XIOS  1.0
Xml I/O Server
 Tout Classes Espaces de nommage Fichiers Fonctions Variables Définitions de type Énumérations Valeurs énumérées Amis Macros
Aller à la documentation de ce fichier.
1 #include "variable.hpp"
3 #include "attribute_template.hpp"
4 #include "object_template.hpp"
5 #include "group_template.hpp"
6 #include "object_factory.hpp"
7 #include "xios_spl.hpp"
8 #include "type.hpp"
9 #include "context.hpp"
10 #include "context_client.hpp"
11 #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
13 namespace xios {
19  , CVariableAttributes()
20  , content()
21  { /* Ne rien faire de plus */ }
25  , CVariableAttributes()
26  , content()
27  { /* Ne rien faire de plus */ }
30  { /* Ne rien faire de plus */ }
32  StdString CVariable::GetName(void) { return (StdString("variable")); }
37  {
38  SuperClass::parse(node);
39  StdString id = (this->hasId()) ? this->getId() : StdString("undefined");
40  if (!node.getContent(this->content))
41  {
42  xml::THashAttributes attributes = node.getAttributes();
43  StdString variableName = attributes["name"];
45  node.goToParentElement();
46  StdString parentName = node.getElementName();
47  attributes = node.getAttributes();
48  error << "The variable id = " << id << " and name = " << variableName << " does not have any content. Please define it!" << std::endl
49  << "This variable is inside another element whose attributes are :" << std::endl;
51  for (xml::THashAttributes::iterator it = attributes.begin(); it != attributes.end(); ++it)
52  {
53  error << it->first << "=\"" << it->second.c_str() << "\" ";
54  }
55  error << std::endl;
57  ERROR("CVariable::parse(xml::CXMLNode & node)",
58  << "[ variable id = " << id
59  << " ] variable is not defined !. It does not have any content. See error log for more details.");
60  }
61  content = boost::trim_copy(content) ;
62  }
65  {
66  return name.isEmpty() ? getId() : name;
67  }
69  const StdString & CVariable::getContent (void) const
70  {
71  return (this->content);
72  }
74  void CVariable::setContent(const StdString& contentStr)
75  {
76  this->content = contentStr;
77  }
80  {
81  StdOStringStream oss;
83  oss << "<" << CVariable::GetName() << " ";
84  if (this->hasId())
85  oss << " id=\"" << this->getId() << "\" ";
86  oss << SuperClassAttribute::toString() << ">" << std::endl
87  << this->content /*<< std::endl*/;
88  oss << "</" << CVariable::GetName() << " >";
89  return (oss.str());
90  }
92  /*
93  *\brief Sending value of a variable with its id from client to server
94  *
95  */
97  {
98  CContext* context=CContext::getCurrent() ;
100  if (context->hasClient)
101  {
102  // Use correct context client to send message
103  // int nbSrvPools = (context->hasServer) ? context->clientPrimServer.size() : 1;
104  int nbSrvPools = (context->hasServer) ? (context->hasClient ? context->clientPrimServer.size() : 0) : 1;
105  for (int i = 0; i < nbSrvPools; ++i)
106  {
107 // CContextClient* contextClientTmp = (0 != context->clientPrimServer) ? context->clientPrimServer
108  CContextClient* contextClientTmp = (context->hasServer) ? context->clientPrimServer[i]
109  : context->client;
112  if (contextClientTmp->isServerLeader())
113  {
114  CMessage msg ;
115  msg<<this->getId() ;
116  msg<<content ;
117  const std::list<int>& ranks = contextClientTmp->getRanksServerLeader();
118  for (std::list<int>::const_iterator itRank = ranks.begin(), itRankEnd = ranks.end(); itRank != itRankEnd; ++itRank)
119  event.push(*itRank,1,msg);
120  contextClientTmp->sendEvent(event) ;
121  }
122  else contextClientTmp->sendEvent(event) ;
123  }
124  }
125  }
127  void CVariable::sendValue(CContextClient* client, bool clientPrim /*= false*/)
128  {
130  if (client->isServerLeader())
131  {
132  CMessage msg ;
133  msg<<this->getId() ;
134  msg<<content ;
135  const std::list<int>& ranks = client->getRanksServerLeader();
136  for (std::list<int>::const_iterator itRank = ranks.begin(), itRankEnd = ranks.end(); itRank != itRankEnd; ++itRank)
137  event.push(*itRank,1,msg);
138  client->sendEvent(event) ;
139  }
140  else client->sendEvent(event) ;
141  }
143  /*
144  *\brief Receive value of a variable with its id from client to server
145  *
146  */
148  {
149  CBufferIn* buffer=event.subEvents.begin()->buffer;
150  string id;
151  *buffer>>id ;
152  get(id)->recvValue(*buffer);
153  }
155  /*
156  *\brief Receive value of a variable with its id from client to server
157  *
158  */
160  {
161  string str ;
162  buffer>>str;
163  setContent(str);
164  }
167  {
168  if (SuperClass::dispatchEvent(event)) return true ;
169  else
170  {
171  switch(event.type)
172  {
174  recvValue(event) ;
175  return true ;
176  break ;
178  default :
179  ERROR("bool CVariable::dispatchEvent(CEventServer& event)",<<"Unknown Event") ;
180  return false ;
181  }
182  }
183  }
185 /*
186  void CVariable::toBinary(StdOStream & os) const
187  {
188  const StdString & content = this->content;
