13 int myClassId, myType, myNbSender;
15 buffer >> size >> timeLine >> myNbSender >> myClassId >> myType;
"void CEventServer::push(int rank, CServerBuffer* serverBuffer, char* startBuffer, int size)",
27 <<
"The callers of event " << timeLine <<
" are not coherent." << std::endl
28 <<
"Received subevent: classId = " << myClassId <<
", type = " << myType <<
", nbSender = " << myNbSender << std::endl
29 <<
"Expected subevent: classId = " <<
classId <<
", type = " <<
type <<
", nbSender = " <<
"void CEventServer::push(int rank, CServerBuffer* serverBuffer, char* startBuffer, int size)",
42 <<
"The callers of event " << timeLine <<
" are not coherent." << std::endl
43 <<
"Too many subevents have been received (" <<
subEvents.size() <<
" instead of " <<
nbSender <<
54 list<SSubEvent>::iterator it;
57 it->serverBuffer->freeBuffer(it->size);
CATCH CScalarAlgorithmReduceScalar::CScalarAlgorithmReduceScalar(CScalar *scalarDestination, CScalar *scalarSource, CReduceScalarToScalar *algo ERROR)("CScalarAlgorithmReduceScalar::CScalarAlgorithmReduceScalar(CScalar* scalarDestination, CScalar* scalarSource, CReduceScalarToScalar* algo)",<< "Operation must be defined."<< "Scalar source "<< scalarSource->getId()<< std::endl<< "Scalar destination "<< scalarDestination->getId())
CServerBuffer * serverBuffer
list< SSubEvent > subEvents
void push(int rank, CServerBuffer *serverBuffer, char *startBuffer, int size)