New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Developers/DevelopingCodeChanges (diff) – NEMO

Changes between Version 40 and Version 41 of Developers/DevelopingCodeChanges

2017-09-21T22:36:39+02:00 (7 years ago)



  • Developers/DevelopingCodeChanges

    v40 v41  
    1212A brief overview of the process is given below. 
    14 {{{#!div 
     14{{{#!div class="" style="text-align: center" 
    1617digraph { 
    17 label = "Yearly Development Process" 
    18 rankdir = LR 
     18label = "Yearly Development Process"; labelloc = t; rankdir = LR 
    20 Workplan [ shape = egg      , label = "Workplan"   ] 
    21 actA     [                    label = "Action A"   ] 
    22 actB     [                    label = "Action B"   ] 
    23 act      [ shape = plaintext, label = "..."        ] 
    24 actx     [                    label = "Action ..." ] 
    25 Plan  [ shape = box    , color = grey , label = "Development\nPlan"                ] 
    26 Pre   [ shape = hexagon, color = blue , label = Preview                            ] 
    27 Work  [ shape = box    , color = grey , label = "Coding &\nValidation"             ] 
    28 Rev   [ shape = hexagon, color = green, label = Review                             ] 
    29 Merge [ shape = tripleoctagon         , label = "Integration to\nNEMO main branch" ] 
     20Workplan [ shape = egg, label = "Workplan" ] 
    31 Workplan -> actA; Workplan -> actB; Workplan -> act; Workplan -> actx 
    32 actA -> Plan [ style = dotted ] 
    33 actB -> Plan [ style = dotted ] 
    34 act  -> Plan [ style = dotted ] 
    35 actx -> Plan [ style = dotted ] 
    36 Plan -> Pre -> Work -> Rev -> Merge 
     22subgraph clusterWorkflow { 
     23   label = "Worflow per action"; peripheries = 0; labelloc = b 
     24   Actions  [ shape = record, label = "<aA> Action A | <aB> Action B | <aC>Action C | <ai>... | <ax>Action ..." ] 
     25   Workflow [ shape = record, label = "{<Wi>Development Plan | Preview | Coding\n&\nValidation | <Wo>Review }" ] 
     26   Branches [ shape = record, label = "<bA>Branch A | <bB>Branch B | <bC>Branch C | <bi>... | <bx>Branch x"    ] 
    38 subgraph Workflow { Plan; Pre; Work; Rev; Merge; label = "Action Workflow" } 
    39 /*subgraph legend { 
    40    label = "Legend" 
    41    role[  shape = plaintext, label = "System Team"           , fontsize = 8 ] 
    42    role1[ shape = plaintext, label = "Principal Investigator", fontsize = 8 ] 
    43    role2[ shape = plaintext, label = "Previewer"             , fontsize = 8 ] 
    44    role3[ shape = plaintext, label = "Reviewer"              , fontsize = 8 ] 
    45    circle[  shape = circle, label = ""                ] 
    46    circle1[ shape = circle, label = "", color = grey  ] 
    47    circle2[ shape = circle, label = "", color = blue  ] 
    48    circle3[ shape = circle, label = "", color = green ] 
    49    circle->role [ nodesep = small ] 
    50    circle1->role1->circle2->role2->circle3->role3 
    51    }*/ 
     29Workplan -> Actions:aA; Workplan -> Actions:aB; Workplan -> Actions:aC; 
     30Workplan -> Actions:ax; Workplan -> Actions:ai 
     31Actions:aA -> Workflow:Wi [ style = dotted ]; Actions:aB -> Workflow:Wi [ style = dotted ] 
     32Actions:aC -> Workflow:Wi [ style = dotted ]; Actions:ai -> Workflow:Wi [ style = dotted ] 
     33Actions:ax -> Workflow:Wi [ style = dotted ] 
     34Workflow:Wo -> Branches:bA [ style = dotted ]; Workflow:Wo -> Branches:bB [ style = dotted ] 
     35Workflow:Wo -> Branches:bC [ style = dotted ]; Workflow:Wo -> Branches:bi [ style = dotted ] 
     36Workflow:Wo -> Branches:bx [ style = dotted ] 
     37Branches:bA -> Merge; Branches:bB -> Merge; Branches:bC -> Merge; Branches:bi -> Merge; Branches:bx -> Merge; 
     39Merge [ shape = house, label = "Integration at\n\"NEMO Merge Party\"" ] 
    6050== Workplan content 
    62 The yearly workplan is discussed within System Team, submitted to Developer's Committee, and approved by Steering Committee. It must include, for each development action, its motivation, status, main tasks so as a PI name, and a previewer (which will also be the reviewer) name. If needed, previewer can be divided into a "Science Previewer" and a "System Previewer". The name of Previewer should be added only once he did accept the task, and before submission of workplan to Developer's Committee.[[BR]] 
     52The yearly workplan is discussed within System Team, submitted to Developer's Committee, and approved by Steering Committee. It must include, for each development action, its motivation, status, main tasks so as a PI name, and a previewer (which will also be the reviewer) name. If needed, previewer can be divided into a "Science Previewer" and a "System Previewer". The name of Previewer should be added only once he did accept the task, and before submission of workplan to Developer's Committee. 
    6454== Detailed description of implementation plan and Preview step