189  const StdSize size = content.size();
190  SuperClass::toBinary(os);
192  os.write (reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&size), sizeof(StdSize));
193  os.write (content.data(), size * sizeof(char));
194  }
196  void CVariable::fromBinary(StdIStream & is)
197  {
198  SuperClass::fromBinary(is);
199  StdSize size = 0;
200  is.read (reinterpret_cast<char*>(&size), sizeof(StdSize));
201  this->content.assign(size, ' ');
202  is.read (const_cast<char *>(this->content.data()), size * sizeof(char));
203  }
204 */
205  void CVariableGroup::parse(xml::CXMLNode & node, bool withAttr)
206  {
207  CVariableGroup* group_ptr = (this->hasId())
208  ? CVariableGroup::get(this->getId()) : CVariableGroup::get(this);
210  StdString content;
211  if (this->getId().compare(CVariableGroup::GetDefName()) != 0 && node.getContent(content))
212  {
213  StdSize beginid = 0, endid = 0, begindata = 0, enddata = 0;
214  StdString subdata, subid;
216  while ((beginid = content.find_first_not_of ( " \r\n\t;", enddata)) != StdString::npos)
217  {
218  endid = content.find_first_of ( " \r\n\t=", beginid );
219  subid = content.substr ( beginid, endid-beginid);
220  subid = boost::to_lower_copy(boost::trim_copy(subid)) ;
222  begindata = content.find_first_of ( "=", endid ) + 1;
223  enddata = content.find_first_of ( ";", begindata );
224  subdata = content.substr ( begindata, enddata-begindata);
225  subdata = boost::trim_copy(subdata) ;
226  group_ptr->createChild(subid)->content = subdata ;
227  }
228  }
229  else
230  {
231  SuperClass::parse(node, withAttr);
232  }
233  //SuperClass::parse(node, withAttr);
235  }
237 } // namespace xios
StdString getElementName(void) const
Accesseurs ///.
Definition: xml_node.cpp:20
void sendEvent(CEventClient &event)
In case of attached mode, the current context must be reset to context for client.
bool goToParentElement(void)
Definition: xml_node.cpp:61
static void recvValue(CEventServer &event)
Definition: variable.cpp:147
bool getContent(StdString &content)
Definition: xml_node.cpp:78
static bool dispatchEvent(CEventServer &event)
virtual ~CVariable(void)
Destructeur ///.
Definition: variable.cpp:29
virtual void parse(xml::CXMLNode &node)
Autres ///.
Definition: variable.cpp:36
static StdString GetName(void)
Accesseurs statiques ///.
Definition: variable.cpp:32
std::vector< CContextClient * > clientPrimServer
Definition: context.hpp:253
const StdString & getContent(void) const
Definition: variable.cpp:69
static ENodeType GetType(void)
Definition: variable.cpp:34
static StdString GetDefName(void)
Definition: variable.cpp:33
std::string StdString
Definition: xios_spl.hpp:48
const std::list< int > & getRanksServerLeader(void) const
Get leading server in the group of connected server.
#define xios(arg)
void setContent(const StdString &content)
Definition: variable.cpp:74
const StdString & getId(void) const
Accesseurs ///.
Definition: object.cpp:26
virtual StdString toString(void) const
Autres ///.
Definition: variable.cpp:79
const StdString & getVariableOutputName(void) const
Accesseur ///.
Definition: variable.cpp:64
CATCH CScalarAlgorithmReduceScalar::CScalarAlgorithmReduceScalar(CScalar *scalarDestination, CScalar *scalarSource, CReduceScalarToScalar *algo ERROR)("CScalarAlgorithmReduceScalar::CScalarAlgorithmReduceScalar(CScalar* scalarDestination, CScalar* scalarSource, CReduceScalarToScalar* algo)",<< "Operation must be defined."<< "Scalar source "<< scalarSource->getId()<< std::endl<< "Scalar destination "<< scalarDestination->getId())
A context can be both on client and on server side.
std::map< StdString, StdString > THashAttributes
////////////////////// Déclarations ////////////////////// ///
Definition: xml_node.hpp:15
////////////////////// Déclarations ////////////////////// ///
void push(int rank, int nbSender, CMessage &msg)
std::size_t StdSize
Definition: xios_spl.hpp:49
CLog error("error", cerr.rdbuf())
Definition: log.hpp:57
virtual void parse(xml::CXMLNode &node)
bool hasId(void) const
Tests ///.
Definition: object.cpp:41
Constructeurs ///.
Definition: variable.cpp:17
enum xios::_node_type ENodeType
////////////////////// Définitions ////////////////////// ///
StdString content
Definition: variable.hpp:96
StdString id
Propriétés ///.
Definition: object.hpp:51
ENodeType getType(void) const
Accesseurs ///.
std::ostringstream StdOStringStream
Définition de types (issus de la bibliothèque standard)///.
Definition: xios_spl.hpp:41
THashAttributes getAttributes(void) const
Definition: xml_node.cpp:100
void sendValue()
Sending a request to set up variable data.
Definition: variable.cpp:96
static CContext * getCurrent(void)
Get current context.
Definition: context.cpp:2018
CContextClient * client
Concrete contex client.
Definition: context.hpp:251
bool isServerLeader(void) const
Check if client connects to leading server.
static bool dispatchEvent(CEventServer &event)
Definition: variable.cpp:166