 
    74 * Jon Tinker 
    75 * Juan Castillo 
    76 * Julien Palmieri 
    77 * Julien Paul 
    78 * Marc Stringer 
    79 * Martin Vancoppenolle 
    80 * Massimilano Drudi 
    81 * Matt Martin 
    82 * Miguel Castrillo 
    83 * Mike Bell 
    84 * Mirek Andrejczuk 
    85 * Mondher Chekki 
    86 * Nicolas MARTIN 
    87 * Olivier Aumont 
    88 * Pier Giuseppe 
    89 * Pierre Mathiot 
    90 * Rachid Benshila 
    91 * Romain Bourdalle-Badie 
    92 * Richard Hill 
    93 * Robert King 
    94 * Sebastien Masson 
    95 * Simona Flavoni 
    96 * Silvia Mocavero 
    97 * Stefania Ciliberti 
    98 * Tim Graham 
    99 * Tomas Lovato 