New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
trcstp.F90 in branches/2016/dev_r6519_HPC_4/NEMOGCM/NEMO/TOP_SRC – NEMO

source: branches/2016/dev_r6519_HPC_4/NEMOGCM/NEMO/TOP_SRC/trcstp.F90 @ 6748

Last change on this file since 6748 was 6140, checked in by timgraham, 9 years ago

Merge of branches/2015/dev_merge_2015 back into trunk. Merge excludes NEMOGCM/TOOLS/OBSTOOLS/ for now due to issues with the change of file type. Will sort these manually with further commits.

Branch merged as follows:
In the working copy of branch ran:
svn merge svn+ssh://
Small conflicts due to bug fixes applied to trunk since the dev_merge_2015 was copied. Bug fixes were applied to the branch as well so these were easy to resolve.
Branch committed at this stage

In working copy run:
svn switch svn+ssh://
to switch working copy

svn merge --reintegrate svn+ssh://
to merge the branch into the trunk and then commit - no conflicts at this stage.

  • Property svn:keywords set to Id
File size: 7.7 KB
1MODULE trcstp
2   !!======================================================================
3   !!                       ***  MODULE trcstp  ***
4   !! Time-stepping    : time loop of opa for passive tracer
5   !!======================================================================
6   !! History :  1.0  !  2004-03  (C. Ethe)  Original
7   !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
8#if defined key_top
9   !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
10   !!   trc_stp      : passive tracer system time-stepping
11   !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
12   USE oce_trc          ! ocean dynamics and active tracers variables
13   USE sbc_oce
14   USE trc
15   USE trctrp           ! passive tracers transport
16   USE trcsms           ! passive tracers sources and sinks
17   USE prtctl_trc       ! Print control for debbuging
18   USE trcdia
19   USE trcwri
20   USE trcrst
21   USE trdtrc_oce
22   USE trdmxl_trc
23   USE iom
24   USE in_out_manager
25   USE trcsub
30   PUBLIC   trc_stp    ! called by step
32   REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), SAVE, ALLOCATABLE ::   qsr_arr ! save qsr during TOP time-step
33   REAL(wp) :: rdt_sampl
34   INTEGER  :: nb_rec_per_days
35   INTEGER  :: isecfst, iseclast
36   LOGICAL  :: llnew
38   !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
39   !! NEMO/TOP 3.3 , NEMO Consortium (2010)
40   !! $Id$
41   !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (NEMOGCM/NEMO_CeCILL.txt)
42   !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
45   SUBROUTINE trc_stp( kt )
46      !!-------------------------------------------------------------------
47      !!                     ***  ROUTINE trc_stp  ***
48      !!                     
49      !! ** Purpose : Time loop of opa for passive tracer
50      !!
51      !! ** Method  :
52      !!              Compute the passive tracers trends
53      !!              Update the passive tracers
54      !!-------------------------------------------------------------------
55      INTEGER, INTENT( in ) ::  kt      ! ocean time-step index
56      INTEGER               ::  jk, jn  ! dummy loop indices
57      REAL(wp)              ::  ztrai
58      CHARACTER (len=25)    ::  charout 
60      !!-------------------------------------------------------------------
61      !
62      IF( nn_timing == 1 )   CALL timing_start('trc_stp')
63      !
64      IF( kt == nittrc000 .AND. lk_trdmxl_trc )  CALL trd_mxl_trc_init    ! trends: Mixed-layer
65      !
66      IF( .NOT.ln_linssh ) THEN                                           ! update ocean volume due to ssh temporal evolution
67         DO jk = 1, jpk
68            cvol(:,:,jk) = e1e2t(:,:) * e3t_n(:,:,jk) * tmask(:,:,jk)
69         END DO
70         IF( lk_degrad )  cvol(:,:,:) = cvol(:,:,:) * facvol(:,:,:)       ! degrad option: reduction by facvol
71         areatot         = glob_sum( cvol(:,:,:) )
72      ENDIF
73      !
74      IF( l_trcdm2dc )   CALL trc_mean_qsr( kt )
75      !   
76      IF( nn_dttrc /= 1 )   CALL trc_sub_stp( kt )  ! averaging physical variables for sub-stepping
77      !   
78      IF( MOD( kt , nn_dttrc ) == 0 ) THEN      ! only every nn_dttrc time step
79         !
80         IF(ln_ctl) THEN
81            WRITE(charout,FMT="('kt =', I4,'  d/m/y =',I2,I2,I4)") kt, nday, nmonth, nyear
82            CALL prt_ctl_trc_info(charout)
83         ENDIF
84         !
85         tra(:,:,:,:) = 0.e0
86         !
87                                   CALL trc_rst_opn  ( kt )       ! Open tracer restart file
