New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
zdfmxl.F90 in trunk/NEMO/OPA_SRC/ZDF – NEMO

source: trunk/NEMO/OPA_SRC/ZDF/zdfmxl.F90 @ 1518

Last change on this file since 1518 was 1482, checked in by smasson, 15 years ago

distribution of iom_put + cleaning of LIM2 outputs, see ticket:437

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1MODULE zdfmxl
2   !!======================================================================
3   !!                       ***  MODULE  zdfmxl  ***
4   !! Ocean physics: mixed layer depth
5   !!======================================================================
6   !! History :
7   !!   9.0  !  03-08  (G. Madec)  OpenMP/autotasking optimization
8   !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
9   !!   zdf_mxl      : Compute the turbocline and mixed layer depths.
10   !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
11   !! * Modules used
12   USE oce             ! ocean dynamics and tracers variables
13   USE dom_oce         ! ocean space and time domain variables
14   USE zdf_oce         ! ocean vertical physics
15   USE in_out_manager  ! I/O manager
16   USE prtctl          ! Print control
17   USE iom
22   !! * Routine accessibility
23   PUBLIC zdf_mxl           ! called by step.F90
25   !! * Shared module variables
26   INTEGER, PUBLIC, DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) ::   &   !:
27      nmln                  !: number of level in the mixed layer
28   REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) ::   &   !:
29      hmld ,             &  !: mixing layer depth (turbocline) (m)
30      hmlp ,             &  !: mixed layer depth  (rho=rho0+zdcrit) (m)
31      hmlpt                 !: mixed layer depth at t-points (m)
33   !! * module variables
34   REAL(wp) ::   &
35      avt_c = 5.e-4_wp,  &  ! Kz criterion for the turbocline depth
36      rho_c = 0.01_wp       ! density criterion for mixed layer depth
38   !! * Substitutions
39#  include "domzgr_substitute.h90"
40   !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
41   !!   OPA 9.0 , LOCEAN-IPSL (2005)
42   !! $Id$
43   !! This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see modipsl/doc/NEMO_CeCILL.txt
44   !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
48   SUBROUTINE zdf_mxl( kt )
49      !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
50      !!                  ***  ROUTINE zdfmxl  ***
51      !!                   
52      !! ** Purpose :   Compute the turbocline depth and the mixed layer depth
53      !!      with density criteria.
54      !!
55      !! ** Method  :   The turbocline depth is the depth at which the vertical
56      !!      eddy diffusivity coefficient (resulting from the vertical physics
57      !!      alone, not the isopycnal part, see trazdf.F) fall below a given
58      !!      value defined locally (avt_c here taken equal to 5 cm/s2)
59      !!
60      !! ** Action  :
61      !!
62      !! History :
63      !!        !  94-11  (M. Imbard)  Original code
64      !!   8.0  !  96-01  (E. Guilyardi)  sub mixed layer temp.
65      !!   8.1  !  97-07  (G. Madec)  optimization
66      !!   8.5  !  02-06  (G. Madec)  F90: Free form and module
67      !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
68      !! * Arguments
69      INTEGER, INTENT( in ) ::   kt         ! ocean time-step index
71      !! * Local declarations
72      INTEGER ::   ji, jj, jk     ! dummy loop indices
73      INTEGER ::   ik             ! temporary integer
74      INTEGER, DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) ::   &
75         imld                     ! temporary workspace
76      !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
78      IF( kt == nit000 ) THEN
79         IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)
80         IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'zdf_mxl : mixed layer depth'
81         IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~ '
82      ENDIF
85      ! 1. Turbocline depth
86      ! -------------------
87      ! last w-level at which avt<avt_c (starting from the bottom jk=jpk)
88      ! (since avt(.,.,jpk)=0, we have jpk=< imld =< 2 )
89      DO jk = jpk, 2, -1
90         DO jj = 1, jpj
91            DO ji = 1, jpi
92               IF( avt(ji,jj,jk) < avt_c ) imld(ji,jj) = jk 
93            END DO
94         END DO
95      END DO
97      ! Turbocline depth and sub-turbocline temperature
98      DO jj = 1, jpj
99         DO ji = 1, jpi
100            ik = imld(ji,jj)
101            hmld (ji,jj) = fsdepw(ji,jj,ik) * tmask(ji,jj,1)
102         END DO
103      END DO
104      CALL iom_put( "mldturb", hmld )   ! turbocline depth
106!!gm idea
108!!gm  DO jk = jpk, 2, -1
109!!gm     DO jj = 1, jpj
110!!gm        DO ji = 1, jpi
111!!gm           IF( avt(ji,jj,jk) < avt_c ) hmld(ji,jj) = fsdepw(ji,jj,jk) * tmask(ji,jj,1)
112!!gm        END DO
113!!gm     END DO
114!!gm  END DO
117      ! 2. Mixed layer depth
118      ! --------------------
119      ! Initialization to the number of w ocean point mbathy
120      nmln(:,:) = mbathy(:,:)
122      ! Last w-level at which rhop>=rho surf+rho_c (starting from jpk-1)
123      ! (rhop defined at t-point, thus jk-1 for w-level just above)
124      DO jk = jpkm1, 2, -1
125         DO jj = 1, jpj
126            DO ji = 1, jpi
127               IF( rhop(ji,jj,jk) > rhop(ji,jj,1) + rho_c )   nmln(ji,jj) = jk
128            END DO
129         END DO
130      END DO
132      ! Mixed layer depth
133      DO jj = 1, jpj
134         DO ji = 1, jpi
135            ik = nmln(ji,jj)
136            hmlp (ji,jj) = fsdepw(ji,jj,ik) * tmask(ji,jj,1)
137            hmlpt(ji,jj) = fsdept(ji,jj,ik-1)
138         END DO
139      END DO
140      CALL iom_put( "mld010", hmlp )   ! mixed layer depth
142      IF(ln_ctl)   CALL prt_ctl( tab2d_1=REAL(nmln,wp), clinfo1=' nmln : ', tab2d_2=hmld, clinfo2=' hmld : ', ovlap=1 )
144   END SUBROUTINE zdf_mxl
146   !!======================================================================
147END MODULE zdfmxl
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