New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Developers/SVN_QuickReference – NEMO

Version 59 (modified by nicolasmartin, 6 years ago) (diff)


SVN quick reference

Last edition on Wikinfo(changed_ts)? by Wikinfo(changed_by)?

For reference, browse to

Error: Failed to load processor box
No macro or processor named 'box' found

Basic use

Advanced features

Working copy

## Download a working copy
svn {checkout,co} ${URL}[@${REV}]

## Update it
svn {up,update} [-r ${REV}] [${WCPATH}]

## Push modifications
svn {ci,commit} [-m 'one-liner message'] [${WCPATH}]
svn {ci,commit} --include-externals ...                ## Append externals


## Common cmds
svn add                 ${WCPATH}    ## Add item under versioning
svn {delete,remove,rm}  ${WCPATH}    ## Remove item
svn {st,status}        [${WCPATH}]   ## List modified items 
svn diff               [${WCPATH}]   ## Differences inside items
svn revert              ${WCPATH}    ## Give up edits

## Straightforward UNIX-like cmds
svn {cat,list,ls} {${URL},${WCPATH}}[@${REV}]
svn mkdir         {${URL},${WCPATH}}

## Apply edits from diff file
svn patch ${DIFF} [${WCPATH}]   ## SVN version > 1.7

## Infos
svn log  {${URL},${WCPATH}}[@${REV}]   ## List commit messages
svn info {${URL},${WCPATH}}[@${REV}]   ## Metadata of working copy

## In case of trouble
svn {resolve,resolved} ${WCPATH}   ## Ruling conflicted files
svn cleanup [${WCPATH}]            ## Fix corrupted working copy


## Sub-cmds for managing properties
## {propdel,pdel} / {propset,pset}
## {propedit,pedit} / {proplist,plist}

## 'svn:keywords Id': record commit infos in routine
svn {propset,pset} svn:keywords Id on ${WCPATH}

## 'svn:executable': set permissions for running scripts
svn {propset,pset} svn:executable on ${WCPATH}

## 'svn:externals': defining external sources for items
## - Single external
svn {propset,pset}  svn:externals ${URL}[@${REV}] ${WCPATH}
## - Multi externals
svn {propset,pedit} svn:externals ${WCPATH}


## Create a branch (copying)
svn copy {${URL},${WCPATH}}[@${REV}] {${URL},${WCPATH}}

## Merging sources
svn merge  {${URL1},${WCPATH1}}[@${REV1}]  \
          [{${URL1},${WCPATH2}}[@${REV2}]] \

## Update to a new URL
## - Mirror a traversing branch (hazardous!!)
svn switch ${URL}[@${REV}] [${WCPATH}]
## - Relocate to a new server or different URL scheme
svn switch --relocate ${URL1} ${URL2}   ## SVN version < 1.7
svn relocate          ${URL1} ${URL2}   ## SVN version > 1.7