88         IF( lrst_trc )            CALL trc_rst_cal  ( kt, 'WRITE' )   ! calendar
89         IF( lk_iomput ) THEN  ;   CALL trc_wri      ( kt )       ! output of passive tracers with iom I/O manager
90         ELSE                  ;   CALL trc_dia      ( kt )       ! output of passive tracers with old I/O manager
91         ENDIF
92                                   CALL trc_sms      ( kt )       ! tracers: sinks and sources
93                                   CALL trc_trp      ( kt )       ! transport of passive tracers
94         IF( kt == nittrc000 ) THEN
95            CALL iom_close( numrtr )       ! close input tracer restart file
96            IF(lwm) CALL FLUSH( numont )   ! flush namelist output
97         ENDIF
98         IF( lrst_trc )            CALL trc_rst_wri  ( kt )       ! write tracer restart file
99         IF( lk_trdmxl_trc  )      CALL trd_mxl_trc  ( kt )       ! trends: Mixed-layer
100         !
101         IF( nn_dttrc /= 1   )     CALL trc_sub_reset( kt )       ! resetting physical variables when sub-stepping
102         !
103      ENDIF
104      !
105      ztrai = 0._wp                                                   !  content of all tracers
106      DO jn = 1, jptra
107         ztrai = ztrai + glob_sum( trn(:,:,:,jn) * cvol(:,:,:)   )
108      END DO
109      IF( lwp ) WRITE(numstr,9300) kt,  ztrai / areatot
1109300  FORMAT(i10,e18.10)
111      !
112      IF( nn_timing == 1 )   CALL timing_stop('trc_stp')
113      !
114   END SUBROUTINE trc_stp
117   SUBROUTINE trc_mean_qsr( kt )
118      !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
119      !!             ***  ROUTINE trc_mean_qsr  ***
120      !!
121      !! ** Purpose :  Compute daily mean qsr for biogeochemical model in case
122      !!               of diurnal cycle
123      !!
124      !! ** Method  : store in TOP the qsr every hour ( or every time-step the latter
125      !!              is greater than 1 hour ) and then, compute the  mean with
126      !!              a moving average over 24 hours.
127      !!              In coupled mode, the sampling is done at every coupling frequency
128      !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
129      INTEGER, INTENT(in) ::   kt
130      INTEGER  :: jn
131      !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
132      !
133      IF( kt == nittrc000 ) THEN
134         IF( ln_cpl )  THEN 
135            rdt_sampl = 86400. / ncpl_qsr_freq
136            nb_rec_per_days = ncpl_qsr_freq
137         ELSE 
138            rdt_sampl = MAX( 3600., rdt * nn_dttrc )
139            nb_rec_per_days = INT( 86400 / rdt_sampl )
140         ENDIF
141         !
142         IF( lwp ) THEN
143            WRITE(numout,*) 
144            WRITE(numout,*) ' Sampling frequency dt = ', rdt_sampl, 's','   Number of sampling per day  nrec = ', nb_rec_per_days
145            WRITE(numout,*) 
146         ENDIF
147         !
148         ALLOCATE( qsr_arr(jpi,jpj,nb_rec_per_days ) )
149         DO jn = 1, nb_rec_per_days
150            qsr_arr(:,:,jn) = qsr(:,:)
151         ENDDO
152         qsr_mean(:,:) = qsr(:,:)
153         !
154         isecfst  = nsec_year + nsec1jan000   !   number of seconds between Jan. 1st 00h of nit000 year and the middle of time step
155         iseclast = isecfst
156         !
157      ENDIF
158      !
159      iseclast = nsec_year + nsec1jan000
160      llnew   = ( iseclast - isecfst )  > INT( rdt_sampl )   !   new shortwave to store
161      IF( kt /= nittrc000 .AND. llnew ) THEN
162          IF( lwp ) WRITE(numout,*) ' New shortwave to sample for TOP at time kt = ', kt, &
163             &                      ' time = ', (iseclast+rdt*nn_dttrc/2.)/3600.,'hours '
164          isecfst = iseclast
165          DO jn = 1, nb_rec_per_days - 1
166             qsr_arr(:,:,jn) = qsr_arr(:,:,jn+1)
167          END DO
168          qsr_arr (:,:,nb_rec_per_days) = qsr(:,:)
169          qsr_mean(:,:                ) = SUM( qsr_arr(:,:,:), 3 ) / nb_rec_per_days
170      ENDIF
171      !
172   END SUBROUTINE trc_mean_qsr
175   !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
176   !!   Default key                                     NO passive tracers
177   !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
179   SUBROUTINE trc_stp( kt )        ! Empty routine
180      WRITE(*,*) 'trc_stp: You should not have seen this print! error?', kt
181   END SUBROUTINE trc_stp
184   !!======================================================================
185END MODULE trcstp
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