01/29/24 10:38:53 (5 months ago)

Compute the GridTransformConnector? (and the associated GridRemoteConnector?) only in a distributed context for the identification of templated elements

1 edited


  • XIOS3/trunk/src/node/domain.cpp

    r2601 r2606  
    18071807   size_t CDomain::computeAttributesHash( MPI_Comm comm ) 
    18081808   { 
    1809      // Compute the hash of distributed attributs (value ...) 
    1810      int globalSize = this->ni_glo.getValue()*this->nj_glo.getValue(); 
    1811      CArray<size_t,1> globalIndex; // No redundancy globalIndex will be computed with the connector 
    1812      shared_ptr<CGridTransformConnector> gridTransformConnector; 
    1813      // Compute a without redundancy element FULL view to enable a consistent hash computation 
    1814      this->getLocalView(CElementView::FULL)->createWithoutRedundancyFullViewConnector( globalSize, comm, gridTransformConnector, globalIndex ); 
    1815      int localSize = globalIndex.numElements(); 
    1817      CArray<double,1> lon_distributedValue, lat_distributedValue ; 
    1818      gridTransformConnector->transfer(this->lonvalue, lon_distributedValue ); 
    1819      gridTransformConnector->transfer(this->latvalue, lat_distributedValue ); 
    1821      // Compute the distributed hash (v0) of the element 
    1822      // it will be associated to the default element name (= map key), and to the name really written 
    1823      size_t localHash = 0; 
    1824      for (int iloc=0; iloc<localSize ; iloc++ ) localHash+=globalIndex(iloc)*lon_distributedValue(iloc)*lat_distributedValue(iloc); 
     1809     int sz(1); 
     1810     MPI_Comm_size( comm, &sz ); 
    18251811     size_t distributedHash = 0; 
    1826      MPI_Allreduce( &localHash, &distributedHash, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, MPI_SUM, comm  ); 
     1812     if (sz!=1) // compute the connector only if the element is distributed 
     1813     { 
     1814       // Compute the hash of distributed attributs (value ...) 
     1815       int globalSize = this->ni_glo.getValue()*this->nj_glo.getValue(); 
     1816       CArray<size_t,1> globalIndex; // No redundancy globalIndex will be computed with the connector 
     1817       shared_ptr<CGridTransformConnector> gridTransformConnector; 
     1818       // Compute a without redundancy element FULL view to enable a consistent hash computation 
     1819       this->getLocalView(CElementView::FULL)->createWithoutRedundancyFullViewConnector( globalSize, comm, gridTransformConnector, globalIndex ); 
     1820       int localSize = globalIndex.numElements(); 
     1822       CArray<double,1> lon_distributedValue, lat_distributedValue ; 
     1823       gridTransformConnector->transfer(this->lonvalue, lon_distributedValue ); 
     1824       gridTransformConnector->transfer(this->latvalue, lat_distributedValue ); 
     1826       // Compute the distributed hash (v0) of the element 
     1827       // it will be associated to the default element name (= map key), and to the name really written 
     1828       size_t localHash = 0; 
     1829       for (int iloc=0; iloc<localSize ; iloc++ ) localHash+=globalIndex(iloc)*lon_distributedValue(iloc)*lat_distributedValue(iloc); 
     1830       distributedHash = 0; 
     1831       MPI_Allreduce( &localHash, &distributedHash, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, MPI_SUM, comm  ); 
     1832     } 
     1833     else // if the element is not distributed, the local hash is valid 
     1834     { 
     1835       int globalSize = this->ni_glo.getValue()*this->nj_glo.getValue(); 
     1836       int localSize = globalSize; 
     1837       size_t localHash = 0; 
     1838       for (int iloc=0; iloc<localSize ; iloc++ ) localHash+=iloc*this->lonvalue(iloc)*this->latvalue(iloc); 
     1839       distributedHash = localHash; 
     1840     } 
    18281842     // Compute the hash of global attributs (unit, prec ...) 
    18291843     vector<StdString> excludedAttr; 
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