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Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
dynspg_exp.F90 in branches/UKMO/dev_r5021_nn_etau_revision/NEMOGCM/NEMO/OPA_SRC/DYN – NEMO

source: branches/UKMO/dev_r5021_nn_etau_revision/NEMOGCM/NEMO/OPA_SRC/DYN/dynspg_exp.F90 @ 5242

Last change on this file since 5242 was 5239, checked in by davestorkey, 9 years ago

Commit changes to UKMO nn_etau revision branch (including clearing
SVN keywords).

File size: 5.1 KB
1MODULE dynspg_exp
2   !!======================================================================
3   !!                   ***  MODULE  dynspg_exp  ***
4   !! Ocean dynamics:  surface pressure gradient trend
5   !!======================================================================
6   !! History :  2.0  !  2005-11  (V. Garnier, G. Madec, L. Bessieres) Original code
7   !!            3.2  !  2009-06  (G. Madec, M. Leclair, R. Benshila) introduce sshwzv module
8   !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
9#if defined key_dynspg_exp   ||   defined key_esopa
10   !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
11   !!   'key_dynspg_exp'                              explicit free surface
12   !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
13   !!   dyn_spg_exp  : update the momentum trend with the surface
14   !!                      pressure gradient in the free surface constant 
15   !!                      volume case with vector optimization
16   !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
17   USE oce             ! ocean dynamics and tracers
18   USE dom_oce         ! ocean space and time domain
19   USE sbc_oce         ! surface boundary condition: ocean
20   USE phycst          ! physical constants
21   !
22   USE in_out_manager  ! I/O manager
23   USE lib_mpp         ! distributed memory computing library
24   USE lbclnk          ! ocean lateral boundary conditions (or mpp link)
25   USE prtctl          ! Print control
26   USE iom             ! I/O library
27   USE timing          ! Timing
33   PUBLIC   dyn_spg_exp   ! routine called by step.F90
35   !! * Substitutions
36#  include "domzgr_substitute.h90"
37#  include "vectopt_loop_substitute.h90"
38   !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
39   !! NEMO/OPA 3.3 , NEMO Consortium (2010)
40   !! $Id$
41   !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence     (NEMOGCM/NEMO_CeCILL.txt)
42   !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
45   SUBROUTINE dyn_spg_exp( kt )
46      !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
47      !!                  ***  routine dyn_spg_exp  ***
48      !!
49      !! ** Purpose :   Compute the now trend due to the surface pressure
50      !!              gradient in case of explicit free surface formulation and
51      !!              add it to the general trend of momentum equation.
52      !!
53      !! ** Method  :   Explicit free surface formulation. Add to the general
54      !!              momentum trend the surface pressure gradient :
55      !!                      (ua,va) = (ua,va) + (spgu,spgv)
56      !!              where spgu = -1/rau0 d/dx(ps) = -g/e1u di( sshn )
57      !!                    spgv = -1/rau0 d/dy(ps) = -g/e2v dj( sshn )
58      !!
59      !! ** Action :   (ua,va)   trend of horizontal velocity increased by
60      !!                         the surf. pressure gradient trend
61      !!---------------------------------------------------------------------
62      INTEGER, INTENT(in)  ::   kt   ! ocean time-step index
63      !!
64      INTEGER ::   ji, jj, jk   ! dummy loop indices
65      !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
66      !
67      IF( nn_timing == 1 )  CALL timing_start('dyn_spg_exp')
68      !
69      IF( kt == nit000 ) THEN
70         IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)
71         IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'dyn_spg_exp : surface pressure gradient trend'
72         IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~   (explicit free surface)'
73         !
74         spgu(:,:) = 0._wp   ;   spgv(:,:) = 0._wp
75         !
76         IF( lk_vvl .AND. lwp ) WRITE(numout,*) '              lk_vvl=T : spg is included in dynhpg'
77      ENDIF
79      IF( .NOT. lk_vvl ) THEN          !* fixed volume : add the surface pressure gradient trend
80         !
81         DO jj = 2, jpjm1                    ! now surface pressure gradient
82            DO ji = fs_2, fs_jpim1   ! vector opt.
83               spgu(ji,jj) = - grav * ( sshn(ji+1,jj) - sshn(ji,jj) ) / e1u(ji,jj)
84               spgv(ji,jj) = - grav * ( sshn(ji,jj+1) - sshn(ji,jj) ) / e2v(ji,jj)
85            END DO
86         END DO
87         !
88         DO jk = 1, jpkm1                    ! Add it to the general trend
89            DO jj = 2, jpjm1
90               DO ji = fs_2, fs_jpim1   ! vector opt.
91                  ua(ji,jj,jk) = ua(ji,jj,jk) + spgu(ji,jj)
92                  va(ji,jj,jk) = va(ji,jj,jk) + spgv(ji,jj)
93               END DO
94            END DO
95         END DO
96         !
97      ENDIF
98      !
99      IF( nn_timing == 1 )  CALL timing_stop('dyn_spg_exp')
100      !
101   END SUBROUTINE dyn_spg_exp
104   !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
105   !!   Default case :   Empty module   No standart explicit free surface
106   !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
108   SUBROUTINE dyn_spg_exp( kt )       ! Empty routine
109      WRITE(*,*) 'dyn_spg_exp: You should not have seen this print! error?', kt
110   END SUBROUTINE dyn_spg_exp
113   !!======================================================================
114END MODULE dynspg_exp
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